Proposal for One Grafton Common

November 6, 2007

The Future of One Grafton Common

Our vision for the future on One Grafton Common begins with the forging of a partnership between Apple Tree Arts and the Town of Grafton, the purpose of which is the preservation of an historic landmark and its resurgence as a destination point for our community.

Through this partnership, the town would have access to arts-related funding resources that would not otherwise be available to assist with this restoration effort. This arrangement would benefit taxpayers by helping to significantly lower the financial burden posed by the renovations that are needed to bring this town-owned asset up to current building codes.

The central focus for Apple Tree Arts vision for One Grafton Common lies in the 250-plus seat “Great Hall” located on the second floor of the structure. We propose returning this currently unutilized architectural gem to its original state and having it once again serve the purpose for which it was intended; a central gathering place for the town.

We see One Grafton Common’s future as a venue for community and children’s theater productions, orchestral performances and symphony concerts, as well the platform for hosting popular music talent and other entertainment acts. In addition to the cultural enhancement this would represent, this use benefits the local economy through generation of tourism and the revenue associated with it.

Apple Tree Arts envisions operating out of the second and third floors at One Grafton Common through the benefit of a reciprocal long-term and below-market-value lease arrangement with the town. We see this as a natural evolution of our organization, which began in Grafton 18 years ago and flourishes today because of the strong foundation we have built in this community. Lease of this space would allow for the logical growth of our program, which has become increasingly hampered by the lack of an adequate sized central location from which to operate and expand.

It Has Been Done Before

There are local examples of partnerships between town governments and cultural/arts organizations. Endeavors undertaken in both Natick and Framingham have proven very successful. The Center for the Arts in Natick (, for example, restored an historic firehouse in the downtown area that is now a venue for concerts, theatrical productions and education in music and the arts. Likewise, the Amazing Things Arts Center in Framingham ( also renovated an historic firehouse and now hosts many national and emerging artists via concert and theatrical performances at their facility.

Next Steps

With the sense of the meeting vote at last month’s town meeting affirming the community’s desire for the town to retain ownership of One Grafton Common, Apple Tree Arts has begun the process of research and business plan creation that is needed for making this initiative come together. Steps taken to date include:

§ Enlisting the services of the WERC Consulting Group, for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study to determine the depth of financial support potentially available through various federal, state and private arts and historic foundations/grants, as well as from businesses and private donors in the broader Grafton community. Our intent is to provide a realistic picture of the financial resources we can bring to this endeavor.

§ Forming a Building Committee made up of Board leaders and the Executive Director. This committee is tasked with investigating and advancing the potential that exists for a partnership with the town as it pertains to the use of One Grafton Common. These efforts also include overseeing the activities of the WERC Consulting Group and serving as the primary communication source on matters related to this venture.

§ Establishing an Advisory Council under the direction of a former Board officer. This council is intended to leverage the knowledge and expertise of Apple Tree Arts supporters within the community for the purpose of further enhancing and expanding our operations.

§ Reserving the Community Barn for a community meeting tentatively scheduled for later this month. The purpose of this meeting is to present our vision of One Grafton Common to the residents of Grafton, businesses and other interested constituents, to solicit their feedback and secure their support.

§ Obtaining the commitment of the President and CEO of the Grafton Suburban Credit Union to spearhead a roundtable discussion of the potential for corporate support with representatives from the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce.

§ Getting placed on the agenda for the November 13th meeting of the Grafton Community Preservation Committee in order to initiate dialogue relative to our interest in preserving the historic asset One Grafton Common represents and the potential for obtaining CPA funding.

§ Reaching out to the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator for guidance as to what additional steps can be taken to advance this initiative in preparation for the May 2008 town meeting and to request the designation of one of the selectmen as a point person for this initiative.

§ Investigating, locating and requesting grant funding to cover expenses associated with this initiative, particularly with regard to the hiring of an experienced grant writer to assist in these fundraising efforts.


All of us at Apple Tree Arts are energized by the potential presented by One Grafton Common. We are committed to providing our resources and initiative in helping to make the resurgence of this historic building as a gathering place for the community a reality. We look to accomplish this through a partnership with the town and all vested constituencies in order to best leverage available sources of funding. We both appreciate and mirror the enthusiasm demonstrated by the various organizations and individuals within our community who have expressed support for this use of the property. The momentum is hard to deny and we are excited for the future of this town landmark.

Respectfully submitted November 6, 2007 by the Apple Tree Arts Building Committee:

§ Gretchen Beck

§ Donna Blanchard

§ Beth Concaugh

§ Paul Scarlett

§ Lori Trahan

§ John Stephens

§ Dana Lewis