Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for 8th General PTO Meeting 2016-2017
Date: 5-11-17. Location: Aspira Academy
Board Members In Attendance: Pam Evans CO-President ; Isabelle Mitchell CO-VPKristie Scott Riess CO-VP; Lisa Blyman Recording Secretary; Jackie Custodio Membership ; Vanessa Roche Gallaher Fundraising Secretary;
Board Members Absent: Sara-Beth Miller CO-President; Christine Herfindahl Treasurer
Members: 11 Teachers: 0 Staff: 0
Agenda: welcome/ old and new business/
Welcome and introductions: Pam Evans CO-Presidentcalled the meeting to order at 18:34.
1. Old business/new business
A. Our Launch fundraiser is tomorrow night, 4pm-8pm. Just bring your flyer and have fun.
B. Our next wolf grams will be coming this month, it’s called May flowers and Sunshine shades. All for $1.
C. Resale information, a huge thank you to Amy-Joy Andrews for heading and organizing this great event. We raised over $500 so thank you to all the volunteers and those that purchased items. Hopefully next year the PTO will have more room to do another resale.
D. The five below fundraiser brought in about $20…we can try this again next year, maybe in a different month.
E. The Christiana Roller Rink Family Night will be held June 8th. There is no cost to get in, this is a thank you from the PTO. You just need to pay for the rental of the skates and any food or drinks.
F. For the end of year carnival the PTO has booked 6 food trucks. Two are dessert trucks and the rest are dinner foods…we have a lot of different selections so huge thank you to Jackie for working on that. The PTO will not have a table at this event so we can spend time with our families.
G. The outdoor classroom is completely done and it’s pretty awesome so please check it out!! The students and staff really put a lot of time and effort into this amazing project.
H. For teacher appreciation week the PTO was able to provide two days of hot lunches for the teachers and staff. Chic Fi La and Tony’s Pizza helped us out and the teachers and staff really enjoyed it. Thank you to Isabelle Mitchell for helping with this!!
I. Box Tops contest is going on till mid-May. The winning class will receive an ice cream party.
J. Margie did meet with Pam, and she explained that the construction is on schedule. It should all be completed Spring of 2018.
Pam explained that Margie as well as other staff members, do like to hear our feedback with other concerns or issues that come up. They addressed the drop off situation in the morning, after it was brought to their attention that some students were marked late but they were late due to the line for drop off. The school has opened another side door to help ease this process of drop off in the morning.
K. Jacqueline Custodio updated some of the by-laws for the PTO. She really worked hard on bringing items up to date. Our previous by-laws stated anything over $100, the PTO would have to vote on. We raised that amount to $200. And also please keep in mind that the PTO FB page is only for current PTO Members, and Jacqueline does a really teriffic job maintaining that page.
Here are the results of the elections that were held tonight:
CO-Presidents: Christine Herfindahl and Kristie Scott Reiss
CO-Vice Presidents: Amanda Torres and Brittany Ramunno
Secretaries (English): Lisa Blyman and Marla Sturgill
Secretary (Spanish): Carlos Torres SR
Fundraising: Vanessa Roche Gallaher and Amelia Lowthert McMahon
Treasurer: Anne Marie Correa
Social Media Secretary: Jacqueline Custodio
*Welcome all new board members and huge thanks to those that served*
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM, have a great Summer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Blyman, Recording Secretary