The Cardiff And District Snooker League Constitution
The teams registered, their players and the rules and regulations they follow shall be called the Cardiff And District Snooker League (hereafter CDSL)
Its aims:
To promote and support the play of the game of snooker in Cardiff and surrounding area.
To provide an organisation which can coordinate and move forward the game of snooker within the area.
To remain affiliated to and to support the Welsh Snooker Association.
The CDSL will be controlled by its elected League Committee (hereafter Committee) as defined below.
The Committee shall consist of five elected members, to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (hereafter A.G.M.) AND up to two further members of the committee without role.
To be elected to the Committee, a candidate must be nominated by one Delegate, and seconded by another, at the Annual General Meeting. All nominated candidates for a given position on the Committee will then be voted for by Delegates. The candidate who polls the highest number of votes will be duly elected. In the case of a tie, the tied candidates will be put into a second round of voting and another vote will be taken. In the case of another tie, the serving Chair of the AGM will have the casting vote.
The members of the Committee will be:
the Chair,
the League Treasurer,
the Match Secretary,
the Assistant Match Secretary
the Publicity Officer,
the Tournament Secretary,
and two members without role.
Each of these positions is to be held for a twelve month duration. The two members without role can be co-opted by the Committee members. Any number of persons registered to one team may serve on the committee at a given time. Retiring committee members are eligible for re-election if nominated and seconded by Delegates.
The Committee will be responsible for the efficient running of the League and the enforcement of its rules.
The Committee shall meet on a monthly basis on the first Monday of every month, unless agreed otherwise in advance by the Committee members. Delegates from clubs are entitled to attend the meeting, but may not vote in the decisions that the elected Committee takes.
A quorum for a monthly meeting will be constituted by a minimum of three Committee members, who must represent a minimum of two different clubs registered with the CDSL. At least one of the members present must be either the Chair, Treasurer or Match Secretary for the quorum to be formed.
Committee members are expected to send apologies if unable to attend a league meeting.
The agenda for a monthly league meeting will be as follows:
- Minutes / matters arising
- Chair’s report
- Match Secretary’s report / distribution of league information
- Treasurer’s report
- Publicity Officer’s report
- Competition results / fixtures
- Any other business
- Date of next meeting
The AGM will be held in the period May-July of each calendar year. The date must be publicised to delegates and league members at least two weeks in advance. This is the only occasion when league rules can be proposed and amended.
The AGM will be open to all Members and Delegates. The Committee shall advise members of the date no less than two weeks in advance of the AGM.
At the AGM, the right to vote shall be given to the one member of each registered club who is known as the Club Delegate, or a club member sent in the Delegate’s stead. The right to vote will also be given to all serving committee members, with the exception of the Chair, who, in the case of a tied vote, shall have the casting vote.
The agenda of the AGM for the CDSL will be as follows:
- Matters arising from minutes of previous AGM.
- Chair’s report to the league.
- Match Secretary’s report to the league.
- Treasurer’s report to the league.
- Election of officers (to be conducted by the serving committee)
- Discuss the honorarium, membership fees and tournament fees for the coming year.
- Proposals and amendments to the Constitution.
- Proposals and amendments to the League Rules.
- Any other business.
- (If applicable - Presentation of trophies)
Proposals and amendments to the Constitution or League Rules must be submitted in writing at least 14 days in advance of the meeting to the Committee. These proposals must be seconded at the AGM by another delegate or Committee member to be discussed and voted upon.
An Extraordinary General Meeting will be called at the written request of at least SIX members, who must state the purpose of the meeting in their written requests. It may discuss ONLY matters which have been raised in the written requests by the six members.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the recording of all income and expenditure for the CDSL. The Treasurer will submit this record to delegates at the AGM. The banking account will be in the name of the Treasurer and one or more other signatory from the Committee.
The income of the CDSL will come from registration fees paid by teams, and external sponsorship where approved by the Committee. These are to be agreed at the previous AGM.
The CDSL will conform to the playing rules of the game of snooker as set out by the World Snooker Association (hereafter WSA).
The CDSL is an amateur league, which permits the entry, membership and participation of professional players. For further details, consult the League Rules.
The League Rules are to be found each year in the published matchbook given to all team captains. If a captain has not received this, it is his or responsibility to request one from the League Committee. Ignorance of the League Rules will not be accepted as an excuse by the Committee.
The Cardiff And District League operates an equal opportunities policy. No club should allow discrimination on any basis against a player or team from another club. The League understands that some clubs operate with restrictions upon their premises, but if this provides a problem to the running of the league, then it is the responsibility of the club in question to find a satisfactory resolution in conjunction with the League Committee.
Any matter not addressed by the Constitution or the League Rules will be decided by the elected Committee, the decision of which shall be final.