Created By:

The Co-Directors of the 1st Annual City Wide Slim Down

Brandi L. Hodsdon, Health and Wellness Director,

Salem YMCA

Steven P. Dion, Health and Wellness Coordinator,

Salem State College

Table of Contents




City Wide Slim Down Activity Calendar / 3
Youth Activities for Active and Inactive Children / 5
Eight Week Nutrition Challenge / 6
Nutrition Tips and Ideas / 7
Local Restaurants: Healthy Entrée Choices / 8
Fast Food: Healthy Eating Choices / 9
Developing a Strong and Healthy Body / 10
Community Programs to Develop Spirit, Mind & Body / 11
Salem YMCA Information / 12
Shaughnessy-Kaplan Rehabilitation Hospital Information / 13
Notes From the Editors & Health and Wellness Contacts / 15
Additional Blank Note Taking Pages / 16
Evaluation Questionnaire & Testimonial / 18

Program Notes:

  • If you are unable to make the weigh-ins, please go to the Salem YMCA or Shaughnessy-Kaplan Rehab. Hospital during business hours one week prior to the weigh-ins: 5/27-5/30 & 6/16-6/20.
  • All the activities offered are led by program volunteers. If by chance the volunteer is not able to attend, continue the activity without them if appropriate (ex. walks at the Common). Please be sure to thank the volunteers after the activities.
  • Class size is limited for indoor workouts (Low impact aerobics 5:30 am), first come first serve. Please bring your Slim Down Card with you to all workouts. The card will be your entry pass to activities.

Location of Lectures:

  1. Nutrition & Eight Week Meal Plan – Shaughnessy-Kaplan Hospital – Lecture Hall
  2. Stress & Time Management – Salem State College – O’Keefe Center – Main Level
  3. Weight Management – Shaughnessy-Kaplan Hospital – Lecture Hall
  4. Healthy Back Lecture – Salem State College – O’Keefe Center – Main level
  5. Upper Body Injury Prevention – Shaughnessy-Kaplan Hospital – Lecture Hall
  6. Nutrition & Osteoporosis: “National Senior Health & Fitness Day”- Salem Y-11am
  7. Lower Body Injury Prevention – Shaughnessy-Kaplan Hospital – Lecture Hall
  8. Core Strength & Development – YMCA – Main Gymnasium
  9. What’s Next? A highlight of the 8-Week Program -SSC O’Keefe Center Main Level


City Wide- Slim Down: Calendar of Activities

City Wide- Slim Down: Calendar of Activities

Although the Slim Down Program ends on June 21st, we would like to see everyone continue their efforts to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. The hardest step is always the first one.

We have given you a sample of what’s offered in our community. As you can see, there are many options at your disposal – please take advantage of them.

June 22nd – Cancer Walk – Hosted by North Shore Medical Center at the Willows


Salem YMCA

Youth Programs: For the active and in-active child, youth and teen.

It is important to educate today’s youth on health and activity

Creative Arts: This program is offered for children ages 6-8 years old. In this class the children will explore art through paint, pencils & crayons. This class is offered Tuesdays 4-5 pm.

Art Adventure: This program is offered for children ages 8-12 years old. In this class the children will be shown basic techniques of art & develop drawing skills with pencils & pastels. This class is offered Thursdays 5-6 pm.

Art Club for Teens: This program is offered for children 13-18 years old. In this program the teens will polish their skills in drawing and begin developing a portfolio. This class is offered Fridays 5-6 pm.

Basketball Basics: This program is offered for children ages 7-9 years old. This class will consist of dribbling, passing, shooting and also introducing offensive & defensive schemes. This class is offered Sundays 10-11 am.

Floor Hockey: This program is offered for children ages 7-11 years old. This class will demonstrate positive sportsmanship & teamwork emphasizing the fundamentals of floor hockey. This class is offered Thursdays 5-6 pm

Youth Nautilus Program: This program is offered for children ages 8-11 years old. This class will show participants how to lift correctly by developing the proper form & technique. This class is offered Mondays & Wednesdays 4-5 pm

Youth Weight Training Program: This program is offered for children ages 11-13 years old. This class provides instruction for both Nautilus & Free Weights emphasizing the proper technique and form for upper and lower body exercise. This class includes a pre-cardio and post abdominal workout encompassing total body fitness. This class is offered Tues/Thurs 3-4 pm & Weds/Fri 3-4 pm

Kickball Challenge: This program is offered for children ages’ 7-14 co-ed. This class brings back the classic game of kickball with modern day skill. Positive teamwork and sportsmanship is reinforced. Come and display your skills with lots of fun to follow!!

Soccer Basics: This program is offered for children ages 8-13 years old. This class provides instruction on trapping, turning, dribbling, shooting and passing. The benefits of taking this class would be to develop your strengths and to polish the fundamentals skills of soccer. Saturdays 11 am-12: 30 pm

Flag Football: This program is offered for children ages 8-15, co-ed. This program involves passing, receiving, kicking, punting with offensive and defensive schemes. Games will be played at the Salem Commons and at the Salem Y. Thursday @ 4-5pm.

Whiffle Ball: This program is offered for children ages 8-13 years old. This class teaches the fundamentals of baseball through the game of whiffleball. The Y emphasizes positive sportsmanship and a healthy competitive attitude. Tuesdays 4-5 pm

Kids Fun Night: This night is offered for children ages 5-11 years old. Come and enjoy, pizza, gym activities, arts & crafts, swimming, & dancing. This program is offered on the first (1) and third (3) Fridays of the month. Start up time is at 6:30 and the program ends at 9pm.


Each week, you will have a new challenge to address one aspect of your eating habits. The goal is to work on positively changing one habit as permanently as possible. Carry each habit change throughout the weeks. At the end of the program you will have 8 new eating habits for the better!

WEEK 1: Are you REALLY HUNGRY when you are eating?

If you are eating but are not physically hungry (growling stomach, lightheaded), find 1-2 nonfood related activities to do instead.

WEEK 2: Are you STUCK in a FOOD RUT?

Challenge yourself to buy 4 new healthy foods this week, and incorporate them into snacks, meals, and try new recipes that contain these items.

WEEK 3: If food is one of the greatest pleasures in life, then WHY ARE YOU EATING SO FAST?

It takes 20 minutes after you start eating to let your brain know that you are full. Time yourself when you eat; aim for over 20 minutes.


Try using smaller bowls, glasses, and plates, fill your plate with veggies to make it look like more food, and watch the serving sizes on containers.


Make sure when you eat that eating is all that you are doing. Avoid watching TV, reading the newspaper, or any other activity at that time.

WEEK 6: Try to work on MEAL TIMING.

Instead of going all day on very little food, try eating several small meals, and reduce the amount of food eaten at supper and in the evening for snacks.


Begin to take a look at the serving sizes, fat, salt, and sugar content of foods you ordinarily eat. Try to find alternatives that are lower in calories.


Find one spot in your house to do all your eating at, ideally without distractions. It should be at the kitchen or dining room table.

(Prepared by Diane Dube)



  • Use Pam Spray and spray margarine when cooking and at the table; this can save 30-50 calories per each teaspoon of margarine or oil that you may ordinarily use.
  • Serve salad dressings, gravies, and sauces on the side, and use your utensils to dip into them rather than smothering the food which the sauces; this can save 25-50 calories per tablespoon.
  • Consider switching from cream cheese and butter as spreads for bagels and toast to low fat peanut butter, hummus, fruit butters, and low sugar jam/ jelly. This can save 20-40 calories per tablespoon.
  • Try reduced calorie breads for sandwiches and toast. This can save as much as 40-60 calories per slice.
  • Use Splenda sweetener in cooking or in coffee; this saves 15 calories per teaspoon.
  • Fill your plate with vegetables and salads. Per cup, veggies have 50 calories; pasta, rice and other starches have 160-240 calories per cup (and that’s before any butter, sour cream, or oil to them!).


