The Causes of World War I

World War I was one of the most brutal and destructive wars in human history. It began in 1914 and by the time it ended in 1918, war had been declared by 60 countries. This was the first time a global, total war was waged and it contributed to the deaths of ten million military personnel and seven million civilians. For IB paper 2 (Causes, Practices, Effects of War) you are required to analyze the long-term, short-term, and immediate events that caused The Great War. As you read chapter 5.1, you will focus on the causes and complete this note worksheet. You need to make sure that all information is read, condensed to the main points, and completed accurately. Within each cause (long, short, or immediate), you should consider economic, political, social and military factors. For further review and understanding, you may answer the review questions within the “student study sections.”

Long-Term Cause #1 / MILITARISM
Vocabulary, events, people, etc.
Specific Example / Industrialization
How did this increase tension between the powers? Why was it a cause of WWI?
Long-Term Cause #2 / ALLIANCE SYSTEM
Vocabulary, events, people, etc.
Specific Example
How did this increase tension between the powers? Why was it a cause of WWI?
Long-Term Cause #3 / IMPERIALISM
Vocabulary, events, people, etc.
Specific Example / Africa
How did this increase tension between the powers? Why was it a cause of WWI?
Long-Term Cause #4 / NATIONALISM
Vocabulary, events, people, etc.
Specific Example / The Balkans
How did this increase tension between the powers? Why was it a cause of WWI?

Short Term Cause of World War I (The July Crisis; 1914)

·  Who was Ferdinand?

·  Who was Princip? Black Hand?

·  Motive for assassination?

Outbreak of War

·  REVIEW à What was the contribution of each of the European powers during the July Crisis to the outbreak of war?

o  Germany

o  Austria-Hungary

o  Russia

o  France

o  Britain

·  It is pretty clear that by 1913 all European powers were ready for war. This preparation also included war plans regarding what to do should war break out. Briefly summarize each country’s war plans…..

o  Germany:

o  France:

o  Russia:

o  Austria-Hungary:


Read the views of the historians on how the First World War began (pgs. 118-119):

  1. Which historian has the most convincing thesis? Why?
  1. Which historian do you disagree with the most? Why?
  1. Add your own ideas! What do you believe caused the war? Is one country the MOST to blame?
  1. How might war have been avoided?
  1. How might the era in which each of the above historians was writing have affected their views? Why is it important for students of history to understand the context in which historians write?


Allied Powers / Central Powers
Countries involved