2014 Thomas Edison High School Senior Class All Night Party

Sponsored By The Edison Parent Group

Date: 9:00pm Friday, May 30th until 7:00am Saturday May, 31st

  • Attendees must arrive no later than 10pm for admission to the party
  • Students will not be permitted to leave before 7:00am on May 31st, unless there is prior written permission from the parent/guardian.

Location: Thomas Edison Community Gym

Cost: $10.00 per student by May 23rd. $20.00 per student after May 23rd, through lunch on May 30th.

A valid student ID must be presented at time of sign-up AND for admission to the party.

Student must be currently enrolled as a Senior at Edison

Student must be in good standing, i.e. not have any unexcused absences or unexcused tardies, not on the current referral or suspension list, & not part of a pending referral or suspension, all per Edison High School records.

Students will be expected to follow and adhere to all MPS and Edison High School policies and expectations.

Please note there will not be any personnel available to administer medications. Parents/guardians may pre-arrange with the Edison Parent Group to assist your student with any medications.

In the event of an emergency, and you need to contact a chaperone, please call 612-709-3419.

NO REFUNDS (Keep this top portion)


(Return this bottom portion)

The following Edison senior class student ______, has my permission to attend the Senior Class All Night Party on May 30th – 31st, at the Edison Community Gym.

I understand my student:

  • Must sign-up and pre-pay by the deadline (May 23rd for $10 fee; $20 after May 23rd)
  • Must arrive between 9:00pm & 10:00pm on the 30th in order to be admitted.
  • Will not be permitted to leave until 7:00am on May 31st, unless I have made prior arrangements
  • Must be in good standing, i.e. not on the current referral or suspension list, & not part of a pending referral or suspension, per Edison High School records.


Name of Parent/Guardian Relationship to Student

Parent/Guardian Address Phone #

Alternate Emergency Contact Name Alternate Phone #

This student has health concerns Yes* No If yes, please fill out the back of this form.

We/I understand the arrangements and believe the necessary precautions and plans for the care and supervision of the students during this activity will be taken. We/I understand that once admitted to the party the student will need to stay until the end of the party (unless in case of emergency) and there will not be any re-admittance if a person has left. We/I understand that if any rules are broken at the Senior Class All Night Party that a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up our/my student. Beyond this we will not hold the school or those supervising the activity responsible.


Student Signature & Date Parent /Guardian Signature & Date

Health Information Form

The following confidential information will be kept on file at the Senior Class All Night Party. Adult chaperones will have access to this information.

Student Name

Please list health concerns: