2016 Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference

Regional, Remote, Community Museums’Bursary Application Form

Applications close: Monday 18 July at 5 pm AEST

Museums Australia is pleased to beoffer a number of bursaries for the Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference to be held from 6 – 7 October 2016, on Phillip Island, Victoria.

Funding has been generously provided by the Australian Federal Government Ministry for the Arts as a contribution to the Regional, Remote and Community Museums’ component of the Conference. Different levels of bursary funding are being offered to applicants in recognition of the variable travel costs from different States and Territories.

Bursaries are available to assist unpaid (volunteers), paid (staff) and students from local, regional, remote museums, galleries and Keeping Placesto attend the full conference program. Funding is allocated to assist with travel and registration costs. Per diem expenses, accommodation costs, wage reimbursement and sundries will not be eligible for funding.

It is important to note that bursary applications generally amount to more than twice the funds available. It is unlikely that applicants will be fully funded. We encourage applicants to seek alternate funding for part of their conference costs.


  • The applicant must submit all details required on the application form including an explanation of their need for assistance, and how they plan to share their experiences with others.
  • Recipients must provide a report to Museums Australia on their conference experienceby 4 November 2016.
  • Bursaries are paid as a reimbursement. Your nominated bank account will be credited with the bursary funds before the conference.
  • Applicants must be current individual members or work/volunteer for a current organisational member of Museums Australia.

How to apply

Please complete the application form belowand return it no later than 5 pm AEST on 18 July.

All applicants will be advised in writing about the outcome of their application by 25 July 2016.

Complete this form and send to (email submissions preferred)

Museums Australia BursariesPhone: +61 2 6230 0346

PO Box 266Fax: +61 2 6230 0360


Bursary Application Form

Postal Address:
Suburb/City: / State: / Postcode:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
MA Member: / Yes  No 
Are you applying for a bursary as an individual member or as an employee/volunteer of an organisational member?
 Individual /  Organisation
Member No: / Org Name:
Member No:
(Tick all that apply)
 A volunteer/unpaid in a museum/gallery /  A part-time student
 A paid part-time museum worker /  A full-time student
 A paid full-time museum worker
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent? / Yes  No 
Do you live in a regional or remote area? / Yes  No 
Are you presenting at the Conference? / Yes  No 
Have you received a Museums Australia bursary in the past? / Yes  No 
Why is attending the Conference important to you at this stage of your career (paid or voluntary) or studies?Describe the benefits you hope to receive in attending the Conference (max 150 words)
Outline how you will share these benefits with others in your organisation/course (max 150 words)
Why do you ask for assistance to attend the Conference? (max 150 words)
Registration: / $ / Accommodation: / $
Travel: / $ / Cocktail dinner: $
I will be travelling from:
Have you sought other funding? / Yes  No 
If YES, please specify the other sources you have successfully approached for support:
Total cost of attending the Conference: / $
Total amount of other support received: / $
Total amount being requested from this bursary scheme / $
I have read and understand the General Information and Conditions / Yes  No 
I understand that bursaries are provided as a reimbursement, that I must register for the Conference before applying for a bursary and that funds will be paid, if successful, before the Conference / Yes  No 
I agree to provide a report by 4 November 2016 / Yes  No 
Signature: / Date: