The Carmountside Community Pre-School Terms and Conditions

At Carmountside Community Pre-school we aim to charge our parents in a fair manner; we are a non-profit making organisation set up to provide high quality childcare. The following terms and conditions will be in place for parents accessing the provision:

  • Regular sessions must be booked in advance to enable us to organise appropriate practitioner/child ratios in accordance with the Early Years Welfare Requirements.
  • If a session is booked and your child does not attend the session is still chargeable (see below for long term sickness). No credit will be given.
  • Short absences due to sickness will be charged at full rate. Absences due to sicknessfor a period longer than four weeks will be charged at a retainer fee of 50% of the usual fee.We are unable to care for sick children and will ask you to care for your child at home. In the event of your child becoming ill whilst at the nursery you will be sent for if it is felt necessary. Most childhood illnesses are contagious / infectious and at the nursery we follow the Health Protection Agency’s Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and Childcare Settings exclusion policy.
  • Holidays will be charged at full rate. The pre-school will operate term time only and will be closed on all bank holidays, inset days and school holidays. Specific dates will be confirmed annually. No fees are charged during these closures
  • Invoices will be distributed at the beginning of each month and will be due for payment by the 10th of the month.If weekly payments have been agreed by the Foundation Stage Manager these must be paid at the beginning of each week.
  • Sessions can be booked on an ad-hoc basis (subject to availability). However, please bear in mind that if this session is cancelled, payment will still be required.
  • The Pre-school will require four weeks’ notice to terminate your child’s place or reduce an agreed booking.
  • Payment can be made by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to ‘Carmountside Primary Academy’. Failure to pay fees promptly will result in your child’s place being suspended until full payment is received. Continuous failure to pay fees will result in your child being withdrawn.
  • A late collection fee is to be implemented when a parent or carer is late collecting their child. Up to 15 minutes late is charged at the Foundation Stage Manager’s discretion. Over 15 minutes late and a £20.00 fee will be charged to the parent or carer.

The Carmountside Community Pre-School aims to work in partnership with parents and carers to support the learning and development of all children, providing them with a safe and stimulating environment.

Booking Agreement Child’s Name……………………………..…. Date of Birth………………………………………


I agree to pay fees: Weekly on the 1st day of attendance ………………….……………..……

(Please indicate method of payment) Monthly by the 10th of the month …………………….………………….…

I/We have read and accepted the above terms and conditions set out by The Carmountside Community Pre-School.

Parent/Carer Signature(s)…………………………………………..…… Date…………………………………………………..

Carmountside Pre-School Signature………………………………………….... Date…………………………………………………

Office use only: Birth certificate seen Signed………………………………..