The Coffin Quilt Study Questions Chapters 5 through 13

Directions: Answer in complete sentences on your own paper. Skip 2 lines between each answer.

1.  How do Ro and Johnse think their families will respond to the knowledge that they plan to get married?

2.  Explain what the weather was like after Fanny found out that Roseanna was going to run off with Johnse Hatfield.

3.  Explain how the weather is a symbol of the bad events to come.

4.  How do Ma and Pa McCoy respond when they realize Ro has run off with Johnse? How are their reactions predictable in such a long-standing family feud?

5.  Locusts are heard on page 45. Then they swarm on page 51. How might the locust be an allusion to the Bible and/or symbol?

6.  What do we know about Belle Beaver?

7.  Why aren’t Ro and Johnse married?

8.  On page 61, Ro compares herself to the sow and pigs that the Hatfields and McCoys fought over in previous years. Explain why she makes this comparison.

9.  Describe the coffin quilt.

10.  When Ro tells Tolbert that one day she and Johnse will be married, Tolbert responds by saying that he won’t stop her from getting married but adds, “It’s just that you gotta abide by notions of respectability and not sully our name” (68). How did Ro sully their name?

11.  What did Yeller Thing come to warn Fanny about, do you think?

12.  Describe the weather when Fanny feels Yeller Thing chasing her.

13.  Why did Ro go to Aunt Betty’s home?

14.  What promise does Ro ask Fanny to make?

15.  What makes you think Fanny will be burdened by this promise?

The Coffin Quilt Study Questions Chapters 5 through 13

Directions: Answer in complete sentences on your own paper. Skip 2 lines between each answer.

1.  How do Ro and Johnse think their families will respond to the knowledge that they plan to get married?

2.  Explain what the weather was like after Fanny found out that Roseanna was going to run off with Johnse Hatfield.

3.  Explain how the weather is a symbol of the bad events to come.

4.  How do Ma and Pa McCoy respond when they realize Ro has run off with Johnse? How are their reactions predictable in such a long-standing family feud?

5.  Locusts are heard on page 45. Then they swarm on page 51. How might the locust be an allusion to the Bible and/or symbol?

6.  What do we know about Belle Beaver?

7.  Why aren’t Ro and Johnse married?

8.  On page 61, Ro compares herself to the sow and pigs that the Hatfields and McCoys fought over in previous years. Explain why she makes this comparison.

9.  Describe the coffin quilt.

10.  When Ro tells Tolbert that one day she and Johnse will be married, Tolbert responds by saying that he won’t stop her from getting married but adds, “It’s just that you gotta abide by notions of respectability and not sully our name” (68). How did Ro sully their name?

11.  What did Yeller Thing come to warn Fanny about, do you think?

12.  Describe the weather when Fanny feels Yeller Thing chasing her.

13.  Why did Ro go to Aunt Betty’s home?

14.  What promise does Ro ask Fanny to make?

15.  What makes you think Fanny will be burdened by this promise?