Villa Rica Middle School
P.E. Syllabus
Course Content:
Three areas will be emphasized in this course including wellness and fitness, team sports and lifetime sports. Units include; Fitness-gram testing, soccer, Wiffle-ball, kickball, volleyball, basketball, team handball, Fitness Stations, Racquet Sports, Flag Football, recreational games, and Low Organizational games. Principles, rules and skills related to physical fitness and team sports will also be of utmost importance in this class.
Coach Weathers-VRMS PE,VRMS Head Football, & VRMS Head Baseball
(770) 459-0407 EXT. 3219
The Physical Education curriculum is based on the standards set forth by the Georgia Department of Education for physical education, grades 6-8.
Categories: Daily Grades/Dressout- 70%
Folder/ Syllabus- 30%
Grades will be determined by Physical education rubric of the following domains
- Cognitive- Knowledge of the current activity and rules.
- Affective/Social-The ability to interact appropriately with peers and teachers, respecting other skill levels and diversity.
- Psychomotor-The ability to manipulate equipment and interact with objects in space relative to others.
5 Non-dress outsin a 9 week period will result in an “F” failure in PE.
Appropriate DRESS & supplies for PE
PE clothes must be changed after each class, and may be NOT worn to your regular classes
T-shirt: Should be a school pride/athletic shirt, or one that does NOT contain any offensive language, or inappropriate advertising (ex. Alcohol/drugs). Tank top, v-neck, torn or cut offs are NOT allowed.
Shoes: Should be a traditional tennis shoe with non-marking soles. Boat shoes, flip-flops and boots of any kind are NOT allowed.
Shorts/sweat pants: Shorts should be of an appropriate length & fit (7” inseam). Length-at the knee or just above. Fit-comfortable for movement, not overly tight (ex. Leggings) or loose. All shorts/pants must be worn at the waist.
Teachers will have the final say/discretion regarding dress.
Pocket Folder (3 Prong): Folder should contain loose leaf paper (10 pages) for writing assignments.
Classroom Rules & Expectations for PE
- Be respectful of others abilities and skills. Sportsmanship is of the utmost importance. Poor sportsmanship/bullying will result in disciplinary action.Safe behavior is expected. Any unsafe behavior will result in disciplinary action.
- Reminder-this is PE, not competitive athletics
- Treat others as you would like to be treated. “The Golden Rule”
- No food/candy, GUM or drinks allowed in the gym.
- Jewelry is not allowed during class participation. Long or hoop ear rings, bracelets, necklaces.
- Lost & Found: Clothes will be picked up and thrown away every Friday to prevent Staph/MSRA. Keep track of your clothing and never share clothing items.
Classroom Procedures for PE
- Be on time to class.
- Enter and exit the gym only through the first set of doors. Follow instructions on white board.
- Take all belongings to the locker room. Use your lock to lock your valuables.
- Dress out: In the beginning of class, you will have 3 min to ready yourself and report to your roll call lines. At the end of class you will have 3 min to dress out and report back to your roll call lines. Students will be dismissed from their roll call lines.
- Place valuable items, including cell phones, in your locked locker. “Teachers will NOT be responsible for your valuables.”
General Expectations: “Cats”
* Care—Be considerate of peers and teachers while in class; others will be considerate of you in return.
* Arrive Prepared—Bring necessary materials to every class, including the VRMS physical education uniform and positive attitude.
* Try—Give 100% effort in all class activities, including both physical and mental tasks. Try and keep Control—Do not allow yourself to be anything other than a positive and contributing member of the class.
* Show Responsibility—you, and only you, are responsible for your actions and belongings while in this class.
* VRMS P.E. Locker Fee: $5.00
Make checks payable to “Villa Rica Middle School”
I, ______, have read and understand the expectations and guidelines for this class. I am responsible for my actions and personal belongings while in this class, and I agree to focus my efforts on being a positive, contributing, and successful member of this class.
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
(Circle class period) Class Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8