2orMoreApril ‘07 Outreach Idea

Small Group Easter Weekend Outreach Checklist:

Have an updated master list of small groups available for guests to pick up on Easter weekend.Put hardcopies in a visible location in the foyer and at exit locations. Additionally, invite your guests to download this list from your website. Slide example attached. (Sometimes people who are new to your church will take this material home so they can get a sense of what your church is like, what’s available, and if your church family is a fit for them. The greater the diversity of groups represented, the more likely it is somebody will find a group or ministry team they could imagine fitting into.)

Reflect your church’s community life in anything you handout on Easter weekend, e.g. church bulletins, inserts, etc. Cast a vision of a dynamic, life-giving community full of caring people in all of your small group promotional material. At least highlight a few groups via PowerPoint, especially new groups beginning in the spring. Slide examples attached.

Create a “user-friendly” process for people to plug-in. Brainstorm this question with your leadership team: “If you were a newcomer to our church on Easter weekend and you wanted to get involved in our church’s community life, how would you go about pursuing these opportunities?” Invite your leaders to put themselves in the shoes of a first-time guest then discuss how you can make connection simple, clear, & appealing for those who are interested.

Commission a few groups to assist with the flow of Easter services.One group could support your greeting team by serving as roaming greeters who go the extra mile in helping newcomers, e.g. walking them to the area where they check-in their kids or getting information that helps to answer questions they have. You could also have a group posted at exits to give-away take-aways (see final item for ideas) and tell your guests how great it was to have them this weekend. There’s usually always a need for extra volunteers with parking and childcare on Easter weekend too. This is more than recruiting volunteers…you’re building your Easter outreach task force with small groups!

Provide a “NEXT STEP” for your Easter guests. At the end of a newcomer’s experience at your church, you can say something like: “We loved having you. If you enjoyed being here, we’d love to see you again. Here’s how you can find out more about who we are and some next steps you can take to learn more about our church community, the Lord, and how to experience more of God in your lives…”

  • A card or insert that lists ways guests can explore their questions further, learn more about the church, or get connected
  • After-service coffee and dessert for first-time guests where they can meet pastoral staff
  • Invite to a short-term spiritual growth opportunity (see next item for more)

Offer a short-term spiritual journey in a large/small group format.By April 22nd, offer a 3-6 week growth opportunity that includes food and childcare. After people experience the teaching content as a large group, they breakout to smaller discussion groups.

  • What happened after Jesus’ resurrection? Use Ray Vander Laan’s Faith Lessons series: Volume 4 or 5 or The True Easter Story(
  • The Passion of The Christ 3-week study group (
  • Evidence for the Resurrection. Use Strobel and Mittelberg’s, The Case for Easter video ( and supplement with Faith Under Fire Volume 1 (

See example attached. Just reply back if you’d like to receive the complete package for hosting “Evidence for the Resurrection” and I’ll e-mail it to you at no cost.

Create a card or insert inviting guests to a growth opportunity like those listed in the previous point and put it in a take-away (examples follow) that you invite guests to pick up at no cost as they go.Include on the card your church’s service times, website, etc.