The Children and Young People’s Victims’ Service
Invitation to quote
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced organisations which are a member of either the Families, Health and Wellbeing Consortium or Greater Together and have completed relevant due diligence checks before 30.11.2015. Please tick to confirm you meet this requirement.
You are invited to submit fully costed proposals for the supply of a service which meets the relevant standards to which the Consortium subscribes (as detailed in Section A) and as detailed within the Pricing Schedule (Section C).
It is essential to comply with the following instructions in the preparation and submission of your quotation. The Consortium selection committee reserves the right to reject a quotation that does not fully comply with these instructions.
Your quotation must be completed in English and must be submitted no later than 5pm on Wednesday 6th January 2016. Please return your completed proposal to:
Alysia Brooks
Families, Health and Wellbeing Consortium
The Boulevard Centre
45 Railway Road
Telephone: 01254 503047
Lancashire- The Current Context
The current landscape of support services to victims of crime in Lancashire is patchy and inconsistent. Services have developed over time in a piecemeal way in response to factors including funders’ different priorities, the different needs of different communities, and varying capacity in different areas to deliver services.
In addition, funding for these kinds of support organisations has been cut in recent years. As a result, there is a lack of services for certain groups of victims, including young victims of crime.
It is essential that all services and projects commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner which work with young people provide evidence that their services and delivery programmes are young victim friendly, encourage safe reporting, and ensure that staff and volunteers would act appropriately upon disclosure and action further sign posting and support options. It is essential that young people are placed at the heart of all development and delivery of the programme. The young people would serve the role of being consulted and engaged with to shape and deliver the programme of activities, to assess its effectiveness and make recommendations for future action.
Additionally it is essential that the commissioned Young Victim’s Service engages active signposting and referring to local social activities to ensure that the young person is effectively supported and enabled to access local provision to maximise and sustain positive outcomes.
Common Forms of Crime in Relation to Young People
According to the Office for National Statistics; ‘In the year ending December 2014, there were an estimated 767,000 crimes experienced by children aged 10 to 15. Statistical evidence is further borne out by the consultation process with young people and service providers in the development of this commission which identified the following as the most common forms of crime experienced by young victims of crime:
- Robbery/Theft
- Criminal Damage
- Burglary
- Domestic Violence Anti-Social behaviour
- Offences Against the person (GBH/ABH/Battery Assault/Murder/Manslaughter
- Rape/Sexual Assault
- Exploitation
As with adults, children and young people are victims of a diverse range of crimes, therefore bespoke and specialist forms of support to young victims of each identified crime would lead to an unsustainable number of various and wide ranging support services being set up to meet the perceived need The issue however still remains that children and young people are more likely to be victims of crime and are less likely to report it.
It is clear from the research and consultation during the development of this specification that many young victims of crime are also perpetrators. It is not the purpose of this specification to provide a model of support to perpetrators of crime but it is necessary to state that a young victim of crime should not be denied access to support if they happen to be a perpetrator as well.
The Commissions
In order to appropriately address the above context and need in Lancashire, there are a number of elements being commissioned via the PCC on a pilot basis to further establish actual need, demand, best practise and opportunities for greater outcomes. These are outlined below;
- Young Victims Service - Central Hub with Co-ordinator: A commission to host a Young Victims Reporting and Referral Hub to be staffed by: a Co-ordinator, Administrative Support Worker, volunteers and locality based Young Victim’s Keyworker. The service would be for young victims of crime who had been referred by an appropriate agency for assessment and support
- Hosting and Delivery of a Young Victim Key Worker Role – A commission to host a Young Person Victim Key Worker within a locality based organisation, providing direct support (including engagement of volunteers) to meet the individual needs of the young victim in engaging the criminal justice system, accessing wider support needs, reducing the impact of the crime on their future and to increase resilience.
- Comprehensive Training Package: To commission a Training Provider to deliver a series of ‘Train the Trainer’ training sessions for all of Lancashire’s Third Sector staff and volunteers to increase their understanding and capacity in responding effectively to young people as victims of crime, and to build capacity within organisations to adopt the role of Young people’s victims Champion.