  • Dip raw veggies into salsa, hummus, or fat free salad dressing instead of cheese & creamy dips; this can save 25-50 calories per

Spoonful of dip.

  • Pop a bowl of air-popped popcorn and use spray margarine on it; this can save 50-75 calories per cup.
  • Snack on low-sugar cereals such as Cheerios, Kix, or Kashi instead of high sugar trail mix. This can save 50-100 calories per cup.
  • Select protein/cereal bars such as Pria bars and Nutrigrain bars which are 80-90 calories less than other protein bars.
  • Freeze Crystal Light drink into Popsicle molds instead of using

Sugared Popsicles; this saves 70 calories per serving.

  • Try switching to a low fat ice cream such as Healthy Choice or Eddy’s Grand Light; this can save as much as 120 calories per half cup of ice cream.

(Prepared by Diane Dube)

As you begin a healthier more active lifestyle, it’s important to reward yourself on a regular basis. You may want to eat well 6 days of the week and on that 7th day, bend the rules. Order a pizza or have a few scoops of your favorite ice cream. This doesn’t give you license to go ballistic and eat 5 pizzas. It’s just that in the long run, balanced living is healthier than an unblemished eating record (Eric Harr, 2001. The Portable Personal Trainer).

Bagel World

203 Canal Street
978-741-5225 /

Great lunch time offerings including all types of sandwiches with fresh cold cuts and veggies.

Bay Bridge Restaurant

2 Bridge Street



A relaxed environment for you and the family that provides some low fat and healthy dishes and salads.

Finz Seafood Restaurant

76 Warf Street
978-744-0000 /

Daily grilled specials that are lean, low fat and good for the heart.

Grapevine Restaurant

26 Congress Street
978-745-9335 /

A fine dining option with several wonderful entrées that can be altered and made healthier. Fresh gourmet food prepared daily.

Lyceum Bar & Grill

43 Church Street
978-745-7665 /

A fine dining option with several wonderful entrées that can be altered and made healthier. Fresh gourmet food prepared daily.

Roosevelt’s Bar & Grill

300 Derby Street
978-745-1113 /

A relaxed environment for you and the family that provides some low fat and healthy dishes and salads.

Sidelines Sports Bar & Grill

105 Canal Street
978-745-5870 /

A fun and relaxed atmosphere that provides some low fat and healthy dishes and salads. BE SURE TO SHOW YOUR SLIM DOWN CARD AND RECEIVE A DISCOUNT!

Taste of Thyme Café

122 Washington Street
978-741-4269 /

A great lunch or dinner option where salads, soups and sandwiches are served daily.

Please note:

All restaurants above offer healthy entrée choices or entrees that can be modified to be healthier upon request. Each restaurant is aware of their participation, so be sure to mention your affiliation with the City Wide Slim Down program, and request a healthy entrée or a healthier version of the entrée.

Also, please be sure to thank the restaurant owners for being part of the City Wide Slim Down program and offering the healthier entrees.


Healthier Choices Include:

Grilled sandwiches

Veggie burgers

Chicken Pitas and Wraps

Turkey subs and sandwiches

Roast beef sandwiches

Veggie wraps

Bean or veggie tacos, burritos and tostadas

Salads with low fat or lite dressing

Veggie and White Pizzas (ask for ½ the cheese toping)

Frozen Yogurt is a great substitute for ice cream

Reduce calories and fat by eliminating or cutting down on cheese and sauces

Focusing on 5 Key Areas of Physical Fitness
Cardiorespiratory endurance – your heart and lungs ability transport oxygen and blood around your body.(Ex. brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling etc.)
This is the most important component of physical fitness. If you can improve your cardiorespiratory healthy, you can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and many other debilitating diseases.
Muscular endurance – your muscles ability to do repeated movements over and over.

(Ex. stair climbing, high repetition resistant training, skiing, tennis, basketball etc.)

