The Christmas Dinner 2013

Inspire, 747 Stockport Road, M19 3AR

Risk Assessment and Responsibilities for the 25th December 2013

Accessibility - The whole event will take place on the ground floor. The front door is the main entrance that will be used. As well as there being automatic doors, there has to be someone at the entrance area at all times.

Children attending the event – Will remain the responsibility of their parents’ throughout the day. If the case was to occur where a child/children was left unaccompanied at the venue then the following procedure is to be adhered to:

  • An attempt to contact the parent by phone is to be made immediately – Jenna will have all the contact details.
  • If contact is made with the parent they are to be asked to return and collect their child/ren. The parent needs to be given a specified time limit to do this. Suggest that this is within 30mins of the phone call being made, if this occurred before 6pm. After that time the parent needs to be told to come immediately to collect their child/ren as the venue is closing at 7pm and that Children’s Services will be informed if they do not come.
  • If the parent cannot be contacted then the Children’s Services in the area where the child/ren lives is to be contacted.
  • In exceptional circumstances only will the child/ren be handed over to the care of someone else if their parent has left the building.

Cloak Room - The cupboard in the Community Room has been identified for this purpose. Pushchairs are to be put in here when not being used. This cupboard will remain locked at all times. One of the hosts needs to be given responsibility for the guests having access to their belongings.

Ensuring that Guests feel welcome – The guests will be greeted at the front door, names need to be taken and recorded. Then the guest is to be introduced to a host. The host will remain with the guest until there is a sense of comfortableness and ease. As well as positively engaging the host has to inform the guest about housekeeping matters. This includes Fire Evacuation Procedure, where smoking is permitted, toilets, cloakroom etc. etc. If a guest has a child with them then someone needs to ‘buddy up’ with the guest and assist them in ways where they still retain their parental role and at the same time are able to enjoy the day themselves.

Fire Procedure – If there was an actual fire or the alarm went off everyone is to leave the venue immediately by the nearest exit. The building has two fire exits – one in the main room at the front entrance and the other is at the end of the lobby area. The Assembly Point is at the gates at the rear of the building. Therefore, when exiting via the door in the lobby, the gates are to the left and if on exiting by the main entrance, people are to turn left onto Stockport Road, then left onto Mayford Road and then left down the first side entrance. There has to be a list made of everyone that comes to the event. This information needs to be kept near the main entrance and taken if the building has to be evacuated. A roll call is to be taken and no-one is to go back into the building until they are told to do so. As someone has to be assigned to take the list and undertake the roll call – I am suggesting thatthis is done by Jenna, given she will have all the other information.

First Aid – Ian Skyes and Carrie are the designated First Aiders for the day. There are two First Aid Kits. These are situated in the main kitchen and in the cupboard in the main office. A hospital driver needs to be identified. If a guest needed to be taken to hospital then transport arrangements need to be put in place to convey a guest back home after treatment, if this was needed. There needs to be liaison between the person co-ordinating the taxis.

Front Entrance–Will be the only way in and out of the building at all times, apart from in the event of a fire. At the main entrance there is a mechanism that prevents people from entering but not from leaving the building. This will need to be switched on once the majority of the guests have arrived. There has to be someone at the front entrance (or very close to when the scrumptious dinner is taking place) at all times. This is in order to let people back in; ensure that any late comers are welcomed and to deter anyone that wants to come in who is not associated with the event.

Guests who have missed their cab–Every effort within reason will be made to get any guest to the event if they have missed their lift. The following numbers are to be given to the guests if they need to get in contact on the day – this is between 1pm and 7pm only:

Inspire - 0161 850 5717

The Christmas Party mobile - 0798 4973 506

Have identified Jenna as having charge of the mobile phone.

Personal phone numbers are not to be given out.

Main Kitchen – No-one other than those assigned is to go into the main kitchen area. The Chef or someone delegated in their absence will allocate tasks to be done as appropriate. However, later on in the day extra assistance maybe requested from other volunteers in order to help with the clearing and cleaning up.

Opening and Locking up venue – Bethanyis going to open up the building and Paul (from Inspire) is going to lockup. *Someone has to take responsibility to check the building with Paul at the end of the day.

Potential or actual incidents of conflict between guests – Volunteers need to be aware of the slight probability of disagreements occurring. The priority is to try and stop these situations from happening – positive engagement and light banter are useful strategies. However, if in the event of an altercation, techniques associated with diffusing and mediation need to be immediately put in place. I suggest that at least four ‘trouble shooters’ are identified at the start of the event – Nikki (maitre de) has volunteered to be one of these people.

Rubbish Disposal – Rubbish is to be bagged up and Bethany will advise where the rubbish is to go. Rod is going to oversee the clean up on the 27/12 and the main clean up will be undertaken by Inspire who are providing two cleaners. On Christmas Day it would be helpful if as much clearing and cleaning could be done.

Setting up – No more than a maximum of two chairs to be moved at any one time.

Small Kitchen – Is where snacks will be provided when guests first arrive.

Smoking – This is a non-smoking building and the permitted smoking area is the paved area at the entrance of the building. Chairs, tables and ashtrays are going to be put in this area. This equipment needs to be brought back in at the end of the event.

Spillages and breakages–Need to be cleared/cleaned up immediately. Bethany will have key to cleaning cupboard and equipment if needed.

Technical difficulties – Bethany will deal with any problems that may occur.

Toilets– The toilets are situated in the main room of the venue and in the lobby area. Each set of toilets have separate disabled, female and male lavatories. Nappy changing facilities are situated in both of the disabled toilets. In order to deter any potential illicit activity and to ensure that matters of good hygiene are kept, these areas are to be checked on a regular and frequent basis – I suggest every 20 – 30 minutes.

Volunteer’s Belongings – To be kept in the Consultation Room. This is situated in the main room.

Vulnerability – Whilst the day might provoke emotion for a number of the guests – there are some guests that have been identified has needing more support. Volunteers need to be assigned to be watchful and mindful with these individuals.