- Peer Mentoring Programme: To commission delivery of training to staff of front line organisations alongside young peer mentors to develop Peer Mentoring programmes within their own organisations. The provider will be expected to develop a quality framework and training package to ensure that the peer mentors adhere to a common set of standards and delivery outcomes.
- Independent Evaluation: To commission a respected and experienced provider to undertake an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of all the above young victims services commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Overarching Outcomes required by the Commissions collectively:
- Incrementally increase number of disclosures
- Accurate mapping of available support services
- Identification of accurate levels of crime being experienced by children and young people.
- Young Victims of crime are intensively supported to improve resilience address successful the highly negative consequences of crime.
- One stop service for all of Lancashire’s Young Victims of Crime
- Clear, branded and identifiable service
- Increase in reporting of crimes experienced by young people
- Young Victims’ receive appropriate support and advice
- Young people are supported to achieve positive outcomes from criminal justice system
- Improve confidence and health and wellbeing
- Encourage social interaction
- Provide peer mentorship
- Reduce anxiety and nervousness by taking part in fun and enjoyable activities
- Encourage young victims to talk about their experiences in a safe, supportive environment
- Encourage the reporting of crime
- Signpost to other agencies offering practical and emotional support
- Create pathways to further opportunities including volunteering and training
Each commission must work collaboratively, collectively and complementary to all the other commissions within the wider specification.
We are looking for fully costed, fixed price proposals up to the maximum budget allocation for each lot which address the issues raised in the specification and to set out how the organisation will deliver a programme of work to meet the specification
The Contract period is stated below. Prices are to be fixed for the full period of Contract and must not exceed the amounts stated in the individual commissions.
Phase 1 (co-design/development): January 18th – April 3rd2016
Phase 2 (full service delivery): April 4th2016 – March 31st 2017
If you need to contact the Families, Health and Wellbeing Consortium for clarification on any issues during the process, please email
Please note that should an applicant be awarded the contract, that the Families, Health and Wellbeing Consortium reserves the right to terminate the contract if it is discovered that false information has been supplied.
Your proposals must be completed in full and where necessary signed and dated. Failure to return a completed quotation will invalidate your submission.
Please ensure your responses are completed within this template and within the relevant sections.
Section A: Organisation Profile
NOTE TO ORGANISATION:This section is required for information purposes only.
Please provide the following details:
Business name:
Registered or trading name if different:
Type of organisation (e.g. charity, private limited company, CIC, partnership, sole trader - please provide your registration number):
Registered address:
Correspondence address if different from the above:
Address from which the Contract will be provided if different from the above:
Name of ultimate holding/parent company or subsidiary companies including addresses and an explanation of group structure and internal relationships:
Company Registration Number of ultimate holding/parent company or subsidiary companies:
If you have included details of an ultimate holding/parent company above would this company be willing to guarantee your contract performance and enter into any requisite legal documentation?
Indication of the principal areas of business activity of your organisation:
Contact name:Contact's position:
Contact's telephone number:
Contact's fax number:
Contact’s email address:
Company(ies) registration number(s):
Place of registration:
Year established:
VAT number:
Which consortium are you a member of?
Greater TogetherFHWB
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Section B: Quality Questions
1. / Please provide evidence of previous experience of co-ordinating services within a multi-agency project (20%)2. / Please provide a project design outlining key milestones, implementation plan and methodology(50%)
3. / Please provide evidence of how you have successfully engaged withchildren and young people to assess their risks and needs (20%)
4. / Please describe how you will ensure you incorporate and promote the service as part of your own organisations business / development strategy(10%)
Quotations will be evaluated as follows:
/Scoring %
Any other relevant criteria?
Price charges evaluation
- The quotation with the lowest cost will receive 100% of the price score (10% of the total score).
- Other quotes will receive a pro-rata score of 100% based on how much they exceed the lowest total annual collection charge.
