The Conspiratorial Grooming of Supreme Court AppointeeSonia Sotomayor


Hiding the principle political facts of life for over a hundred years

The mass media in 1911 was a monopoly. It was made upof newspapers. Politicalcartoonist Robert Minor was among the mostrespected. Surprisingly his cartoon (reproduced below) was to the point. Therehas been an organized major effort since that time to erase any reference to that point.

In one simple cartoon said it all.

Today theRush Limbaughs, John Hannitys, andnetworks and cable news have done everything they can to hide the top down connections of how the world works.

In fact most of talk radio is scripted to conceal rather than reveal. That is true across the political spectrum.

The fact of political life recognized in 1911 has been stamped out by agents, idiots and the go along to get alongs.

Communism is not the people overthrowing the banking establishment ... Communismis an instrument designed by the banking establishment to enslave the people.

That is why Barack Obama is the "bankers boy".

Communism is a manufactured product of Wall Street andby extension ... theTax Exempt Foundations.

Dr. William Wirtheaded the U.S. Office of Education. His secretary became a Communist 8 years afterMinor's cartoon was published. Communist Alice Barrows predictedexactly how Communism would be implemented.

Andthatis exactly how the "bankers boy" Obama is accomplishing America's Communist coup.

Talk hostslike a giddypre-ejaculating juveniles reach their intellectual peek bycriticizingNancy Pelosi's plastic surgery. All of the while ... pretending not to notice that 10.8 trillion dollars has been stolen from the American peopleby foreign bankers in a mere 8 months!

These eunuchsstill defend Republican (Skull & Bones) George Bush(who took an oath to the dark side using human remains in his ritual).Evenavillage idiot can seethe Hitlerian apparatusis being visibly installedby Homeland Security (a termfrom Hitler's mouth) with the advise from the KGB and Stasi.

Primakov (KGB) and Kissinger

Markus Wolf "Stasi" East German Secret Police advisor to the Bush administration on how to control the American people.

George Bush merely handed the tyranny baton to Obama (the Bankster's boy).

Good lord !This is a Punch and Judy Show. While you weremerely watching and cheering one side or the other ... theypicked your pocket. With everything you own. And you none the wiser areon your way home amused ... and they intend to kill you.

Back to Communist Alice Barrows: Sheand several other government employees revealed to Dr. Wirtthey were members of the Communist party. Wirttestified before an investing Congressional committee,

"I was told they believe that by thwarting our then evident economic recovery, they would be able to prolong the country’s destitution until they had demonstrated to the American people that the Government must operate business and commerce. By propaganda, they would destroy institutions making long term capital loans—and then push Uncle Sam into making these loans. Once Uncle Sam becomes our financier, he must also follow his money with control and management.

Wirt further testified they told him,

"We believe we have Roosevelt (Obama) in the middle of a swift stream, and that the current is so strong, that he cannot turn back or escape from it. We believe that we can keep Mr. Roosevelt (Obama) there until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin. We all think that Mr. Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution. We are on the inside. We can control the avenues of influence. We can make the President believe that he is making decisions for himself."[1]

Sonia Sotomayor has long standing connectionswith the Brotherhood of Death. And just like Obama is a willing, groomedtool of the Banksters.

Sonia has been handled by the "banking establishment" from very early on . She is part of theirWorld Government brothel.

Soniaadmits to attracting the "international community's" attention by throwing herself into a racial front known as the Third WorldCenter. ( Now called theCarlA.FieldsCenter for Equality and Cultural Understanding).

Carl Fields was a black dean for Princeton also controlled by the elite.Carl Fields received Ford Foundation fellowship.

The director of the Ford Foundation stated their purpose was to ... "so alter the U.S. that it could comfortable merge into the Soviet Union." Carl Field was an administrator of the NY RiversideChurch (Rockefeller Jr.'s church). The church was run by Emerson Fosdick. Brother Raymond Fosdick ran the Rockefeller Foundation.

Carl Field was an associate of Communist Tutu'sscholarship fund.

Sonia Sotomayor learned how to please the New World Order elite and like a nymphomaniac won't stop.

They funded her rise. Soniawas paidvia the (Moses Taylor PynePrize).The NWO need a black and Hispanic Judas goats for their planned culling of the population.

Sonia is the Banker's "girl". The fact is Moses Taylor Pyne wasthe director of 4 banks, 8 railroads, a gas and insurance company, 4 steel mills and president of the 1st national Bank of NY. Robert Minor's 1911 cartoon displays the Wall Street welcome to Karl Marx and Communism.

Ist National City Bank's president Frank Vanderlip headed the most powerful bank at the time. Itrepresented William Rockefeller who joined 6 other men representing one fourth of the world's wealth in a conspiracy to cheat the American people.

