STEM Career Presentation

There are many careers that require the knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math. Some of these careers you might not realize are in fact STEM careers. The skills we work on in this class carry over to many careers out in the real-world. You will be investigating and reporting on a STEM career that you find interesting. Throughout the school year, on Fridays, one student will give a presentation on their chosen STEM career. Hopefully this will allow you to learn about some new and exciting careers. Maybe you will like it so much you will want to pursue that career in the future!

The following information will need to be included in your STEM Career Presentation:

Job Title – What is the name of the career you chose?

Job Description – what do they do at work? What would a normal day look like?

Where they Work – do they work in an office, outside, at a school? Is there a particular state or part of the United States they have to live in to have this career?

Skills you need – Are there any skills important to this career? Working as a team, patience, physically in shape, creative, etc.?

Education/Training – How much education do you need? What type of a degree do you need? How long do you have to go to school? Is special training required?

Salary – How much money will you make yearly?

Job Outlook – Will there be enough jobs? Will it be easy or hard to get a job out of college? Is it expected to grow or decline in the next few years?

Interesting Fact – What is one interesting fact you learned about the career?

Why did you choose this career, and how does it relate to STEM?

Bibliography/Works Cited – Where did you get your information? Cite the websites or books you got your information from.

Other Requirements

Presentation must be done on Google Slides

Career must be approved by Mrs. Howell before you present

You cannot do the same career as anyone in your class period, or the same career you presented last year

Your presentation must be turned into Google Classroom the Thursday before you present.

* Because there will be students presenting until the end of the school year the grades for this project will not be entered all at once. The grade will be entered in the quarter that you present in.

STEM Career Presentation Rubric – 80 points

3 points / 2 points / 1 point / 0 points
Job Title / ______/ ______/ The name of the career is present and stated / The name of the career is not stated
Job Description / Career is described in detail. There is no question what the person does. / Career is described in some detail. There are still 1 or 2 questions about the career. / Career is described in little to no detail. Many questions about career / The job description is not given.
Work Location / Work location is described using great detail. / Work location is described in detail. / Work location is described in very little detail. / The work location is not given.
Skills Needed / Special skills needed for this career are discussed in great detail. / Special skills needed for this career are somewhat discussed. / Special skills needed are discussed very little. / Special skills needed are not give.
Education/Training / Education and job training are covered in great detail. Degree and number of years of school are addressed / Education and job training are covered in some detail. Either degree or years of school are addressed / Education and training are covered in little detail. / Education and job training are not covered.
Salary / The salary of the career is discussed in great detail / ______/ The salary of the career is discussed in little detail / The salary of the career is not given.
Job Outlook / Detailed information about the growth of the career is given / Some information about the growth of the career is given. / Very little information about growth / Job outlook is not given
Interesting Fact / The interesting fact is a fact that has not been given yet. / ______/ The interesting fact has been given already. / No interesting fact is given.
Reasoning for Career Choice / A reason for the career choice is given and explained and related to STEM / A reason for the career is given but not explained and is related to STEM / A reason for the career is given, but not related to STEM / No reason for the career is given and is not related to STEM
Works Cited/Bibliography / Works cited page contains 3 reliable sources / Works cited contains 2 reliable sources / Works cited page contains 1 reliable source / No works cited page is given
Google Slides / The slides are creative, helps understanding, and has no errors. / The slides arecreative and has 1-3 errors. / The slides are hard to read and has 4 or more errors / No slides are present.
Eye Contact / Eye contact is made often during the presentation. / Eye contact is occasionally made throughout the presentation. / Very little eye contact is made. / No eye contact is made. Read straight from the slides/paper
Professionalism / Full attention is given to the presentation and students are look and very professional / Most attention is given to the presentation, but there are some distractions / Distractions are present during presentation (laughter, etc.) / No attention is given to the presentation
Voice / The presentation is very easy to understand. The voice is loud and clear. / The presentation is easy to understand. The voice is loud and clear most of the time. / The presentation is hard to understand. The voice is soft and unclear at some times. / The presentation cannot be understood. The voice is very soft and unclear.

Helpful Resources

The following websites can be helpful when researching your STEM career. Remember that websites like Wikipedia and are not reliable resources. You will need at least 3 reliable resources for your works cited page. If you are citing a webpage, you need to have the name of the website followed by the link for the website. Below is an example of how you should put it in your presentation.

STEM Career

Minnesota State Careerwise Education

US News and World Report

O*Net Online

Science Buddies

United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity

Career Kids

Science Pioneers

STEM Type (This website will give you many different career options when finished with the quiz)

Florida Ploytechnic University (What kind of STEM career is for you? – This will tell you some careers that may interest you.)