Williamstown Cal Ripken Baseball, Inc.
Constitution and By-laws
Article I - Name.
The name of this league shall be the Williamstown Cal Ripken Baseball, Incorporated, herein referred to in the Constitution and By-laws as WCRB or the “league”.
Article II - Purpose.
Section I
The objective of WCRB is to provide all children interested in baseball a safe place to dream and succeed. It is a fundamental belief of WCRB that every child with a desire to play baseball should be afforded that opportunity. We will strive to develop and strengthen the fundamental physical and mental skills associated with the game of baseball. WCRB will also strive – and will consider it a higher goal – to develop and strengthen the virtues of respect, sportsmanship, teamwork, and work ethic, while keeping baseball fun for children and their families.
Section 2
To achieve this objective WCRB will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations of Babe Ruth League, Incorporated. All Directors, Officers, Appointees, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of athletic skill and the winning of games are goals, but neither is the most important goal. The most important goal of WCRB is to provide a program in which each and every child will be safe, have fun, learn positive values, and improve their baseball understanding and ability.
Section 3
In accordance with Section 50l-(c)-(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, the Williamstown Cal Ripken Baseball, Incorporated shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive baseball games. No part of the net earnings of this corporation shall ever inure to or for the benefit of or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payment and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purpose for which it was formed.
Article III – Affiliation.
This league shall be affiliated with Babe Ruth League, Incorporated and shall be governed by, and shall comply with the principles, rules and regulations enunciated and decreed by Babe Ruth League, Incorporated.
Article IV – Location.
The principal operations of this league shall be in and about the town of Williamstown, County of Berkshire, and State of Massachusetts, but may extend into such areas as provided for by the State, Regional, and National Headquarters rules and regulations.
Article V - League Powers.
This league shall have the following powers in addition to the powers expressly or implicitly conferred on it by law.
- To make and enforce rules and regulations to govern itself on a local basis, but consistent with and not contrary to any rules and regulations promulgated by Babe Ruth League, Incorporated, or by the District, State, Regional, or International echelons of said Babe Ruth League, Incorporated to which this league is subject,
- To solicit contributions for the financial operation of the league, as deemed necessary by the league, or District, State, Regional, or International Headquarters.
- To enter into contracts and hold and own property, as necessary for the operations of WCRB.
Article VI - Membership.
Any adult, residing within the boundaries of the league, interested in active participation to affect the objective of this league, may become a member of WCRB by registering with the secretary.
Article VII – Officers.
The officers of the WCRB shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Safety Officer. Officers are to hold office for one year from November 1 to October 31 of the following year. Election of officers will take place at the annual meeting by majority vote of members there present. Any member of the WCRB is eligible to be elected to an officer position.
The President may not hold a manager position in WCRB Major League Division during the regular season. The President may seek an override of this restriction in any given season by requesting an approval by majority vote at the annual meeting. If such approval is granted and during the season any issues regarding the President's conduct as a major league manager which would normally be brought to the attention of and be addressed by the President shall be brought to the attention of and addressed by a three-person committee consisting of the Coaching Coordinator, the Vice- President, and a Board Member selected by the Coaching Coordinator and Vice- President. The President may simultaneously hold such positions in the Minor Division, Rookie Division or T-Ball Division. The President may manage or coach in post season and/or all-star play.
Article VIII - Board of Directors.
Section 1. Composition of Board.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the following: The Officers as defined in Article VII, the immediate past President of the WCRB, the Equipment Manager, the Coaching Coordinator and up to 5 at large members.
Section 2. Manner of Selecting Board Members.
The Officers (elected to the Board pursuant to Article VII) and the Equipment Manager, and Coaching Coordinator (appointed by the President pursuant to Article 1.B. of the Bylaws) shall remain Board members for so long as they hold such positions. The previous President of WCRB shall remain a Board member until there is a new immediate past President. The at large members shall be elected for a term of one year at the annual meeting by majority vote of the members there present. Any mid-term Board vacancies may be filled for the duration of the vacating Board member’s term by a majority vote of the remaining Board members
Article IX - Standing Committees.
The standing committees of the WCRB shall be: Grievance Committee, Fund Raising Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, Field Committee, and Nominations Committee. Additional standing committees may be established by a majority vote of the WCRB board of directors.
Article X – Meetings.
Regular meetings shall be scheduled and held monthly for the purpose of conducting routine business, to provide information, and make decisions for the upcoming season. Meetings shall be called by the President each month.
The annual meeting shall take place after the completion of the baseball season and prior to October 31 of the given year.
Special meetings may be called at any time and any place by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors, providing seven days notice is given of such meeting. Emergency meetings may be called by the President at any time.
A quorum of the Board of Directors must be a minimum of 51% of the board membership.
Article XI - Amending.
This constitution and/or by-laws or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by two-thirds of those present at any annual meeting. A special meeting may be held to amend the Constitution and/or By-laws provided that notice is given in accordance with Article X of the Constitution, and said notice must contain the information that the special meeting is being held to amend the Constitution and/or By-laws.
Article XII - Dissolution.
Upon the dissolution of this corporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation, which is organized and operated exclusively for the charitable, educational, or religious and/or scientific purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 502 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article I - Elected Officers' and Appointees’ Duties.
