WestinghouseCollege Prep Art 1 Syllabus
Teacher: Ms. Coffee, Room: 159
Open Studio Hours: Thursdays, until 5pm, or by appointment
Course Description
Welcome to Art 1! Art 1 is a foundational course in the visual arts designed for both the beginning artist as well as those with elementary school experience in art. This course will engage students in the various ways one can express ideas through visual art production, art appreciation, and art criticism. The course will have three major components: (1) understanding various elements and principles of art (both modern and postmodern) through observation and practice by learning different techniques and using various media, (2) creating art projects that demonstrate content, concept, skills learned, as well as originality/innovation, and (3) general knowledge of how the arts function in society throughout history and in our present day.
Required Materials – Due by Friday, September 7
- Pencil, pen, sharpener and eraser
- 8 ½” x 11” sketchbook with plain, white drawing paper (sold in class for $3.00)
- Personal art supplies (extra credit/optional, but highly recommended) – colored pencils, markers, ruler, glue stick, scissors
Course Objectives (National Standards for the Arts)
Students will be able to:
- Understand, identify and incorporate (modern & postmodern) Elements of Art & Principles of Design into artwork - NSA 1-3,5-6
- Observe, discuss, and interpret a variety of visual art - NSA 8
- Apply skills and knowledge to create artwork through planning, research, and problem solving - NSA 1-6
- Make meaningful connections between art and society both through art production & critiquing art - NSA 4
Classroom Expectations
- Students are expected to give maximum effort EVERYDAY in class.
- Organize and use time wisely, both inside and outside of the classroom.
- Be Curious - ask MANY questions and experiment frequently.
- Bring appropriate materials to class (see above).
- Turn in all assignments on time – if you are absent it is your responsibility to approach me for missed assignments/work.
- Maintain and clean up workspace daily
- Do your OWN work – there are no right/wrong answers in art! Originality is GOLD!
- The work we do in the art room will be both an individual and a collaborative effort – RESPECT your own and your classmates’ artistic expressions, projects, environment and supplies.
- Always have a positive attitude with regards to your abilities, your class and your work.
- Demonstrate respect for yourself, fellow classmates, teachers and staff and ALL TIMES.
- Abide by school rules as well as the rules for the art room.
Consequences for Failing to Meet Expectations:
- Verbal warning & Student/teacher conference
- Parent/Guardian contact and/or conference – scheduled after student conference
- Detention(s)
- Referral to administration for disciplinary action
- CPS Uniform Discipline Code and GWCP policies will be strictly enforced.
- Please Note: Inappropriate materials (MP3 players/cell phones/recording devices) taken out in class without permission will be taken away and turned into the office.
Classroom Assignments, Grading and Homework Policies
- Any late work will be worth 1/2 credit (50%).
- Sketchbooks will be used daily for bell ringers, lecture notes, brainstorming ideas, and sketching and graded twice per week.
- For each quarter, starting with quarter 2, there will be 2 written assignments due in Criterion.
- Grading Scale:100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59-0%=F
- Any student receiving a D or F (69% or below) at the 3rd week and/or 7th week will receive a phone call home & be required to conference with teacher and complete a Student Improvement Plan (SIP).
- The final quarter & semester grades will be based on the following percentages:
Assignments % of GradeAssessment Strategies
Class art projects (F/S) 35%Work done in class & participation in discussions /critiques
Sketchbook (F) 25%class notes, bell ringers, journaling, sketches, 1st drafts
Homework (F) 10%Sketches, readings, worksheets
Writing Projects (S)10%Extended Written Assignments (see guidelines below)
Quizzes & Tests10%Reading quizzes (2 per unit) & unit tests (1 per unit)
Final Exams (S) 10%Final exams at the end of 1st & 2nd semesters
Scope & Sequence
Dates / Topic / Objectives / Major Assignments / AssessmentsUNIT 1
9/4-10/5 / What is art?
