LANDER, WY 82520
JANUARY 19, 2015
Governing Body Present:Mayor Del McOmie, Council Vice President Monty Richardson, Council Members Mark Calhoun, Dick Hudson, Dan Hahn, Melinda K. Cox
Governing Body Absent: Council President Cade Maestas
City Staff Present:City Clerk Robin Griffin, Police Chief Bob Cecrle, Engineer/Public Works Director Lance Hopkin, Attorney Adam Phillips, City Treasurer Charri Lara, Cemetery Sexton Field Iiams
1. City Fee Schedule -
City Clerk Griffin started the discussion of fees with the Lander Community and Convention Center. She asked the council to consider a separate kitchen deposit from the caterers in addition to the deposit by the event for damage. Currently when items are missing from the kitchen the event’s damage deposit is held until the items are returned. Clerk Griffin asked the Council to consider removing the option of half day rental. The software does not allow for this option and staff must manually enter the ½ day rental, and there are scheduling issues with time to allow cleaning when there are two events booking the same ½ day, one in the morning one in the afternoon/evening. There are also issues with the events, usually large events that try to get in earlier than when the ½ starts. Mayor McOmie stated the Council needs to designate the times when the ½ starts. When an event has the Center booked they often want in the night before and have asked to have that option free of charge if there is no other event in the Center. The Council stated they can pay the half day fee if they want in the day before. The final issue is the doors not being locked after the event. An option to help with this would be to keep their damage deposit if the police department finds any of the doors unlocked or open. The Council was in agreement with this option.
Clerk Griffin reviewed the costs and fees for the various zoning application. Currently Annexation plats are $400.00 but cost approximately $1,600 due to additional staff review, advertising, public hearings, postage, mapping and county filing fees. Subdivision Plats are charged $200 for the preliminary plat and up to $1,000 for Final Plat. The actual time and costs are approximately $1,500 due to staff review, revisions, public hearings, postage, mapping and county filing fees. The other zoning application, variances, conditional use and rezoning currently cover the costs.
Clerk Griffin discussed the fees for Liquor Licenses.
CATERING/MALT BEVERAGE PERMITS $50.00 per day WS allows up to $100.00 per day
BAR & GRILL LICENSE $10,000 initial/$1500 annual renewal Max per WS
RETAIL LICENSE $1,500.00 annual renewal WS $100-$1500
CLUB LICENSE $500.00 annual renewal WS $500-$1500
RESTURANT LICENSE $1,000.00 annual renewal WS $500-$3000
RESORT LICENSE $1,000.00 annual renewal WS $500-$3000
MICROBREWERY LICNESE $500.00 annual renewal WS $300-$500
ADDITIONAL DISPENSING ROOM $25.00 in conjunction with catering/mbp
Cemetery Sexton Field Iiams stated the cemetery fees are up to date with the exception of the cremation and columbarium fees. The columbarium is filling up and the City will need to provide more of those. Sexton Iiams stated the cremation and columbarium fees could be increased from $100 to $150.
Building Inspector Mike Logue explained how the building permit fees are created and are kept up to date. Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen questioned inspection fees, building permit plan review fees, modular/mobile home placement fees. Also discussed were the contractor fees and surety bond requirements. Attorney Phillips will review the reason for surety bonds.
Chief of Police Bob Cecrle asked why there is an impound fee. He stated the City does not impound vehicles.
Many items need better definitions. Staff will work on the definitions and fees and present options to the Council for review. Fees should be reviewed and discussed annually.
Public Works Director Lance Hopkin stated the parks and recreation and weed and pest departments are still analyzing their fees.
2.Council Meetings, Council President & Liaisons
City Clerk Griffin explained with the looming budget constraints she and Mayor McOmie discussed ways to save money. One option is to cut the number of City Council meetings to three meetings each month. Each Council meeting costs $350 for the Council Member plus publication which is between $100 - $200.
Mayor McOmie stated it is up to the Council how often they vote for Council President. He recommended every two years, after elections.
Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen discussed the City Council liaison positions. Some of the committees/boards question why there is a council liaison and would prefer to come to the city council and give a report quarterly. She asked the Council to review the list of liaisons to determine whether a liaison is needed on that board/committee. She stated there are other committees/boards that the City might benefit from attending (i.e. Fremont County School District #1, Lander Housing Authority).
Council Member Hudson stated the Popo Agie Conservation District has requested that he give a small report of projects the City is working towards.
Mayor’s Assistant Fossen asked that the City work on defining what the City wants from the liaison and the board and work with the boards/committees to find out what they want from the City liaison.
3.Staff & Council Updates
Council Vice President Monte Richardson met with the LOTRA (Lander Old Timers Rodeo Association) and explained proposed upcoming changes to the building and surrounding property. He stated he will be meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission on Monday at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
City Treasurer Charri Lara explained that no funds were budgeted to assist community organizations with support. She explained Project Graduation requested funds. Several of the Council Members stated they would personally send support to Project Graduation.
Chief of Police Bob Cecrle explained that the department is taking free online courses that are accredited with POST. He stated the department is very busy and have been using Duane Kaiser to assist with evidence disposal.
Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen stated the City asked for proposals for engineering at Hunt Field Airport. The City received six proposals that will be reviewed by a committee. The successful engineering firm will work with the City for five years. Mayor’s Assistant Fossen stated the Lander Housing Authority market study is completed. Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen stated she and Public Works Director Hopkin attended a meeting with USDA concerning available grants and loans. Mayor’s Assistant Strube-Fossen stated the City will need to use the funds to finish some of the capital projects. The only negative point is the additional paperwork required throughout the length of the grant or loan since it is Federal monies. Mayor’s Assistant Strube-Fossen and Public Works Director Hopkin are working on water rights for the Worthen Meadows Reservoir. Mayor’s Assistant Strube-Fossen has been working with the Mayor to help the financial issues at the Senior Citizen Center’s county wide. They are looking at FCAG (Fremont County Association of Governments) assisting the senior centers. Mayor’s Assistant Strube-Fossen stated the City will be accepting the Fremont County Emergency Operation Plan. This plan is a requirement for Federal funding.
Public Works Director/Engineer Lance Hopkin explained the street department has two employees out on sick leave, so they are very short handed. He thanked the other departments for helping with the street work. He stated the High Pressure Water Line project is being slowed down because of legal issues with the easements. City Attorney Phillips is working on correcting the easements.
Building Inspector Mike Logue stated the City will be adopting the 2016 International Codes. The 2006 International Residential Code will remain and will not be upgraded to the current code.
Mayor McOmie explained to the City Council that the City will be working on a new version of Roberts Rules of Order. There will also be an executive session next week on the issue of property.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
The City of Lander
A Municipal Corporation
By: ______
Del McOmie, Mayor
Robin Griffin, City Clerk
To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes
and supports a traditional yet progressive community
resulting in a high quality of life.
Preserving the past while providing for the future
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