A. Elected Officers.
1. President
The league President shall have the following duties.
a. General Corporate Affairs. The league President shall: preside at all league meetings; assume full responsibility for the operation of WCRB; see that WCRB adheres to the rules, regulations and policies of Babe Ruth League, Inc.; attend and represent WCRB at district meetings; ensure that application for charter is submitted to Babe Ruth League Headquarters in a timely fashion; and set the dates for regular meetings of the league.
b. Appointments. The league President shall with the approval of the Board of Directors appoint, and shall supervise the activity of: all committees; the Equipment Manager; Coaching Coordinator; Team Managers; and Coaches.
c. Assembly of teams. The league President shall: set the dates for and oversee player skills assessment sessions; preside over the assembly of teams in all divisions; keep current records of team rosters and waiting lists of players (if any); certify player eligibility and communicate information concerning player rosters as required by Babe Ruth League Headquarters..
d. Scheduling. The league President shall establish the schedule of games.
e. Umpires. The league President shall coordinate all league activities concerning procurement, training and assigning of umpires.
f. Grievances/Protests. The league President shall chair the grievance committee and have final authority for all local league protests.
2. Vice President
The league Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President at league meetings and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
3. Secretary
The Secretary shall record the minutes of meetings and shall be responsible for sending out notice of regular and special meetings, maintaining an official record of league activities, and performing such other duties as this office may require.
4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall sign checks and dispense league funds as approved by league officers, report on the status of league funds, keep accurate financial records and be generally responsible for local league finances.
5. Safety Officer
The Safety Officer shall advise the Board on matters of personal safety and from time to time recommend revisions to the league’s Safety Plan. The Safety Officer shall participate in Managers’ and Coaches’ orientation sessions to communicate the league’s concern with personal safety issues, including communicating the league’s Safety Plan and helping Managers and Coaches better understand and implement the Safety Plan. The Safety Officer shall from time to time monitor league activities and shall be encouraged to comment upon observed activities and recommend conduct to enhance personal safety. Any person failing to cooperate with the Safety Officer on issues of personal safety, including but not limited to failing to adhere to the Safety Plan, shall be subject to disciplinary action by the President and/or Board.
B. Appointees.
The league President shall appoint the following with the approval of the Directors.
1. Coaching Coordinator.
The Coaching Coordinator shall assist in recruiting manager and coaching candidates for consideration by the President and Board. The Coaching Coordinator shall stress to all candidates the paramount importance of the league’s philosophy relative to providing a program in which each and every child will be safe, have fun, learn positive values, and improve their baseball understanding and ability. The Coaching Coordinator shall likewise stress that the primary goal of WCRB is not winning at all costs, and shall make clear that any manager or coach fundamentally disagreeing with this set of values will not be acceptable to WCRB. Once managers and coaches are appointed by the President with the approval of the Board, the Coaching Coordinator shall assist in implementing league-established policies by providing basic orientation for new managers and coaches, and for reviewing league goals and procedures with returning coaches and managers. During the season the Coaching Coordinator shall be available for consultation with Managers and Coaches generally on any aspect of their role.
2. Equipment Manager
The Equipment Manager shall be appointed by the President and shall be responsible for inventory, inspection, purchase, and distribution of all league baseball equipment. The Equipment Manager shall purchase equipment only after the expenditure for same has been approved in advance by the President or Board.
3. Team Managers
Managers of all teams shall be appointed annually by the President subject to approval by the Board of Directors and receipt of a signed Coach's Code of Conduct Form for the current season. Managers shall, as part of their orientation, receive basic baseball skills training, and a thorough review of the league’s Safety Plan. Managers shall also be instructed that among their most important responsibilities is the setting and maintaining of a tone of support and sportsmanship among all players in the league. Managers are encouraged to refer to the materials provided by the Positive Coaching Alliance. Among these materials is the concept of “double goal coaching” which involves recognizing that winning on the scoreboard is a goal but is not the most important goal. Managers are to recognize and stress that their more important goal is to teach their players to give good effort, to try their best to learn the game of baseball, and not to be afraid to make mistakes. Managers are to teach players to respect the game of baseball by showing respect at all times for: the rules of the game, their opponents, the umpires, their teammates, and themselves. Managers are to accept that any player who gives his or her best effort, strives to learn, and is fearless, and who shows respect for the game, is a winner. Managers are to be mindful that this league is here to serve children; and that they are entrusted with the care of children who require and deserve their guidance, and support. It is the policy of WCRB that far above winning games, it is more important that all children in WCRB be supported as they strive to improve their skills and learn this very difficult game. Any individuals who fail to grasp this concept, or who fundamentally disagree with this concept, will not be considered suitable Managers. All team Managers will be subject to a CORI check.
4. Coaches
Coaches of all teams shall be appointed annually by the President, in consultation with the team managers, subject to approval by the Board of Directors and receipt of a signed Coach's Code of Conduct Form for the current season. Coaches shall receive the same orientation as Managers and shall support and assist Managers. All Coaches will be subject to a CORI check.
Article II - Duties of Standing Committees (membership in parentheses).
A. Grievance (President, and 2 directors)
The Grievance committee shall be chaired by the President. The committee will hear appeals of any disciplinary action recommended by the President or Board of Directors and any other formal grievances brought by the membership.