WHEREAS, the City of Mesquite has long enjoyed a substantial measure of self-government and the municipal officials of this City are firmly dedicated to the preservation of this right; and
WHEREAS, our democratic way of life is based on active civic participation by citizens who have a solid understanding of government’s daily operations; and
WHEREAS,the City of Mesquite recognizes the importance of increasing students’ knowledge of the operations and complexities of local government; and
WHEREAS, Student Government Day offers high school seniors the opportunity to learn firsthand how local government operates and to become more familiar with our elected officials; and
WHEREAS, it is the conviction of the City Council of the City of Mesquite that the active participation of the Mesquite High School, Poteet High School and Horn High School government students in the area of municipal government would tend to increase their knowledge of civic affairs; and
WHEREAS, this participation would tend to strengthen and preserve the right of self-government guaranteed us by the United States Constitution.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Monaco, Mayor of the City of Mesquite, do hereby proclaim Friday, March20, 2015, as:
MesquiteHigh School,PoteetHigh School and
Horn High SchoolStudent Government Day
in the City of Mesquite, and urge all citizens to join me in challenging the Student Government Day participants to take this opportunity to learn more about their municipal governmentin hopes that they will develop a life-long commitment to community service and government participation.
PROCLAIMED this 16th day of March 2015.
WHEREAS, the City of Mesquite has long enjoyed a substantial measure of self-government and the municipal officials of this City are firmly dedicated to the preservation of this right; and
WHEREAS, our democratic way of life is based on active civic participation by citizens who have a solid understanding of government’s daily operations; and
WHEREAS, the City of Mesquite recognizes the importance of increasing students’ knowledge of the operations and complexities of local government; and
WHEREAS, Student Government Day offers high school seniors the opportunity to learn firsthand how local government operates and to become more familiar with our elected officials; and
WHEREAS, it is the conviction of the City Council of the City of Mesquite that the active participation of the North Mesquite High School and West Mesquite High School government students in the area of municipal government would tend to increase their knowledge of civic affairs; and
WHEREAS, this participation would tend to strengthen and preserve the right of self-government guaranteed us by the United States Constitution.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Monaco, Mayor of the City of Mesquite, do hereby proclaim Friday, April 10, 2015, as:
North Mesquite High School and
West Mesquite High School Student Government Day
in the City of Mesquite, and urge all citizens to join me in challenging the Student Government Day participants to take this opportunity to learn more about their municipal government in hopes that they will develop a life-long commitment to community service and government participation.
PROCLAIMED this 6th day of April 2015.