The Code of Practice of the University of Leicester Students’ Union [Click here and type name] Society/Association/Media Group 2013/2014.

Web page URL: (Please Insert)

This Code of Practice was adopted by the Committee of the [Click here and type name]

Society/Association/Media Group on (dd/mm/yyyy): / / . It shall be reviewed annually by each newly elected committee, and updated and amended accordingly.

Name / Position / Signature / Date
[insert other committee titles]
[insert other committee titles]

Extend the table if needed.

Democracy and Governance

The [Click here and type name] Society/Association/Media Group shall at all times be governed in accordance with the democratically agreed Constitution. Office holders shall be elected and/or removed from office in accordance with the Constitution. The Constitution shall be made available to all Society/Association members via the web pages of the Society/Association

Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessment

All activities undertaken by the [Click here and type name] Society/Association/Media Group shall at all-time comply with the provisions and requirements set out in the University of Leicester Students’ Union Student Activities Health and Safety Policy.

Where necessary, group activities will be thoroughly Risk Assessed, and control measures put in place in order to minimise risk. In the event of intolerable risks being identified, an activity shall be terminated immediately, and not re-instigated until acceptable control measures have been implemented and agreed with the Students’ Union.

Off Campus Activities and Trips

All off-campus activities and trips shall be registered with the Students Union prior to the activity taking place, in accordance with the University of Leicester Students Union Health and Safety Policy.

In the event of a serious accident or emergency occurring during an off-campus activity, we shall adhere to the Emergency Reporting Procedure as set out in the Off-Campus Registration Forms. We shall further ensure that all participants in off-campus activities are aware of the Emergency Reporting Procedure.
Accidents, and or dangerous occurrences shall be reported in accordance with the RIDDOR regulations and guidelines, as set out below.

Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

All accidents, injuries and/or dangerous occurrences shall be reported in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive’s Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). All such reports shall be made electronically by contacting, or by telephone, by contacting 0845 3009923. It is the responsibility of the Society/Association committee to ensure that they have read and understood the guidelines and provisions set out by RIDDOR

In addition, all accidents, injuries and/or dangerous occurrences shall be reported to the Students’ Union at the earliest possible opportunity.

Health and Safety Training

Each newly elected committee shall ensure that a minimum of one current committee member attends the Health and Safety and Risk Assessment training provided by the Students’ Union. Where attendance is not possible, specific arrangements will be made with the Student Development Officer to ensure that the committee are fully aware of the University of Leicester Students’ Union Student Activities Health and Safety Policy, and the procedures for Risk Assessment.

Coaches and Tutors

In the case of coaches, tutors or instructors being employed, we shall ensure that they are properly registered with the Students’ Union and that the Agreement for the Provision of Tutoring/Coaching Services has been signed and submitted to the Students’ Union. We will ensure that coaches, tutors or instructors are fully aware of the Code of Conduct for Coaches and Tutors as set out in the University of Leicester Students’ Union Student Activities Health and Safety Policy.

Purpose, Use and Storage of Equipment

All equipment held by the group shall be recorded and registered with the Students’ Union. All equipment shall be properly stored and maintained, in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines. No electrical equipment shall be used unless it carries current, up-to-date, safety test certification.

All equipment hired by the group shall be properly stored and maintained, in accordance with manufacturers’ and/or lenders’ guidelines. The group will only hire equipment which carries an appropriate current and up-to-date safety or test certificate (e.g. Portable Appliance Test Certificate, BSI Kite mark etc.)

Catering for Society Events

Organisers of Society/Association/Media Group events shall ensure that prior to organising any catered event in which food and drink is provided, that advice and permission shall be sought from the Students’ Union to ensure that basic food hygiene standards are met and maintained with regard to the preparation, storage and serving of food and drink.

Additional Areas of Practice

It is the responsibility of current committee members to include here any further areas of Society/Association/Media Group practice not included in the provisions above. This section should include details of any local, national, or international governing body guidelines with which Society/Association/Media Group activities must comply.

[You can add anything extra after this point if you feel it is relevant to your Student Group]


Paper copy to be handed into ARC by 21st June 2013

Make sure you read in full.