The City Of Liverpool College - HE Review - Action plan
The City Of Liverpool College - HE Review - Action plan
Date: 14th October 2016
Good practice / Action to be taken / Date for completion / Action by / Success indicatorsThe extensive and systematic peer observation programme which effectively integrates with staff appraisal and personal development to enhance learning and teaching (Expectations B3 and Enhancement) / Peer observation integrated with the quality observation system across the College / Sep-17 / Quality team and HE staff / Full engagement in peer observation by all members of the HE teaching staff; NSS response to teaching questions is showing improvement trends
The College-wide adoption of the 'flipped classroom' model and strategic enhancement of online and physical resources to support this model (Expectations B3, B4 and Enhancement) / Continue further development and full implementation of the "flipped learning" approach across all HE programmes; engage and support new HE staff / Sep-17 / Quality team and HE teaching staff / NSS response to teaching questions is showing improvement trends
The comprehensive and strategic use of online and physical resources to enhance student learning (Expectations B4, B3 and Enhancement) / Continue further development and full implementation of the VLE on line resources across all HE programmes; engage and support new HE staff / Sep-17 / Head of HE and HE teaching staff / NSS response to learning opportunities questions is showing improvement trends
The wide-ranging and comprehensive links with industry that inform the curriculum and enhance the employability of students (Expectations B4, B1 and Enhancement) / Continue further development of existing relations with Employers and establish links for all NEW HE programmes; engage and support new HE staff / Sep-17 / HE APs and HE HOSes / Each Curriculum area to organise employer engagement events / meetings and seek to establish links. These initiatives will be reported by APs and the HE strategy meeting.
The responsiveness to the student voice resulting in positive enhancements to the curriculum (Expectations B5, B1 and Enhancement) / Continue further development of NSS and other students voice initiatives to inform curriculum delivery, development and positive outcomes; engage and support new HE staff / Sep-17 / Head of HE with HE APs and HoSes / NSS response to student voice questions is showing improvement trends
The quality-assured moderation process for assessment feedback which enables developmental and timely support for learning (Expectation B6) / Continue with further development and improvement of the assessment feedback processes ; engage and train new HE staff / Sep-17 / Head of HE, quality team and HE teaching staff / NSS response to assessment questions is showing improvement trends
The supportive relationship with Liverpool Media Academy which ensures comprehensive oversight of the Pearson validated provision (Expectation B10) / Continue to implement HE quality systems with Liverpool Media Academy which ensures comprehensive oversight of the Pearson validated provision (Expectation B10) / Sep-17 / Partnership team, Head of HE and quality team / Positive feedback from external examiners and NSS survey results in line with the rest of the College HE provision
The strategic approach to enhancing academic quality through systematic, integrated and well-established processes which continuously improves the student learning experience (Expectations Enhancement and B8). / HE communication and management lines to continue to be improved and implemented will full engagement with the new teams and HE staff. / Sep-17 / ALL HE staff / NSS survey showing improved levels of response on organisation and management
Full development and implementation of cyclical periodic review that The Higher Education Internal Review has initiated (Expectation B8). / Fully develop and start implementing the cyclical periodic review process / Sep-17 / Head of HE , Quality team / Updated periodic review process and documentation to be confirmed from November 2016 and implemented from September 2017