Also important, this allows you to make your activities of daily living easier. From walking up stairs with groceries, to standing or sitting for long periods of time. The stronger your body becomes, the easier your life and the demands you put on it will become.
Flexibility – your bodies & joints range of motion

(Ex. yoga, daily stretching, Tai Chi, etc.)

Have you ever noticed how cats and dogs stretch every time they get up? We should learn from our pets. The more you move and stretch, the easier your activities will be. Although it may cause discomfort to move, avoiding movement will result in a greater loss of movement and eventually more pain.

Body composition– the amount of fat compared to muscle and bone your body has.

(Body Mass Index calculations, skin fold calipers, Bod Pod, electrical bio-impedance, etc.)

Although the total amount of fat you have on your body is not the only determining factor of health, the increased amount of body fat provides greater challenges, and puts the individual at risk for many diseases.

(To schedule a body composition test please call the Salem YMCA)

Muscular strength – your muscles ability to keep your bones and skeleton in alignment, create force and move more easily.

(Ex. resistance training with body weight, free weights or machines etc.)

Good muscle strength is essential, for smooth and efficient performance of everyday activities. Carrying groceries, going up stairs and lifting boxes all become easier with good muscle strength.


Frequency (how often) ideally 3-4 times per week of physical activity.

Intensity(how hard) ideally try to get your heart rate up for 20-30 minutes

Time(how long) including warm-up and cool-down a 30–45 minute workout is sufficient to promote health

Type (mode) your choice of activity depends on what you like, what you can do, and what resources you have available. JUST GET OUT AND MOVE!

Exercising only a small amount everyday brings health benefits. Recent research has shown that if you are interested in fitness only for health, you can get considerable benefits by merely being more physically active during the day. Accumulating 30 minutes a day of almost any exercise can prevent heart disease and extend your life. (Fahey, T. 2000. Super Fitness. Allyn & Bacon, p. 11)


Salem YMCA Adult Programs that will focus on:

(All programs are available for YMCA Members and Non-Members)

Strength & Conditioning:

1) Women's Strength Training: Monday/Wednesday nights 7-8 pm or

Tuesday Mornings 7-8 am

2) Personal Training: By appointment only. You will receive a program designed specifically for you.

3) Senior Strength Training: Mon./Wed. 9-10 am or 10-11 am

4) Power-Fit: Mon./Wed. 6-7 a.m. (class size limited)

5) Pilate's: Tuesday nights @ 5:30 pm & Sundays 9:30-10:30 am

Cardiovascular Conditioning:

1) Aerobics (FREE for members): Step, Low impact, Kick Boxing, Muscle Conditioning, Etc.

2) Triathlon Training Group: (begins in April)

3) Running Club (free to members)

Over-all Body Conditioning:

1) Boot Camp/Boot Camp Maintenance: B.C. Maintenance-Tues./Thurs. 6-7 am

* Next Boot Camp’s (5 week program) scheduled for: May, July & September

2) 12-Weeks to Wellness: (by appointment only-join anytime) Great for beginners

3) Personal Training: By appointment only. You will receive a program designed specifically for you.


1) Senior Stretch & Flexibility: Mon./Wed. 11-11:30 am

2) 15 Minute Stretching Session w/Trainer: By appointment only. ($15 per session)

3) Yoga: Classes vary. Please see schedule.

4) Pilates: Tuesday nights @ 5:30 pm & Sundays 9:30-10:30 am

Clubs and Activities to look for Spring 2003

“Joining a club is a great way to meet people, stay active and get outside to enjoy nature”

Kayak Club (May-September)

Mountain Bike Club (May-September)

Triathlon Training Group (May-August)

Hiking Club (April-October)

Dance Lessons (By session)

Pet First Aid (Crash course)

Golf Lessons (5-week sessions)

Coed Pickup Volleyball (free to members)

For more information and pricing on any of these programs please see the Spring Session

Program Guide or call Brandi Hodsdon, Health & Wellness Director