Just the Fax

1115 South Fourth Street Louisville, Kentucky 40203

502/589-0190 502/589-4187 fax May 28, 2010

The Coalition for the Homeless’ Annual Meeting

June 30, 2010

2:00 – 4:00 pm

Wayside Louisville Hotel

2nd & Broadway Streets

Each year during nominations are taken for three Hometown Community Partnership Awards. These awards are designed to recognize relationships of local homeless service providers with a business and/or other community organization. The guiding principles of the awards include communication, respect, and trust among neighbors, residents and staff of facilities. The categories are:

Hometown Partner – awarded in recognition of a socially vested partnership between a local homeless service provider and neighborhood business or community organization.

Homeless Service Provider – awarded to the service provider that enhances the appearance or quality of life of its neighborhood through some kind of activity or outreach program.

Metro Louisville Business or Community Organization – awarded in recognition of exceptional fiscal or service-driven support of a local service provider.

Please send nominations for the Hometown Community Partnership Award to Marsha Bailey via email () no later than June 11, 2010.


TARC as Our Partner

The Coalition knows that our member agencies REALLY appreciate our partnership with TARC because you tell us! In return, TARC has asked us to remind our members of ways we can be good partners as well.

Most importantly, if you are considering a move, expansion or change in services, please talk to TARC during the planning stages and make sure your locations are located near existing bus stops.

Also, remind those using the bus to be mindful of their trash and polite to others. As always, we want to be great neighbors and partners in Metro Louisville!

Planning Commission Public Hearing

The Homeless Shelter Task Force recommendations were approved by the Planning Commission Subcommittee on May 13th and the next step is a public hearing of the Planning Commission. This is our chance to show support for the recommendations. The public hearing has been confirmed for June 17, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. in the Old Jail courtroom (514 West Liberty). The Planning Commission has three items for consideration on that date and we will most likely be third.

Not everyone needs to speak, but we need lots of folks to attend and sign in to show your support of the recommendations. We also need a couple shelter directors to agree to speak representing all shelters that day. If you can attend, speak, and/or bring others on that day, please email Natalie Harris so she can keep an account of the numbers. You can contact her at .


Press Release

Contact Information:

Randy Webber 502-836-7661

Nina Moseley 502-664-7112

For Immediate Release: Wayside Christian Mission is the recipient of four embroidered tapestries that were created and donated by Gayle Williamson. There will be a dedication ceremony on Sunday, June 6th, 2010, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM (program starting at 1:30 PM) at Hotel Louisville, 120 West Broadway Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

The titles of the four tapestries are: “Noah’s Ark 3”, “Street People”, “Skid Row,” and “In the Garden”.

Gayle Williamson, an embroidery artist, earned undergraduate degrees from Bellarmine College and the University of Louisville. In 1997 she was awarded a Masters of Art degree in fiber art.

Gayle has received grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women. She was awarded an Al Smith Fellowship by the Kentucky Arts Council for her work at Wayside Christian Mission.

Gayle considers her work, "a calling from God.”

Robert Hageman, an artist and crafts-person, constructed the Plexiglas enclosures and installed the tapestries. He donated part of his services to this project.

The Way Cool Café located in Hotel Louisville will be open at 12:00 noon featuring a $5 lunch buffet for anyone that would like to have lunch before the dedication ceremony. The dedication ceremony is free and open to the public. Wayside Christian Mission requests that you make reservations for the buffet by June 4th to Randy Webber – 502-836-7661 or by e-mailing .


SOAR Open Meeting

The Louisville SOAR Planning Team

2nd Thursday of every month 11:00 – 12:00

Office of The Coalition for the Homeless

1115 S. 4th Street

If you plan to attend this meeting please RSVP to Ginny Lilly by e-mail

You are invited to an open house:

A New Beginning for Women

1261 South Brook Street

June 12, 2010

1:00 PM

Please come tour and see what we are doing here to restore lives and families. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by Sisters of Christ. RSVP by June 7, 2010


Fundraiser: A New Beginning for Women

Gospel Musical

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church

2707 Fleming Ave.

June 19, 2010

4 PM

For more information contact Alice Brooks, Director @ 262-8421 Or Ray Terry, Board Member @ 471-1361.

Our Mission: “To educate, motivate and stabilize women to understand why and how their lives have become unmanageable and to help them put the pieces of their broken dreams together.”



Cathedral of the Assumption

Friday, June 4, 2010

11:00am - 3:00pm.

Cathedral Undercroft, 433 S Fifth St

All proceeds will go to benefit House of Ruth/ Glade House, a social service agency in Louisville for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Please see the attached flyer


2010 MHC Annual Meeting

Wednesday June 2, 2010

5:00 p.m. Social Hour

6:00 p.m. Program & Dinner

Louisville Hyatt Downtown, 320 West Jefferson Street

Individual Tickets are $50; a Table of 8 Seats is $500.Call MHC at (502) 584-6858 or visit for more sponsorship opportunities and ticket sales.

Board of Directors July 16, 2010 8:00 a.m.

Executive Board June 16, 2010 8:00 a.m.

Service Provider, CWF June 8, 2010 9:30 a.m.

Continuum of Care, MUW June 1, 2010 3:30 p.m.

Homeless Management Information System Project Support Assistant: To apply, send cover letter and resume with three references to:

Coalition for the Homeless, attn. Roman Vodacek, 1115 S. 4th St., 3rd Fl., Louisville, KY 40203 or submit both by email to . Application deadline is May 30, 2010. No phone calls. See attached position description


The Coalition for the Homeless Staff

Natalie Harris, Executive Director

Mary Frances Schafer, Director of Community Coordination

Pat Facktor, HMIS / QAS Assistant

Roman Vodacek, HMIS Coordinator

Marsha Bailey, Office Manager

Becki Winchel, QAS Coordinator

Senlin Ward, Strategic Planning & Development