Food Sciences Section (FSS) Meeting, JW Marriott, New Orleans, LA

October 12, 2011 Meeting Minutes


Name / Organization / E-Mail
Tom Zierenberg (Chair) / Microbac Laboratories, Inc. /
Jeff Abels (Vice-Chair) / Foreign Trade Service Corp. /
Dave Kliber / S-F Analytical Laboratories, Inc. /
David Kennedy / David Kennedy & Associates /
Brett McMillen / Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. /
Allison Mackenzie / Edward S. Babcock & Sons, Inc. /
Lars Reimann / Eurofins Scientific, Inc. /
Tracey Szerszen / Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. /
Doug Leonard / Laboratory Accreditation Bureau /
Bud Dotson / Foreign Trade Service Corp. /
Zoe Grosser / PerkinElmer /
Denys Oberman / Oberman Associates, Inc. /

1.0  Call to order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. CDT.

2.0  Introductions:

Attendees introduced themselves and their affiliation.

3.0 Strategic Planning Discussion and Next Steps:

This topic was discussed with all sections before breaking out into the section meetings. Led by ACIL Chair, Trevor Boyce, he went over the highlights of the strategic plan. He focused on the three goals of the plan, which are as follows:-

Goal 1: Strengthen the relationship between members, prospective members, related trade associations, regulators, and laboratory customers through ACIL programs, meetings and other member services, including advocacy initiatives. A task group will work on this goal lead by Steve Bowser.

Goal 2: To enhance relationships with all stakeholders through relevant and timely communication. A task group will work on this goal lead by John Molloy.

Goal 3: Create a dynamic information portal to be launched by March 2012 (in time for the Practices and Policies Meeting). A task group led by Mike Violette will work on this goal.

Each Section then broke out into their own meetings and covered the following:

For Goal 1: Sections are to define and develop section specific anchor programs and must be on the agenda for discussion at all meetings.

For an anchor program, the FSS discussed a managed blog, which will be used to post common problems and assigned experts will post answers for all members to view. The idea is to create a bank of problems and solutions for members to reference. The champion from the FSS group for Goal 1 is Tom Zierenberg.

For Goal 2: Sections to develop plans to engage stakeholders and will be placed on meeting agendas. The FS Section identified the following stakeholders: GMA, AOAC, AOCS, FDA, Customs, and Customers. The champion from the FSS group for Goal 2 is Denys Oberman.

For Goal 3: Sections will provide success stories “legends” from current members and other information of interest to be used on the website. Requests for material will be placed on all meeting agendas. The FS Section discussed looking into other websites and see what works and does not work. Suggested websites to start with are IFT and Guelph. There has not been a champion from the FSS group for Goal 3 designated yet. It is to be discussed on the next conference call.

4.0 AOAC New Policy - Discussion:

Lars Reimann briefly reviewed the AOAC new policy. He informed the group that as of right now, the new policy is not globally accepted and not accepted by the ISO. The group discussed how they could be a part of developing a more acceptable method. No decisions were made at this time. This subject should be a standing agenda item until additional information is provided.

5.0 Policies and Practices Conference – Draft Program Discussion:

The following is a list of the ideas generated for the Policies and Practices Conference Agenda:

o  What is the customer looking for in a lab? Invite a major customer or customers to have a panel discussion.

o  ISO approach to sampling

o  AOCS speaker

o  FDA speaker

o  FSMA update

o  Lobbying 101

6.0 Top Ten Non-Conformities of Accredited Laboratories:

Presentation by Peter Unger of A2LA.

Mr. Unger’s presentation was tailored to the Food Sciences laboratories. The top ten NC’s of Accredited Laboratories in the FSS are as follows:

1.  Specific Tests & Supplements

2.  Document Control

3.  Quality Control & PT

4.  Methods & Validation

5.  Records

6.  Management Systems

7.  Internal Audits

8.  Corrective Action

9.  Equipment

10.  Purchasing services/supplies

The group recommended to Mr. Unger to assess the level of each NC and add it to the report. The Section members also recommend that Mr. Unger add information, similar to what was presented, about reassessments.

7.0 A.O.B: None

8.0 Next meeting: FSS Teleconference call Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. EST

9.0 Adjournment: 11:30 a.m. CDT


FSS Meeting New Orleans, LA Minutes 101211