Early Career Investigator Grant:
End of Project Report
This report has been structured to give us the information we need to monitor the success of the project grant program. We do not expect long and involved answers; please try to keep responses brief(bullet points or a few sentences) and directed at a general audience. If we require more detail on an answer we will contact you to follow up. If you are unclear about what information you should include, please contact us to clarify.
Please type your report using this electronic form template using 12 point arial. You are welcome to add or delete rows from tables as required.
The end of project report is due 3 months after the completion of the project. As some outcomes take time to be realised, we will ask you to complete a very short update report 12 months after completion of the project to give us information on any new developments since this report (e.g. papers published, further funding etc).
1.Project details
Project titleYear grant awarded
Date report completed
2.Research aims
Aim / Description / Has the aim been achieved? / Explanation (if not fully achieved)1 / Choose an option /
2 / Choose an option /
3 / Choose an option /
4 / Choose an option /
5 / Choose an option /
3.Benefits/impact of the research
Please give a brief overview of the impact on cancer control achieved and / or predicted to be achieved by your project. For example new understanding that could help develop better drugs, a new tool to improve surgical outcomes, improvements in patient care. Please distinguish between impact that has already occurred and potential future impact.
Tip: This section will be given to the donors who have funded your research. What do you think they would like to know about what you have achieved (donors are not usually very interested in your publication rate or citation index)?
4.Next steps
Are there plans to continue this research?Yes / No
If no, why not (e.g. no further research needed, null finding, lack of resources)?
If yes, what are the next steps (a few bullet points)?
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5.Knowledge Production
5.1Academic publications
Include any publications aimed at an academic audience e.g. papers, book chapters, books, reports. Please only include publications directly resulting from the funded research. Including papers in draft is optional.
Full reference / Status / CCWA acknowledged (yes / no)?Select status /
Select status /
Select status /
Select status /
Are you expecting to submit further publications in the future directly relating to the work of this grant?Yes / No
5.2Academic presentations
Including conference presentations, posters, invited talks etc. Please only include presentationsdirectly relating to the funded research.
Full reference (incl. author(s), title, conference / meeting name, location, year) / Type / Level / CCWA acknowledged? (Yes / No) / Any extra commentsSelect type / Select level /
Select type / Select level /
Select type / Select level /
Select type / Select level /
Are you expecting to give further presentations directly relating to the work of this grant?Yes / No
5.3Awards (if applicable)
Any awards received relating to the work undertaken in the project.
Award name / Who awarded to / Date awarded / Details5.4Patents / Intellectual Property (if relevant)
Please give details of any patents or other intellectual property developed as a result of the project.
6.Increased Research Capacity
6.1Funding / resources
6.1.1Top-up funding / institutional support
Please give details of any additional top-up funding or in-kind support for this grantprovided by your institution.
Description of support (inc buildings, laboratory space, resources etc offered in support of the project as well as any cash contributions) / Who from(ie institution / department name) / Cash or in-kind / Amount ($)if applicable
6.1.2Further research funding directly related to this project
Please list all funding applications (pending and successful) for research that this project has directly contributed to.
Grant title / Funder name / Funding scheme name / Status / Amount ($) / Start date / DurationSelect status
/Select status /
Select status /
Are you expecting to submit further funding applications in the future directly relating to the work of this grant?Yes / No
6.1.3Has this grant helped you to gain further funding as an independent researcher for other cancer related research?
Yes / NoIf yes, please give details:
Grant title / Funder name / Funding scheme name / Amount ($) / Start date / DurationCancer Council WA Research Project Grant End of Project Report Page: 1
6.2Personnel (if relevant)
Please list all positions (staff and students) directly funded by this grant. Note: you do not need to include researchers involved in the grant but where there was no salary contribution from the grant.
Staff / student name / Position title / % FTE funded / Length of time funded (e.g. 10 months)7.Other research outcomes (if relevant)
If you think there are any other important research outcomes not covered by the previous points, please give details here. This could include other knowledge outputs (e.g. research databases, non-traditional outputs), new or improved links with other researchers or ways the work from this project grant will help to improve your future research, e.g. has it helped you to refine your research question or establish proof of concept?
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8.Community engagement & dissemination
8.1Consumer / community participation in the research project.
Please give brief details of any ways you involved consumers / community members in your research project and the outcomes of the involvement. This includes any involvement during the project as well as dissemination activities at the end of the project. Note: consumer / community involvement does not include people who were the subjects of your research (e.g. patients involved in trialling a new treatment).
8.2Industry / government partnerships (if relevant)
Please give brief details of any partnerships or other significant involvement you had with industry and / or government as part of the project and the outcomes of the involvement. This includes any involvement during the project as well as dissemination activities at the end of the project. For example, partnering with an industry body to disseminate new good practice guidelines resulting from the research, involving policy makers on your research steering group etc
8.3Engagement with Cancer Council WA
Please list any Cancer Council WAinitiatives you have been involved with while in receipt of the funding, e.g. research lunch, fundraising campaigns, provision of expert advice, lab tours for donors.
Initiative / DateCancer Council WA Research Project Grant End of Project Report Page: 1
8.4Presentations to non-academic audiences
Please list any presentations given to non-academic audiences e.g. practitioners, policy makers, local community groups. Only include ones directly related to the funded research.
Title / topic / Presenter(s) / Who presented to (e.g. event, organisation) / Date / Location / CCWA acknowledged? (yes / no) / Any other comments8.5Media
Please list details of any media relating the funded research e.g. newspaper articles, radio interviews, newsletter articles.
Title or topic / Publication / program name / Date published / broadcast / CCWA acknowledged? (yes / no)Cancer Council WA Research Project Grant End of Project Report Page: 1
8.6Other engagement / dissemination / translation activities
Please give details of any other engagement, dissemination or translation activities for the project not covered previously (if applicable).
9.Final comments
Space for you to mention anything else important you think we should know and for any final comments you would like to make to the donors who funded your project.
10.About completing this report
This information is used to help us monitor and improve our processes.
How long do you estimate it took you to complete this report?
Any suggestions for improvements to the reporting process:
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