Skill Assessment 12-1A
NameSKILL / Scrubbing – Counted Brush Stroke Method
Instructions: / Instructor will demonstrate skill. Practice skill set with your partner. When ready notify instructor to schedule Check off. Skills assessment must be completed satisfactorily by ______.(Due Date)
Supplies: /
- Scrub Brush with nail pick and antiseptic
- Scrubs
- Mask
- eyewear
Procedural Steps: / Note: Student must perform skill independently without prompting.
Step / Practice with Partner-Date: / Skills Testing
Date: / Comment
- Assembles equipment and supplies. Prepares correctly.
- Demonstrates appropriate attire for restricted areas including any appropriate PPE for the STSR or circulator roles.
- Student is able to define surgical scrub.
- Student is able to state purpose for performing surgical scrub.
- Organizes workspace for most effective ergonomics. Positions sterile setup correctly.
- Inspects integrity of hands and arms.
- Opens Brush package.
- Turns on water and adjusts temperature.
- Demonstrates routine handwashing. Wets hands and arms; applies soap; lathers.
- Cleans nails under running water using nail pick.
- Discards nail pick in garbage can and rinses.
- Secures and prepares brush (soap application and water)
- Scrubs nails with 30 strokes.
- Scrubs all other areas and between webs of fingers using 20 strokes progressing from fingers to 2” above elbows (If contaminates during the process of the scrub rescrubs area with 10 strokes.)
- Discards brush in garbage can and rinses without contamination.
- Proceeds to OR.
Performance Evaluation Criteria / Rating
- Assembled all necessary supplies and equipment for skill testing. Arranges furniture for limited traffic.
- Defines the surgical scrub as the procedure taken to become a sterile team member within the established sterile field during an invasive surgical procedure. Discussedthe purpose of the scrub correctly: To eliminate transient microbes and debris on the skin and reduce resident flora found on the hands and arms. This process does not render the hands sterile.
- Demonstrated correct opening of sterile gown/glove setup. Height appropriate for student. Positions gown packet so leading edge covered. Opens first fold away from self, sides, then last toward self. Controls ends. Flips gloves onto field without breaking technique. (unsterile hand does not cross over sterile field)
- Demonstrated correct surgical scrub technique. Prewash, Subungual areas using nail cleaner & running water, fingertips up, hands higher than elbows, elbows bent, body posture to prevent wet scrubs and contamination; identifies technique used correctly as counted (30 nails/20 all other), timed or application according to manufacturer’s recommendation for antiseptic chosen.
- Demonstrated correct donning of sterile gown.
- Student prepared and performed procedure independently. Correctly maintained sterile technique. Identified any breaks in technique and corrected them appropriately. (If contaminates during scrubbing rescrubs area 10 strokes or as required by type of antiseptic/technique chosen.)
- Performed each step in appropriate sequence.
Overall Rating (Satisfactory; Must Redo; Fail): / ______
Instructor Comments
Student Signature / Date
Instructor Signature / Date