Drawing, Sketchbooks and class blogs / SWBAT
-redefine their ideas about art
-understand the many ways to use a sketchbook
- improve drawing skills
- utilize class blog to discuss art / *various sketchbook & drawing assignments / *Class art projects: Noodling/Doodling & Escher Tiling drawings (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: N/A
10/8-11/2 / Los Dias De Los Muertos: Honorings & Offerings / SWBAT
-understand the folk art of the Day of the Dead & clarify misconceptions
- create calacas that memorialize & honor a loved one who has passed on
- gain cultural awareness / express culture / * Calacas sculptures
* Calacas Biography essay / *Class art projects: Calacas sculpture (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Reflection / Calacas Biography
11/5-12/21 / Modern / Postmodern Elements and Principles of Art through Book & Zine Making / SWBAT
-create a handmade modern elements and principles book
- develop a zine using postmodern strategies (obscure interests, marginal stories, & DIY How-to’s)
- understand how to discuss / critique artworks / *Modern Elements & Principles Book
* Postmodern Principles Zine
* Unit Exam / *Class art projects: E & P Book & Zine (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Reflection / Essay on Modern v. Postmodern ideas
*Unit Exam
1/7-1/25 / How Many Me’s Can You See?: Life-Size Silhouettes and the Identity Collage / SWBAT
- explore identity construction and multiple selves
- participate actively and respectfully in a class discussions
- investigate stereotypes (causes / effects)
- create a self-portrait collage exploring identity / * Life-size silhouettes (collaborative)
* Self-portrait collage
* Identity Essay / *Class art projects: Silhouettes & self-portrait collage (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Reflection / Essay on Identity
1/28-3/1 / The Social & Political in Public Spaces: Printing Appropriated Signs & Mural Proposals / SWBAT
- understand how public & private art differ
- decipher the power of signs
- develop subversive & reactionary sign designs
- create an original stencil (de)sign / * Stencil design & sign
* Making the Private Public Essay / *Class art projects: Stencil design & sign installation (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Making the Private Public Essay
3/4-3/29 / Out of Focus: Exploring Color Theory & Pixilated Portraits / SWBAT
- relate portrait painting to social/cultural/economic status throughout history
- understand the science of color
- reference mass media icons in an artwork
- mix colors to make values to compose a gridded portrait icon painting
- research & write a paper on a portrait artist of their choice / * Color theory painting
* Pixelated icon portrait project
* written assignment on portrait artist / *Class art projects: Color Theory Painting & Icon Pixilated Portrait (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Portrait Artist Essay
4/8-5/3 / The Aesthetic of the Weird: Dada, Fluxus & Surrealism / SWBAT
- understand the relationship & history of dada, Fluxus, and surrealism in art
- explore the subconscious in abstract imagery (ink blots)
- create a performance piece
- create asurreal collage
- layer different images to create absurd visual juxtapositions / * surrealist collage
* Week of the Spontaneously Absurd: Surrealist and Dada Games / *Class art projects: Performance piece & Surreal Collage(form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Automatic Writing short story
5/6-5/31 / Terratransformation: Installation and the Environment in Art / SWBAT
- understand installation art, site-specific art, & earthworks
- install and transform a public space through various media
- collaborate with classmates to create an artwork / *Installation piece
* Artists proposal, purpose/ statement / *Class art projects: Installation proposal, project & collaboration (form/sum)
*Sketchbook: class notes, bell ringers, sketches (every Friday)
*Homework: sketchbooks & readings (Quiz)
* Writing Project: Artists’ Purpose & Statement Essay
Writing Assignment Guidelines
Students will be required to write 2 written assignments for quarter 2-4 in Criterion, an online writing portfolio program. A cover sheet with a rubric and guidelines will be handed out for each assignment. These assignments will either be based on class projects, museum/gallery visits, and/or student reflections & short stories.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember, plagiarism is a serious offense. Students caught using others’ work or ideas (copying off other students, internet sites, etc) will receive a zero for the assignment and will face disciplinary action by the administration.
SYLLABUS RETURN RECEIPTMs. Coffee, Art 1, 2012-2013
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s):September 4th, 2012
Welcome to our new year at the George Westinghouse College Prep. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you and your child throughout the upcoming school year.
Attached is the syllabus for Art 1, which I have reviewed thoroughly in class with your child. It outlines the course and gives students and parents all the necessary information students will need to be successful in my class: required supplies, a course description, objectives, grading information, scope & sequence, assessments, classroom policies, and written report information. Please take the time to read over this syllabus thoroughly as it will benefit you and your student if we are on the same page.
This course offers students the opportunity to explore our visual world through both observation and creative production. Class art projects, written assignments, sketchbooks, and participation in a class blog are just some of the activities your child will accomplish throughout the year. Upon completion of this course, each student will have developed a broader understanding of our visual culture, strategies for self-expression, and how creativity is an important part of our democracy and community.
Throughout the year there will be many opportunities for you to visit the school and view your child’s artwork. You will receive information regarding these events as they occur. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time throughout the year through the school at (773)534-6400, ext. 18686 or via email .
Ms. Coffee
Parent/Student Acknowledgement of Receipt of Syllabus
Please complete this section, detach this page and return it by Friday, September 7 for 10 pts.
As a student in this class, I promise to work every day to the best of my ability. I will be on time every day and complete my assignments. I will do everything I can to be successful in this class.
Student’s NameStudent’s SignatureDate
As a parent or guardian of a student in this class, I promise to support my child to the best of my ability. I will make sure that my child is on time every day and completes his or her homework. I will do everything I can to ensure that my child is successful in this class.
Parent or Guardian’s NameParent or Guardian’s SignatureDate
Parent EmailHome Phone Cell Phone
Alternate Contact Person NameRelationship Phone