·  The Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up with Disney campaign

·  Copy

·  Summer 2016

Please note that the information in this document is strictly embargoed. Information about the Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up with Disney campaign should not be shared publicly until 00:01 5 July 2016.


Below are some examples of long and short copy that you may wish to use when communicating about the Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up with Disney campaign. Please feel free to use the copy below for any newsletters, emails or other materials, including websites, e-bulletins, newsletter and press release - Note there is a separate social media toolkit available on the CRC.

Long copy - 200 words

The Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up with Disney campaign is back and encouraging families to ‘Just Keep Moving’ as they kick off a summer of activity, inspired by this year’s Disney·Pixar film, Finding Dory.

Families can once again take part in the 10 Minute Shake Ups as well as enjoying Finding Dory inspired family swim sessions at local pools across the UK, all approved by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA). The swim sessions provide an interactive hour of storytelling fun and activity for the whole family.

Too much inactive time is bad for a child’s physical, social and mental wellbeing, yet just 21% of boys and 16% of girls currently meet the daily national recommended level of activity of 60 minutes.[1] Being active helps children to build social skills, boost self-confidence, improve bone and heart health and maintain a healthy weight. Every 10 minute burst of exercise can make a real difference in helping children reach the 60 minutes they need each day.

Make this a non-stop summer of fun activity and search Change4Life online now for Disney and Finding Dory inspired 10 Minute Shake Ups and don’t forget to book your swim session at www.disney.co.uk/justkeepmoving.

Short copy - 100 words

The Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up with Disney campaign is back and encouraging families to ‘Just Keep Moving’ this summer to help children reach the 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity they need each day.

Families can once again take part in the 10 Minute Shake Ups as well as enjoying Finding Dory inspired family swim sessions at local pools across the UK, all approved by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).

Being active helps children to build social skills, boost self-confidence, improve bone and heart health and maintain a healthy weight.

Make this a non-stop summer of fun activity and search Change4Life online now for Disney and Finding Dory inspired 10 Minute Shake Ups and don’t forget to book your swim session at www.disney.co.uk/justkeepmoving.

For more information please email .

[1] Health Survey for England 2012 http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB13218/HSE2012-Ch3-Phys-act-child.pdf