1. It is our pleasure to announce
the Conference on Functional Analysis in Honour of Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
to be held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, May 16
- 20, 2016.
You are cordially invited to participate in the meeting.
Please let us know at your earliest convenience whether you are
planning to attend the conference.
Please feel free to pass the information about the conference to anyone else.
Best wishes,
Local organizers (Alexander Litvak, Vladimir Troitsky, VladYaskin)
2. Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce that registration has now opened for the conference "Transfinite methods in Banach spaces and algebras of operators", to be held in Bedlewo, Poland, 18-22 July 2016.
To register, please go to the conference webpage and follow the links:
There is a registration fee of 900PLN (approx. €210), which includes room and full board for the duration of the conference.Important dates:
15 April: deadline for graduate students to apply for financial support to cover their local expenses (see the webpage for full details);
31 May: registration to the conference closes (may happen earlier, if all rooms at the conference centre fill up);
24 June : deadline for submission of abstracts of contributed talks.
Main speakers are: Tristan Bice (Salvador), Christina Brech (São Paulo), Yemon Choi (tbc)(Lancaster), MarekCuth (Prague), Garth Dales (Lancaster), Alan Dow (North Carolina), ValentinFerenczi (São Paulo), JoannaGarbulińska (Kielce), Gilles Godefroy (CNRS), Bill Johnson (tbc) (Texas A&M), Tomasz Kochanek (IM PAN, Warsaw), Jordi Lopez-Abad (ICMAT Madrid), PavlosMotakis (Texas A&M), GrzegorzPlebanek (Wrocław), Thomas Schlumprecht (Texas A&M), David Sherman (tbc)(Virginia), Jesus Suarez (Caceres), StevoTodorcevic (CNRS, Toronto).
If you have any questions, please look at the webpage, or write to this address (possibly NOT
replying to this e-mail).
Best regards,
the organizers (Antonio Aviles, PiotrKoszmider, NielsLaustsen)
June 6th – June 10th, Cartagena (Spain)
The ALEL will take place from the June 6 to 8. In its sixth edition, it is
co-organized by the universities of Alicante, Cartagena, Limoges, Miguel
Hernández (Elche) and Murcia. The aim of the meeting is to promote the
connection and exchange of knowledge among researchers from different
countries on topics like convex and non-smooth analysis, numerical methods
or semi-infinite optimization.
There will be a number of (non-parallel) invited talks given by the
following speakers:
Paul Armand,
Jean-Baptiste Caillau,
Thai Doan Chuong, Robert Deville,
Sorin-Mihai Grad,
Hiriart-Urruty, NouredineIgbida, AbderrahimJourani,
Yalcin Kaya,
Mathieu Kessler,
Guoyin Li,
Boris Mordukhovic,
Mikhail Ostrovskii,
Daniele Puglisi,
David Salas Videla,
Francisco Silva,
Mikhail Solodov,
Shawn Wang,
Darius Zagrodny.
A poster session will be held for (especially young) researchers to
display their work.
The ALEL will be followed from June 9 to 10 by the fourth edition of the
Workshop on Functional Analysis organized by the research group of
Functional Analysis of the UM. Gathering of experienced and novice
researchers with interest in Banach space theory, the meeting will consist
of a series of short talks as well as plenary talks given by the following
Daniel Azagra,
Jonathan Borwein,
Gilles Godefroy,
Natalia Jonard,
Vladimir Kadets,
Denka Kutzarova (to be confirmed),
Tony Prochazka,
Daniele Puglisi,
Clemente Zanco.
Both meetings will be held in the millenarian seaside city of Cartagena,
more specifically, in the historic building of the Polytechnic University
of Cartagena, former Instruction Center of Army, and currently occupied by
the Naval Museum and the Faculty of Business. It is located opposite the
port, closed to hotels and the pedestrian area of the city.
For registration and details about travel and accommodation, we refer to
the respective homepages of the meetings:
For more information, please contact Matías Raja <matias(at)um.es>.
On behalf of the organizing committee:
Carlos Angosto, Luis Oncina, Antonio Pallarés and Matías Raja.
4. Dear colleagues,
The Analysis group at Kent State University is happy to announce a meeting of the Informal Analysis Seminar, which will be held at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Kent State University, April 30th - May 1st, 2016. The seminar will feature plenary speakers
ImreBárány (AlfrédRényi Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and
AsafNachmias (Tel Aviv University).
Each speaker will deliver a four hour lecture series designed to be accessible for graduate students.
Funding is available to cover the local and travel expenses of a limited number of participants. Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply for support.
A poster session will be held for researchers to display their work. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit a poster. Posters can be submitted electronically in PDF format.
Further information, and an online registration form, can be found online
We encourage you to register as soon as possible, but to receive support and/or help with hotel reservation, please register before March 31st, 2016.
Finally, please feel free to forward this email to any colleagues or students who you think may be interested in attending.
Best regards,
The Kent State Analysis Group
5. Dear colleagues,
Tuesday July 5- Saturday July 9, 2016 there will be a Concentration Week, "Metric Spaces: Analysis, Embeddings into Banach Spaces, Applications", organized by FlorentBaudier, Mikhail Ostrovskii, LovaRandrianarivony and Thomas Schlumprecht. The Concentration Week aims to bring together researchers in analysis on metric spaces, discrete geometry, nonlinear Banach space geometry, and geometric group theory, and to facilitate further interaction among
researchers in these fields.
The homepage of the Concentration Week is located at
For information about the Concentration Week "Metric Spaces: Analysis, Embeddings into Banach Spaces, Applications", please contact FlorentBaudierflorent at math.tamu.edu>.
This concentration week is sponsored by the Workshop in Analysis and
Probability at Texas A&M.You can get some information about the
Workshop from the home page, URL
The Workshop is supported in part by grants from the National Science
Foundation (NSF). Minorities, women, graduate students, and young
researchers are especially encouraged to attend.
For logistical support, including requests for support, please contact
Cara Starmercara at math.tamu.edu>. For more information on the Workshop
itself, please contact William Johnson <johnson at math.tamu.edu>,
David Kerr <kerr at math.tamu.edu>, or Gilles Pisierpisier at math.tamu.edu>.
F. Baudier (Texas A&M University), for the organizing committee:
M. Ostrovskii (St John's University),
N. Randrianarivony (St Louis University),
Th. Schlumprecht (Texas A&M University).
Florent P. Baudier
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Texas A&M University
Office: Blocker 525C
webpage :
Mailstop 3368 | College Station, TX 77843
Fax. 979.845.6028