Leadership Council Minutes
October 12, 2016
Present: Stephen Bentivenga, Scott Beyer, Jared Schadrie for Austyn Boothe, Irma Burgos, Jamie Ceman, Lane Earns, Terri Gohmann, Chuck Hermes, Charlie Hill, Marci Hoffman, Sue Jaeke, Franca Barricelli for John Koker, Karl Loewenstein, Patty Schrader for Ameerah McBride, Kate McQuillan, Mark Clements for Anne Milkovich, Brandon Miller, Martha Libster for Leslie Neal-Boyan, JoAnn Rife, Darryl Sims, Matt Suwalski, Laurie Textor, Carleen Vande Zande, Greg Wypiszynski, Elizabeth Alderton for Fredrick Yeo
Absent: Chancellor Andrew Leavitt, Courtney Bauder, Alexander Novak, Art Rathjen, Jennifer Watson, Lori Worm
Guests: Ryan Haley, Larry Carlin
I. Call to Order
Provost Earns called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
II. FLSA Update – Laurie Textor –
HR is continuing to work through positions that have to be reviewed for FLSA, and understand the critical timing for this process, especially with open enrollment coming soon. The final date for this to be complete and in compliance at System is December 1st. Communication with employees and supervisors and specific details are all being factored into the timeline on our end.
III. Items from the floor –
1. Larry Carlin – Honors College Update – UWO will be switching the Honors Program to an Honors College. This is very exciting in Honors Education. Dr. Carlin noted that we are modeling best practices from across the county, that this doesn’t include any additional staff at this point, student numbers are around 500, and due to it’s already rigorous program it will only be an additional three credits. Marketing this new opportunity to students, outreach to current students, and leadership of the program were also discussed.
2. Retirement Incentive Program – A new incentive program is being set up similar to the last one, and soon to be approved. Open Forums will be forthcoming and future details shared as determined.
3. Be sure to get reservations in for the upcoming Alumni Dinner on October 21st.
4. The Cancelation of the Tunnel of Oppression was due to a lack of staffing regulations that were unable to be met, they hope to have it again next year.
5. The Board of Regents approved our mission statement and Post Tenure Review is up for consideration at their next meeting.
6. The Budget Committee nearly has the draft of the new budget model ready, which will be submitted to the Chancellor for consideration.
IV. Announcements –
a. Provost Summit has been a success so far this year, thank you to all involved!
b. UW System COLS Deans will be meeting on campus the end of the month.
c. System Regent Eve Hall is set to visit campus on November 22nd.
V. Next Meeting – Wednesday, November 9, 2016 in Reeve 306
VI. Adjourned at 2:37pm
Respectfully submitted,
April Dutscheck