The Community Festival (ComFest) Grants Application (Page 1 of 3)
Applicant Information:
Organization Name: ______Contact Person: ______
Address: ______Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______City, State, Zip: ______
Phone Number: ______Phone Number: ______
Cell Number: ______Cell Number: ______
Email Address: ______Email Address: ______
Website address: ______Alternate Contact Person: ______
Status of Organization (check applicable boxes):Fiscal Agent: ______
[ ] NonprofitAddress: ______
[ ] IncorporatedCity, State, Zip: ______
[ ] Tax-exemptPhone Number: ______
Employer Identification Number (if applicable): ______Contact Name: ______
Mission and History of Organization
In the space below please outline the Mission of your organization and provide a brief history. Include the number of paid and unpaid staff members, number of board members and number of volunteers. Describe your current programs and activities.
Historical Revenues
What have your organization’s revenues been in these years:
2004:______2007: ______
2005:______2008 (Projected): ______
Affiliation with The Community Festival (ComFest)
In this space, briefly describe your affiliation, if any, with The Community Festival (ComFest). Be specific with what you have done with The Community Festival.
Check each year in which you had a connection with ComFest: [ ] 2003 [ ] 2004 [ ] 2005 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2007[ ] 2008
Certification Statement
The signature below certifies that this organization’s governing board has given formal approval for the submission of this application, that all facts, figures and representations made in this application are true and correct to the best of the signer’s knowledge and signifies our intent to comply with the mission statement of The Community Festival (ComFest) and its grant process.
Board President Signature: ______Authorized Official Signature: ______
Name (Please Print): ______Name (Please Print): ______
The Community Festival (ComFest) Grants Application (Page 2 of 3)
Grant Request
Amount Requested: ______
Purpose of Grant: ______
Please attach a narrative detailing the grant request. Narrative may be up to two pages in length, minimum 12-point type, double-spaced. Please include: dates of the project, location(s) of the project, a detailed project description, program or project goals, and names of the key organizers. Include your matching contributions, which may come in the form of: community support, in-kind contributions and/or financial support. Include a description of your planning process. Is the project handicapped accessible? If not, what is your plan for making it accessible? Describe your marketing plan, and describe your constituency (be specific about demographics, such as race, class, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and people with disabilities). Include your plan for evaluating the success of your project. If this grant is not fully funded, how do you plan to complete the project?
Community Involvement
How will your project incorporate outreach into the community? Describe the geographical scope of the project. Describe your target community and your plan for involving that community. List all community partners with whom you plan to work. How many total people will benefit from your project? How many children? How many seniors? Maximum one page, 12-point type, double-spaced.
Relationship to The Community Festival (ComFest) Statement of Principles
Describe how your proposal serves to advance the principles of The Community Festival (ComFest) in the community. Maximum one page, 12-point type, double-spaced.
Other Supporting Materials
You must attach:You may attach:
IRS 501(c) 3 Determination Letter (applicant’s or fiscal agent’s.)Letters of support/commitment (up to three);
If you have a fiscal agent, you will need a letter from the agent, Recent newsletter articles, newspaper clippings, evaluations or reviews
signed by its person of authority, certifying its commitment to(up to three);
serving as your fiscal agent. Other pertinent materials (up to three);
Other: ______
The Community Festival (ComFest) Grant Application (Page 3 of 3)
Project Budget*
Project Income*Income Item / Totals
ComFest Grant
Govt grants & contracts
Religious institutions
United Way
Individual contributions
Fundraising events & products
Membership income
In-kind support
Othe Income
Total Project Income
Project Expenses*
Expense Item / Grant / Other / Total
Salaries & wages / XXXXXXXXX
Benefits & payroll taxes / XXXXXXXXX
Consultant & professional fees:
Technical & Production
Other prof fees (specify):
Materials and Equipment
Office Supplies / XXXXXXXXX
Marketing & publicity
Printing & copying / XXXXXXXXX
Telephone & fax / XXXXXXXXX
Postage & delivery / XXXXXXXXX
Rent & utilities / XXXXXXXXX
In-kind expenses
Other (specify):
Total Project Expenses
Project Income Minus Expenses / This should equal zero
*Include Income and Expenses related to the PROJECT only! This is NOT an organizational budget.