The Carroll Centre
Appointment of Head of Centre
November 2010
Briefing Sheet for Applicants November 2010
The Centre
The Carroll Centre is an independent charity which provides an exciting range of activities and programmes for children, young people and their families. We are located in the largely residential area of Stanmore, on the south-western side of Winchester. We work with many children, young people and families who experience significant disadvantage; this is an important part of our provision.
The Centre is purpose built and was opened in 1997. It was developed to meet the needs of young people and has evolved to offer opportunities to children, young people, families, and local organisations. A wide range of partner organisations contributed towards the costs and they continue to be involved in the regular programmes and governance of the centre.
The Carroll Centre is a registered charity and a non-profit making company, limited by guarantee. The company and charity are managed by Trustees and Directors. The Head of Centre reports to the Trustees through the Chair. The charity and company are well established and they are in a good financial position. As an independent charity, it is essential that a sound funding strategy is agreed and maintained, to enable us to respond to needs and opportunities. The Head of Centre plays a central role in this.
The Centre is managed by the Head of Centre with an excellent staff team, responsible for the regular projects and programmes, and for the attractive range of occasional activities and celebrations!
The facilities include achildren’s centre, crèche, art room, sports hall, multi purpose area, meeting room, IT suite (16 computer stations), small consulting room, reception, kitchen, offices, toilets and ancillary rooms. The building is well designed for people with all levels of physical ability. We have two minibuses, one of which is nearly new, whilst the other one will need to be replaced soon. Outside the centre are extensive playing fields, a popular skateboard park, youth shelter, and a well equipped children’s playground.
We have excellent partnership arrangements and contracts with local authorities, schools and other organisations. Contracts are backed up by funding for the programmes we deliver. The Centre also benefits from other grants and charitable donations.
Programmes and Projects
Our regular programme includes a well established Sure Start Children’s Centre, and very popular after-school provision, holiday playschemes and youth work alongside adult education, children’s clubs and family activities. The programme provides good opportunities for young parents, and we want to increase this area of work.
The current programme and projects provide an excellent framework for future work. We do not currently have a strategic plan for expansion, but we need one to guide us and set targets for our next stage of development. We will expect the new Head of Centre to lead on this.
Leaflets and other information about our work are available on our website and in paper format from the centre.
The job
The Head of Centre is our key strategic post. This appointment is very important for the future development of our work. We have set out the work we know is needed in the job description. This is a developmental post, picking up the excellent framework and infrastructure which others have designed and implemented in recent years, and taking the work of the Centre to new levels of achievement and success.
The person
This is a demanding job! And one which will bring very considerable satisfaction and credit to the successful post-holder. We are hoping that the new Head of Centre will aim to be with us for a minimum of 3 to 5 years, giving them an opportunity to innovate, implement new plans, build on those plans, and empower others to develop the services still further.
The person specification is demanding. Our best hope is that we appoint someone with all the skills and qualities listed. We recognise this might not quite be achieved, and we’ll look for the best mix; however, excellent people skills and good self-management are crucial.
The appointment process
Applicants are welcome to visit our website and make informal telephone enquiries before they submit an application. We will tell shortlisted applicants about arrangements to visit the centre prior to interview.
When we compile a provisional shortlist, we would like to obtain a personal reference as soon as possible, to substantiate our assessment of shortlisted candidates. The final shortlist will be those candidates we invite for interview.
When we compile the final shortlist, we want to request professional references immediately, so that these assessments can be part of the picture we have available to the interview panel. The application form requests contact details for an initial personal reference and for subsequent professional references.
The interview arrangements are designed to enable candidates to show why they are the best for the job and to enable us to get to know and assess the candidates. The appointment schedule is as follows:
Dates / ActivityNovember / Applications received by Centre
Monday 29 November 12 noon / Closing date for applications
29 - 30 November / Initial shortlisting of possible candidates
Wednesday 1 December / Request a personal reference from candidates
7 - 10 December / Consider personal references alongside applications
13 - 15 December / Calling for interview and offer a visit before interview
13 – 31 December / Obtaining references and any other documentation prior to interview
11 - 12 Jan 2011 / Interviews and selection days
January 2011 / Confirming paperwork and appointment
Preparation by the centre and appointee
Selected preparation days for the appointee, if possible
Induction programme arranged
Agreed dates / New Head of Centre starts
Induction programme implemented
Contact person for an informal discussion:
Colin Smith, Senior Staff Manager, The Carroll Centre, Somers Close, Winchester, SO22 4EJ Tel: 01962 840022
Approved – v4 – November 2010