Weimaraner Agility League Entry Form
KC Registered name / Pet name / Dogs Age / Dogs Agility Level (novice, starter, senior) / Name and Address of HandlerTel no:
Please return this section with an SAE and entry fee by 1st January 2006 (See point 1 below). In return you will receive your info pack and Personal Points Record. Entries are £3.50 per dog. Please retain bottom portion of entry form for your information.
Tear off here
Please retain this portion
Please send entries and Cheques to: Debbie Stewart
(Cheques made payable to Debbie Beckstone Cottage
Stewart please) 10 Moorfield,
DL13 5JU
Tel: 01388 710428
Mobile: 07989 350259
Enquiries to above address or email:
Weimaraner Agility League Rules
(All the ‘rules’ are in place to try and make it fair for everybody, I am open to suggestions to improve how the league is run, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any ideas.)
- Entries to be received by 1st January 2006. New members joining later in the year all points will be backdated for two months, but for previous members the points will only count from the time of subscription and not backdated.
- Points will be awarded as of 1st January 2006. Points and awarded as follows: 30 points for 1st place down to 1 point for 30th place for all classes held at a KC licensed event. Special classes at KC shows are also included. If you gain a Clear Round or receive a special rosette, this will gain 1 point, and 2 points for any pairs placing. All club competitions, Weimie League competitions and unaffiliated i.e., JAX jumps, East Midlands and UK agility shows etc will be allocated points as follows: 20 points for 1st place down to 1 point for 20th.Details will be in the packs issued when you subscribe.
- Please note an increase in subscription fees due to increases in prices for rosettes, trophies etc. The entry fee is now £3.50. This will cover the cost of the trophies and administration. An annual donation has now been set up. The Weimaraner League sponsors The Dog Trust Oakfield Old Dogs Home. Addition donations to charities may be made in order for us to hold extra events i.e. The Weimaraner Challenge Cup (funds permitting!).
- It is the handler’s responsibility to forward any points gained each month to enable the points to be added to the point’s table. Please phone or send the Totalpoints gained no later than the 10th of the following month. For example, any points gained in January must be submitted before the 10th of February. If the points are not submitted on time then they will NOT be added to your points total.
- A monthly league table will be available (please send SAE), or check out the Agility Eye and Agilitynet.com.
- In the event of a draw the highest overall placing in the year will win.
- Awards:
- 1st place trophy (Perpetual Trophy kindly donated by Janet & Clive Hudson]
- 2nd place trophy
- 3rd place trophy
- Also Special Achievement, best Veteran dog (over 8) and Best Starter Awards
Entry Form2006.doc