August 22, 2016
The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 11:00 a.m.Karen Skoog was excused.
Bid Opening – BG-2015-123 Jail Renovation. Public Works Director Sam Castro was present. The hearing was opened and the notice was read. One bid was received from Dennis Cleavenger Construction of Spokane. S. Castro requested additional time for Public Works to review the bid. The hearing was closed.
The Board spoke about the tour of the West Branch LeClerc Creek Bridge No. 2 replacement site.
S. Castro was present.
The Board discussed the request made by the Youth Emergency Services (YES) program. Motion was made by S. Kiss to grant the YES program $15,000.00 from reserve funds to further their mission until additional funding becomes available. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board recessed for lunch.
Public Works Update – Present were S. Castro and Office Manager/Risk Manager Teresa Brooks. Newport Miner News Editor Don Gronning arrived midway through the update.
Upon review of the bid received for the jail renovation, S. Castro stated it was not within the anticipated budget scope. Motion was made by S. Kiss to reject the bid in its entirety. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
T. Brooks discussed Risk Pool insurance renewal. Motion was made by S. Kiss to renew the liability and property insurance policy at current levels based on past practices. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
Update items included completed and intended projects at the fairgrounds, computer stations at the jail, on call procedures for maintenance employees, a proposed equipment purchase, the Usk Transfer Station schedule change, the current bridge project, federal funding, the grant request, and securityneeds.
Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt was present for an update. Also present were S. Castro and County Engineer Don Ramsey. Items discussed included county roads relating to standards, terminology andcounty responsibility. Also discussed were Diking District No. 1, marijuana and litigation.
Counseling Services Director Annabelle Payne was present for an update. Topics of discussion included a meeting with the Kalispel tribe regarding conjoint service, impending waitlist for the Substance Use Disorder program, staff trainings, and a musical performance regarding mental healthmatters.
Public Comment Period – no one present.
Motion was made by S. Kissto continue the meeting to August 23. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
August 23, 2016
Coffee Talk – The Commissioners’ meeting room was open at 8:30 a.m. for refreshments.
The meeting resumed at9:00 a.m.K. Skoog was excused.
M. Manus called to order the meeting of the Elected Officials and Department Heads. The following were in attendance: Auditor Marianne Nichols, Clerk Tammie Ownbey, Treasurer Terri Miller, Human Resources Manager Maria Swinger-Inskeep, Sheriff Alan Botzheim, Community Development Director Mike Lithgow, A. Payne, S. Castro, D. Hunt, WSU County Extension Director Mike Jensen, Assessor Jim McCroskey, T. Brooks, ITS Director Mark Lemen, Financial Manager Jill Shacklett, Emergency Management Deputy Director JoAnn Boggs, Dispatch 911 Coordinator Steve West, Economic Development Director Jamie Wyrobek, Washington Department of Commerce Business Development Manager Terry Lawhead, City of Newport Administrator Ray King, Kalispel Tribe Representatives Afton Servas, Ray Walrath, Zach Welcker and Ken Merrill, Consultant Gregg Dohrn, Town of Cusick Mayor Chris Evers, Port of Pend Oreille Manager Kelly Driver, county resident Bob Eugene, and Newport Miner Managing Editor Michelle Nedved.
Elver Williams was present to give Sheriff Botzheim a handmade plaque.
The meeting continued with a discussion regarding HiTest Sand, Inc. selecting Pend Oreille County for its silicon smelting facility. M. Manus clarified the endeavor is not finalized, however it was designated a Project of Statewide Significance and will receive $300,000 in state funding. Also explained was the smelting process and the workforce impact. G. Dohrn spoke about the role of facilitating the permitting, design and construction of the facility. Also discussed were development concerns, analysis of the site, and additional funding.
J. Wyrobek, G. Dohrn, M. Lithgow, T. Lawhead and K. Driver were present to continue the discussion regarding the proposed HiTest Sandsilicon smelter facility. Topics included: steps in the planning process; permitting; development; tribal relations; and, a grant request.
Consent Agenda – Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s August 15, 2016 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings (year-to-date):$17,320.45
Payroll Change Notice:
Prosecutor’s Office –
Lisa Arndt-Stigall, Victim Witness Program Coordinator, Step 1, $2,890.45/mo., Effective 8/29/2016
Sheriff-Communications –
Nicole Reierson, Resignation, Effective 8/27/2016
Weed Board –
David Dumaw, Seasonal Field Inspector, $11.75/hr., Effective 8/12/2016
In the Matter of Continuing Relationships with the Washington Counties Risk Pool and the Related Appointments and Designations of/for Each Member County
The Board recessed for lunch.
M. Lemen was present for an ITS update. Items discussed included software conversions and upgrades, security software, a social media policy, a purchase order procedure, the GIS Interactive map, potential trainings, and computer kiosks at the jail.
M. Lithgow and G. Dohrn were present to discuss a potential future tour of an operating smelter site. Also discussed was a steering committee comprising of stakeholders, a suggestion to hold a series of meetings which would include representatives from HiTest Sand, mapping of the proposed site, and a follow up letter to the Department of Commerce.
Richard Bevins was present to expressconcerns regarding the river.
Correspondence Received:
8.26WCRP-Certificate of Membership
8.27C. Brekke-Goodwill 2015 Impact Report
8.28WSLCB-Liquor License Application for Crossroads Family Restaurant, 421341 Hwy 20, Usk, Kalispel Indian Community of Washington
8.29J. Zachary-Bridging the Gap in Services Proposal
Correspondence Sent:
B. Bonlender-Follow up
As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:
Salary and Claim
Current Expense$128,262.23
Counseling Services$ 10,181.44
Fair$ 550.00
Park$ 15,042.00
Road$ 35,347.47
Low Income Housing/2060$ 609.33
Homeless Program/2163$ 803.33
Capital Projects$ 133.47
Solid Waste$ 4,198.13
Risk Management$ 1,111.50
Checks 158922 through159011 totaling $176,841.33 and Electronic Funds Transfers 8710 through 8711 totaling $19,397.57 dated August 22, 2016.
There being no further business, M. Manus declared the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
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