
The City of Casey manages Kindergarten and Family Day Care.

The City of Casey manages 44 kindergartens in the municipality offering 4 year old programs. Students gain experience in sessional kindergarten working within a teaching team environmenton a part time or full time basis.

Family Day Care provides child care within the home of an Educator. Students participatein part time or full time field placements with City of Casey staff visiting Educators.

Both service types recognise that students play an important role and provide staff with the opportunity to stay in touch with practices currently being taught. The services aim to provide a place where students can put theory into practice in a supportive environment.

Please complete this application by typing into each field.

Hand written applications will not be accepted.

Applicant’s Details

Last Name: First Name:


Suburb: Postcode:

Telephone(BH): Mobile:


Application Information - course details

University/school/college attending:

Course studying:

University/school/college contact name and number:

Course duration- how long is the course and how many days/hours do you attend?

At what stage are you up to in the course?

How many placements have you completed so far and at what type of services?

When will your course supervisor visit you during the placement?

Reason for applying for a placement at the City of Casey:

Brief outline of placement tasks:

Have you received instruction on how to complete these tasks from your university/school/college?
(Please specify)

What assistance will you require from City of Casey staff?

Preferred employment type when you have completed the course:

Do you have a practical placement agreement from your university/school/college?

Yes No

Service type preference

Kindergarten within the City of Casey

Is there a City of Casey Kindergarten you particularly want to attend? If so what is the name of that Kindergarten?


How many hours do you need to complete?

Dates Requested

Dates should add up to the number of hours required and fit in with the times the service offers. (Refer to background notes on page 1).

First preferenceFrom: // To: //

Second preferenceFrom: // To: //

Third preferenceFrom: // To: //

Is there any further information you wish to provide?

Please email this form - Attention:City of Casey Children’sServices.

Applications are processed in order of receipt. You should expect an initial response within 3 -5 days.

For further information about the City of Casey Children Services go to:
