AHS Music Booster Meeting

Date: Feb. 4, 2015

President’s Report

  • Minutes approved from December and January

Director’s Report

  • Adjudication coming up in March
  • Winter Band and Orchestra Camp approaching—Shenandoah Faculty returning, Dr. Harlan Parker, Faculty Woodwind Quartet performing for kids on Saturday
  • Started working on the Musical
  • Instrument leases—directors have to give a list to the company and then they’ll get costs
  • Got a quote to have the band and choral room wired with rehearsal mikes so that rehearsals could be recorded whenever needed—around $2200 per room
  • Orchestras continuing work on assessment pieces and pushing forward with new music
  • String Workshop coming up—need help setting up lunch
  • Need chaperones for Assessment for both Concert and Chamber Orchestra
  • Talking about auditions for orchestra for next year
  • Chamber Choir Masterclass (Adjudication) next week
  • Choral Assessment is in March
  • Need to come up with process to use extra student account funds for use for things other than Spring trip

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business

  • Spring Trip—everything is proceeding; should have performance schedule by February 15.
  • Heritage Festivals form needs to be filled out on-line by all student/directors/chaperones
  • Universal is open till 9 pm on Thursday and only until 6 pm on Friday. Saturday will go to park until 10 pm.
  • County medication forms will go to Dana Wollney
  • Final payment will be in March 15
  • Pledge Night will be discussed later
  • Bus Assignments later
  • Hoping to use CHARMS for needed information

New Business

  • Oriole’s Info Night Feb. 10
  • Littman’s are collecting Frequently Asked Questions
  • On-line Training for returning workers
  • Have to go to stadium to get badges
  • Stand Lead Training is at stadium
  • Have to form a nominations committee for officers for next year
  • Spring String Thing in May at James Madison University—Mr. Woomert will get flyer and pass on information to students

Committee Reports

  • Fruit (Linda Corso)—January Fruit Sale took in over $5000 so better than last year; only 39 orders for next Fruit Sale. Have grapefruit, oranges, temples and tangerines; need more orders; need more students helping on delivery day; need someone to work with Linda to train; next year is her last year

In Attendance:

Kelly MeissnerLisaArmesJoanna CastroJulieta Estrada

Kathy HerseyDana WollneyRenee Lennon

Bonnie FrazeeEric PosnerCathy O’Brien

Ed WhiteAmie LittmanJames Woomert

Linda CorsoTerese MaddenYvonne Fischer-Aein