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Please provide confirmation that you have or, if successful, will buy the following minimum levels of insurance:
ValuesPublic Liability / £10 million
Employers Liability / £10 million
Professional Indemnity / £5 Million
Other: Products Liability / £10 Million
Financial Information
Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan agreements (if any) during the past year?
If the answer to the above question is no, what were the reasons, and what has been done to put things right?
Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and employees during the past year?
If the answer to the above question is no, please explain why not:
What is the name and branch of your bankers who could provide a reference?
Contact Details:
The Families, Health and Wellbeing Consortium may request the following financial information
- A set of last year’s audited accounts,
- Original bank / building society statement less than 3 months old.
Health and Safety
Does your organisation have a written health and safety at work policy?
Does your organisation have a health and safety at work policy and process?
If ‘No’ to either of the above please explain why
You agree to ensure that all of your workforce will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation, as well as any instructions from FHWB Consortium and/or the Board of Directors, whilst your organisation undertakes any work on behalf of the Consortium.
Position in Organisation:
Equality and Diversity
Does your organisation comply with its legal obligations relating to the following?
RaceSexual Orientation
Religion or Belief
Human Rights
You must keep up to date with relevant changes in legislation.
Do you have a written equal opportunities and diversity policy?
If no,please explain why?In the last three years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by any court or industrial or employment tribunal?
In the last three years has your organisation been the subject of a formal investigation on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination by, for example, the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), Disability Rights Commission (DRC), Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) or Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)?
If the outcome of either of the last two questions (above) was yes, what action were you required to take as a result of that finding or investigation?
If you were required to take action, what action did you take?
If you were required to take action and no action was taken, please explain why not?
If you were required to take action, did the action taken satisfy the relevant organisation?
Quality Assurance
Does your organisation have a quality assurance system/accreditation?
If so, please list.Environmental Management
Does your organisation have an environmental policy system?
If no, please explain why?Safeguarding
Does your organisation have a Safeguarding Policy
Please provide details of at least one independent referee from a recent contract that are relevant to this contract requirement.
Reference 1 / Reference 2Organisation/Customer Name:
Contact Details:
Date contract awarded:
Contract details:
Contract value:
Contract end date:
Additional information:
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Section C: Schedule of Prices
I/We the undersigned hereby offer to provide the goods and/or services described or referred to in the invitation to quote documentation for the following costs, exclusive of value added tax: (all costs to be quoted in pounds sterling and exclusive of V.A.T.)
Type of Cost / Description / Total CostStaff (including Volunteers if applicable)
Operational / activity costs
Office overheads, premises etc.
Capital costs
Publicity / marketing costs
Other costs
(please specify)
Total costings
The above costs include all travelling/subsistence, expenses and disbursements.
Funding amounts for individual commissions
Service Co-ordinator / Key Worker (1) / Key Worker (2) / Key Worker (3) / Training Package / Peer Mentoring / Independent Evaluation / ContractM’gt / Totals
Value (2016) / £10,788 / £7,615 / £7,615 / £7,615 / £2,010 / £5,870 / £2,909 / £2,115 / £36,807
Value (2016-2017) / £51,000 / £36,000 / £36,000 / £36,000 / £9,500 / £27,750 / £13,750 / £10,000 / £220,000
Totals / £61,788 / £43,615 / £43,615 / £43,615 / £11,510 / £33,620 / £16,659 / £12,115 / £256,807
I/We hereby offer to supply the above mentioned goods as outlined in the specification and in accordance with the Consortia sub-contracting arrangements.
e-Signatures are acceptable on this document, any signatures must be made by a person who is authorised to commit the bidder to the Contract.
Signature: / ------Name (Block Capitals) : / ------
Job Title: / ------
For and on behalf of: / ------
Company Name: / ------
Address Line 1 : / ------
Address Line 2: / ------
Address Line 3 : / ------
Company Registration Number : / ------
Email Address: / ------
Telephone Number: / ------
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