November 2006 IEEE P802.11-06/1763r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

November 13th, 2006 TGs Ad Hoc Meeting
Date: 2006-11-13
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Dee Denteneer / Philips / Prof. Holstlaan 4, 5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands / + 31 40 27 46937 /
Donald Eastlake 3rd / Motorola / 111 Locke Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752 USA / +1 508-786-7554 /


Minutes 3

Participants 5


Ad hoc 11s, November 13, 8.00 am – 11.00 am

By the chairman, see 11-06/1568r3

·  The chairman presented the flow for the Dallas meeting.

·  Dee Denteneer was appointed Temporary Secretary.

·  Miscellaneous announcements

·  IPR notice procedure

·  Manual attendance recording was set in motion

·  802.11s Tutorial this evening, 6.30; 802.15.5 tutorial same time on Tuesday

·  Agenda setting

o  New presentations were announced by Michelle Gong (11-06/1716) and Kaz (11-06/1732). With reference to the former, it was deferred until a general discussion about CCF, but also included in this ad-hoc, so as to start off the discussion.


1.  Call ad hoc meeting to Order

2.  Selection of Temporary Secretary for ad hoc meeting

3.  Miscellaneous Announcements

4.  Review of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property and Inappropriate Topics

5.  Approval of ad hoc Meeting Agenda

6.  Presentations

o  “Editorial updates to clause 5.2.7”, Steven Conner, 11-06/1637r1

o  “RFI Update Munich Meeting”, Guenael Strutt, 11-06/1629r1

o  “Definition of Broadcast Mesh”, Kazuyuki Sakoda, 11-06/1619r0 and 11-06/1732r0

o  “Concerns regarding CCF?”, Michelle Gong, 11-06/1716r0

7.  After presentations, divide into subgroups for informal comments resolution

8.  Adjourn


Steve Connor presents 11-06/1637r1.

Gunnael Strutt presents 11-06/1629r1

Kaz Sakoda presents 11-06/1732r0

Michelle Gong presents 11-06/1716r0

Comments on last presentation:

Q.Switch delays will not be a problem as switching can be done in nano seconds, see e.g. Wimedia. We don’t meed an extra field for switching time because the standard will define a common value.

A. Current devices switch slowly. There is currently a problem with the definition, multiple solutions are preferably.

Q. p5, calculating throughput, not compared with RTS/CTS but compared against raw rate.

A. RTX/CTX is mandatory, RTS/CTS not.

Q. Comparison with two coexistent WLANs not ok, as if they use orthogonal channels. CCF makes coexistence easy.

Q. slide 9, Nobody uses RTS/CTS, only physical carrier sense used. Everything works.

A. Virtual carrier sense still relevant as it is set in the preamble of the data packet. Also neede for TXOP.

Q. Uses DIFS which is longer than SIFS, this is still ok in the design of CCF.

A. If you enter the data channel later, that is different than if you have been dwelling on it.

Q. The sensitivity is enough.

A. There are no CCF devices now, so this is not known. The purpose is to trigger comments and discussion.

Q. Is this also with multiple radios.

A. We more radios no problem.

Q. Multiple radios is an implementation choice

A. The protocol is defined for one radios, with multiple radios no problems.

Straw Polls - Yes-no-abstain

Are there problems with CCF that we need to address? 18-3-6

Do you think that the coexistence problem (i.e. concern 4) with CCF needs to be addressed? 14-2-4

Do you think that the compatibility problem (i.e. concern 5) with CCF needs to be addressed? 6-2-10

Q, CCF is optional?

A. Yes, but will cause problems when used.

Poll as to how many people want to work on each part of the draft:

–  MAC: 4 RFI: 11 Security: 5 Other: 2

Split up in four groups as above, each being assigned to one corner of the room. No specific person was designed as being in charge of any of these groups.

Full group called back 10.55.

Reminder of TGs tutorial this evening.

Adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10.30.


Donald Eastlake 3rd

Joseph Kim

Jim “Hauser

Dennis Baker

Hrishikesh Gossain

Tony Braskich

Susan Hares

Azman Osman Lim

Michelle Gong

Michael Bahr

Lars Falk

Hoeyoung Lee

Hyangsuk Seong

Kazuyuki Sakoda

Yonggyu Kim

Yenkwon Jeong

Malik Audeh

Jorjeta Jetcheva

John Bahr

Hang Liu

Wei Li

Mark Hamilton

Shusaku Shimada

Sheng Sun

Junping Zhang

Juha Pihlaja

Guido R. Hiertz

Ed Reuss

Dee Denteener

Osama Aboul-Magd

Katsuhiko Yanada

Rodrijo Garces

Gabriel Montenegro

Chi-Hsing Yeh

Ji-Young Huh

Emily Qi

Meiyuan Zhao

Max Kicherer

Jesse Walker

Jan Kruys

Guenael Strutt

W. Steve Conner

Hossam Afifi

Submission page 2 Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola