Brahma 1
Joe Brahma
Ms. Pacheco
English III
8 September 2014
Weekly Book Report
Gilbert, Elizabeth. Eat Pray Love. New York: Penguin Books, 2006. 331.
Number of pages read this week: 35
Characters: Elizabeth, Giovanni, Liz’ husband, David
Plot:(Describe the plot in one paragraph.)
Elizabeth Gilbert is a magazine writer that travels the world. While she is going through a divorce, she starts a relationship with a man named David. They have a passionate relationship and she is crazily in love with him, but they also have problems. Elizabeth and David continually fight and break up and then they get back together again. After about a year, Elizabeth’s divorce becomes final and she decides to break things off with David and travel for a year to escape her problems. She makes a plan to go to Italy for four months, then India, and ultimately Indonesia. In Italy, she meets a man named Giovanni who is much younger than herself. He wants to learn to speak English and she wants to learn Italian, so they make arrangements to practice together. Elizabeth has a crush on Giovanni and she wants him to kiss her, but nothing ever comes of it.
Conflict: (Describe the central conflict in the book in one paragraph.)
Elizabeth is going through a horrible divorce. When she turns thirty, her husband starts really pushing her to have a child. They had always agreed that they would have children one day, but now Liz has decided she doesn’t want any. This causes conflict in their relationship.
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Elizabeth’s husband feels like she lied to him by misleading him to believe she wanted the same
things as him. Elizabeth agonizes over her decision to divorce her husband. She spends nights crying alone in the bathroom trying to decide what to do, but in the end, she determines she must her marriage. She simply doesn’t want to be married anymore. What ensues is a bitter divorce that takes more than a year to settle because her husband doesn’t want to compromise. She is willing to let him have the house, but that is not enough for him. He wants a percentage of anything she earns from anything she wrote during their marriage. The lawyers finally settle all their disputes over financial matters, and that’s when Elizabeth determines she’s going to travel for one year to distress and forget about all the agony she has just been trough.
Opinion of the book so far:
This book is very interesting. Elizabeth Gilbert is funny and engaging to read and she holds my attention. I cannot put this book down. I love the way she describes the beauty of Italy and characterizes the people she meets there. She is also very good at conveying her emotions to the reader as she goes through her divorce. I can feel her pain intensely and I relate to her strongly because she is so descriptive with her words. I can’t wait to read more of this book. I picked a good one!