This conspiracy set up the banker owned Federal Reserve.The best read in the book"Creature from JekyllIsland" by G. Edward Griffin.So the biggestfortune to the greatest scam on earth is also the

sourseof the Pyne Prize given to traitor Sonia Sotomayor.

M. T. Pyne followed Vanderlip to the presidency of 1st National Bank.

Barack is the Banker's boy and Sonia is the Banker's girl. These people are the Judas goats to hold down their fellow ethnics while the eugenicists follow the Club of Rome's agenda in preparation for genocide. Moses T. Pyne accelerated the recruiting for the conspiracy by system of so called"eating clubs".

This was a conduit for the secret societies.

Moses Tyler Pyne was president of Ist National Bank which is the owner of Federal Reserve stock.

None of this is mentioned by the dopes (media) who fall for the Republican / Democrat ... Liberal / Conservative malaise palmed off daily as "the news". The mediamerely gets people to huddle in Hegelian fear as planned ... while the "elite" consolidates the world.

Communism is exactly where Barack and Sonia are going.

Soniawent to Yale school and was made editor of the Yale Law Journal. That is what happened toArlen Specter. Yale is home to the Brotherhood of Death (Skull & Bones) and agaggle of replicas to accommodate the wealthy families involved in the "killing game".

Sotomayor wascredentialed bythe "insiders". Sonia wasplaced with Robert Morgenthau NY District Attorney. Robert went to the conspiracy's Ten School Organization (Deerfield ) and to Yale.

Robert Morgenthau worked for NY MayorRepublican John Lindseywho went to theTen School Organization (St Paul's School), alsoYale and belonged to the secret society Scroll and Key. John Lindseywas frequently appointed to positionsin NY by(Council on Foreign Relations) Republican Rudy Giuliani.

Robert Morgenthau's father was there at the beginning of the conspiracy under Wilson.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. was a supporter of Woodrow Wilson's Federal Reserve, and League of Nations. He went the Dwight school named after Brotherhood of Death (Skull & Bones) member Timothy Dwight who was a president of Yale.

Henry Morgenthau Jr was treasurer of theUnited States.

It was the Morgenthau Plan ... that stole money from the American taxpayers to please the bankers after

WWII . The Morgenthau Planwas the bankster's plan for a European Union.

The European Union is the result of the international private bankers using American money and the U.S. and Britishintelligence agencies'skullduggery. Europe is now under theregional control of the UN.

Sonia has been whoring for the wealthy banking establishment her whole life.

Republican George H.W. Bush (Skull & Bones) appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. district court of

NY. Sonia replaced a cousin of George Bush (S&B) , John M. Walker Jr..

John M. Walker Jr went to the Ten School Organization (PhillipsExeterAcademy)... imagine that!

Walker is a professor at Yale law school and was a member of one of the secret societies (Wolf's Head) as exposed in the book America's Secret Establishment (free download

Republican Orin Hatch chairman of the Judiciary committee voted for communist Sonia

Sotomayor. Hatch is a member of the Ripon society. Rush wouldrather keep people in the dark andmad than informed.

Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity are also tools of Skull and Bones. Rush never in his radio career told his listening audience of the Ripon Society. The Ripon society is a group of Republican that jump when Rockefeller says jump.They promote the NWO by promoting Council on Foreign Relations Republicans or thosewho will do their bidding.

Rushsaid he had adopted William Buckley (Brotherhood of Death) as his second father. Buckley wrote in his autobiography that if he had his life to live over again he would have beenbe a "Communist". This makessense if one understands the history.

"Communism"is a devise of the bankers to enslave the people. Just as "CATO capitalism" promotes unbridled monopoly for the same forces and purpose. The "insiders"don't care about philosophy they demand control. The followers of the "left" and"right"are merely disposableuseful idiots.

John Roberts is also groomed and in position to impose the planned death sentence for the U.S.A.

Both John Roberts and Sonia Sotomayor were appointed by Skull and Bones members. The origins and the goals are the same.

The brain washed can't seethe scamfor the life of them. They simple mindedlycheer for the "left" or the"right". People react emotionally and refuse to think.

All the while a slow motion communistcoup d etis rolling in front of their eyes.

And the people are deliberately confused because of the culprits and dopes in the media.

as is documented at the following link ... John Roberts made of same cloth

Too many talk hosts read DRUDGE and think they have done their homework.

To rehash DRUDGE is such disservice to intelligent listeners.

Search you dial to avoid the ... therepetitive fluff and propaganda from

APand theinternational community. The Ostrich can be fearsome ... once his head is out of the sand! Or he will be murdered by the powers that be.

Intelligence Report

G. Richard Arnold