The College of Richard Collyer, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2EJ
/ Angus Clark: Angus is a Movement for Health Explorer, Enabler and Educator. He is founder of The School of Living Movement; Author of The Complete Illustrated Guide to Tai Chi; Illustrated Elements of Tai Chi; Secrets of Qigong.The sessions: Tai Chi Essence - Exploring Processes of Release in Solo Postures and Pushing Hands.
/ Michael Davies: Michael has been practicing Tai Chi for 35 years, Yang style. In recent years he has developed a simplified fusion of Cheng man-ching form and 24 Step Form. He now focuses on exercise & Qigong aspects of Chinese Internal Health Arts, particularly with a stick (wand).
The session: The Taiji Boating Wand is a gentle moving form that manipulates a bamboo pole around the body in spiral and circular patterns, creating a therapeutic effect, increasing circulation and loosening joints. The session will guide participants through selected movements from the form and is suitable for beginners. Bamboo sticks (wands) approximately four-foot in length will be provided for the session.
/ Peter Dekker: Is an independent researcher focussing on weapons of the Qing dynasty; mostly edged weapons and archery equipment. He combines researching period accounts, texts and artwork with the study of antique artefacts and training with antiques or close reproductions.
The sessions: The workshops will teach some of the basics of historical sword sparring, that applies various movements from known forms. Bring wooden sword.
/ John Hine: is a founder member, Senior Instructor and Honorary President of the Tai Chi Union. He is a Sifu in and has been teaching Yang Tai Chi, Shaolin Kung Fu, Hsing I Chuan and Bagua Chang for most of his adult life.
The sessions: Saturday – Using the “locks” in the Tai Chi form to move Chi around your Body
Sunday – Tai Chi Qigong
/ Ian Kendal: Ian has been practicing Wudang Tai Chi since 1992 and is a full-time Senior Instructor, under his teacher Dan Docherty. Ian promotes Wudang Tai Chi Chuan as an effective martial art for self-defence and exercise method for students of all ages within his school Tai Chi Brighton.
The session: The difference between self-defence and fighting and why it's important. The recognition of threat, and appropriate use of force to de-escalate visual, verbal and physical violence. Practical explanation of selected Tai Chi Chuan principles through contact and non-contact movement drills to allow you to escape, evade, divert and disrupt an attack.
/ Jean Luc Lesueur: began martial arts training at the age of 11, and has studied and taught in France, Japan and China. Jean Luc`s main teaching is of Tai Ki Ken, Yi Quan, and Shuai Jiao a form of Chinese wrestling.
The sessions: Introductions to Shuai Jiao techniques and exercises.
/ Master Yazi Liu: is from Xian Yang city China. He has over 40 years’ experience of both external and internal forms of martial arts. He now trains exclusively in Zhao Bao Tai Ji, Qi Gong,and Tui Na (acupressure massage).
The session: the first section of the Zhao Bao form, with an explanation and practice of the Qin Na applications contained within the form. If time allows this will be followed by push hands, and applications contained within, as well as use of Qi gong. This workshop is suitable for intermediate to advanced level of practitioner
/ Bob Melia: Bob has been practising and teaching Chinese Martial and health arts for 40 years. He introduced traditional Sun style into Spain and promoted the style in Europe and the Far East. Bob also practices and teaches Hunyuan Taiji and qigong. He is able to teach the complete Sun style of Taiji, Xing Yi and Bagua Zhang and has also developed a shortened Sun style system.
The sessions: Saturday- Hunyuan Qigong suitable for all levels. Sunday- Sun style 13 step form suitable for beginners and anyone interested in a different form.
/ Thomas Nowakowski: During last 32 years Thomas has taught Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong in many countries. He is co-founder The Tai Chi Art Centre in Prague, International Push Hands Meeting in Prague and founder of the Tai Chi Art Centre London.
The sessions: Tai Chi Shapes of Balance. Study and comparison of Basic Forms of Tai Chi. Solo and pair work.
/ Franziska Rüscher: started to learn Taiji Quan and Qigong on 1987 and has been teaching since 1991. She studied in Europe with Foen Tjoeng Lie, Petra and Toyo Kobayashi, Yang Zhen He and in China with
An Jian Qiu and Tang Li Long.
The sessions: Saturday- Dragon Qi Gong. The exercise of the Dragon comes from Wudang Five Animal Qigong and is a routine with writhing arm and body movements in combination with steps. Itis a challenging exercise that expands the range of motion. Sunday- Wudang Hui Chun Quigong- "return of spring" is an interplay of meditative movements with standing positions.
/ Daria Sergeeva: is an International Instructor and vice-president of the Federation of I Liq Chuan in Russia. I Liq Chuan® (literally translated as Mental-Physical Martial Art) is an art of cultivating consciousness based on Tai Chi and Chan (Zen) principles of non-assertion, non-resistance, harmony of yin and yang, oneness and the present moment.
The sessions: Saturday- The best from Iliqchuan: unifying mind and body as education. Sunday- Iliqchuan: structure, relaxation and energy.
/ Simon Watson: Simon is Senior Technical Advisor to Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain. Since the formation of Longfei in 1991 he has trained extensively with his father (Richard), Professor Li De Yin and Master Wang Yanji. He has had a successful career in British Taiji competition and has been team captain to the British Wushu Team for both the European and World Wushu Championships.
The session: details tba