The Canadian Nordic Society April 2006

Nordic News

240 Sparks Street, PO Box 55023, Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1

The following are the dates for the CNS 2005-2006 Speakers Series season.

Please remember to keep these dates open.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006 (AGM)

Upcoming CNS luncheon dates:

Monday, May 15, 2006


CNS Speakers Series

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Army Officers Mess, 149 Somerset Street West at 7:00 for a 7:30 start

CNS member Leo Zrudlo will give a slide-illustratedtalk entitled "The Genius of Gustav Vigelund - Norway's most famous sculptor".

Leo is a retired Professor,Director School of Architecture, and Director of Graduate Studies Program at Université Laval as well as a professor ofDesign Studios and various theory courses including Climatic Factors in Architectural and Urban Design (using a large number ofScandinavian examples). Leo has a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Manitoba, a Masters in Architecture from Université Laval in Quebec City; and a PhD from University of Edinburgh. He is also a Visiting scholar at the Scott Polar Research Institute - University of Cambridge, Cambridge U.K.

Leo has been an Invited speaker at various Schools of Architecture, notably the Technical University in Trondheim, Oslo University workshop, University of Lund in Sweden and the Royal Technical Institute in Stockholm. He is the Coordinator of an exchange program between the Schools of Architecture of the Royal Danish Academy and Université Laval.

This will be a very interesting talk! Don’t miss it!

Please arrive at 7:00 p.m. for a 7:30 p.m. start. Coffee will be available at $2.00 per person.

CNS Luncheon

Monday, May 15, 2006

Army Officers Mess, 149 Somerset Street West

Please arrive by 11:45 am for 12:00 pm luncheon. Lunch will be a choice of a light lunch or two hot dishes. Parking is not available at the Mess during daytime hours. Dress code requires jacket and tie, no jeans or jogging suits. If you would like to attend please contact Tuula Bigras at 590-1893 or 240-1539 or send email to: , no later than the Thursday before the luncheon.

CNS Annual General Meeting

Army Officers Mess, 149 Somerset Street West

Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 7:00 pm

The Canadian Nordic Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday, May 18, at 7:00 p.m. to elect the Board, table reports, and a chance to socialize. Several positions will need to be filled. Nominations are being accepted from any member in good standing and must be submitted by April 25, 2006 to a member of the nominating committee listed below:

Ms. Jesslyn Mullaney
4 Prudhomme Pr.
Ottawa ON K1N 1G2
Tel. (613) 244-7201 / Mr. Dave Murray
1231 Collins Ave.
Ottawa ON K1V 6C9
Tel. (613) 523-7022 / Mr. Keith Olson
54 Sullivan Ave.
Nepean, ON K2G 1V2
Tel. (613) 224-6506

A proxy form is attached for those unable to attend the AGM.

The current Board of Directors consists of:

Per Olav Talgøy - President

Henning Koberg - First Vice-President

Stella Ellis - Second Vice-President

Kristina Wade - Treasurer

Jordan Sauer - General Secretary

Christine Trankalis - Recording Secretary

Tuula Bigras - Councillor

Bernard Deadman - Councillor

The following will be resigning from the Board at the AGM in May:

Per Olav Talgøy - President

Kristina Wade - Treasurer

At this time the proposed Board for 2006/07 is not complete. If there are any questions regarding this matter please contact Per Talgøy.


CNS Moonlight Ski - Camp Fortune, February 11, 2006

A handful of members enjoyed a special evening of skiing and socializing in Keogan Lodge.

CNS Special Evening of “Folk Dancing”, February 25, 2006

A first ever for the CNS, approximately 25 people thoroughly enjoyed themselves, either learning a new dance step or helping others to practise their newfound skills. Kerstin Manders expertly instructed and, with the help of her very skilled husband Clarence, demonstrated many styles of Nordic folk dances. Members were clamouring for another dance night as soon as possible, with some wondering if it could be held the following week! If you were not able to make it this year, keep your eyes open for next year’s announcement.

CNS Speakers Series, Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dr. Karla Jessen Williamson, fresh from receiving her doctorate from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, gave a very engaging and insightful talk on Inuit gender relations in the post-colonial Greenland Inuit community. Dr. Williamson is Senior Researcher for the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an organization whose aim is to represent the rights of the Inuit at the national level, and continue working to improve living conditions for Inuit economically and socially. Ms. Williamson was former Executive Director of the Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary and was the first and only woman to date to have directed the Institute in more than sixty years of its existence. She was born in Appamiut, Greenland. Members were expressing their desire to hear Dr. Williamson speak for another hour or two, rather than leave at the normal time. She is currently serving on the Canadian Steering Committee (CSC) for the coming International Polar Year in 2007/08, and is instrumental in developing the Canadian proposal on human health research in the Arctic titled "Arctic Resiliency and Diversity: Community Response to Change."


CNS ‘Lost Island’ Column

Every once in a while, the CNS loses track of a member. Either they don’t renew their membership and we can’t seem to find out where they went, or their email address starts sending back ‘undeliverable’ messages. We hope that someone in the membership may know the whereabouts of these lost alumni, and we can reconnect them with their beloved CNS newsletter.

Some of the MIA are Suzanne Bedard, Aaron Chapman & Charlene Daley, Erik Aasland.

CNS Website

CNS member Punam Bhargava has volunteered to manage the CNS Website. She has an extensive background in web design and we look forward to her helping out in this task.


CNS Newsletters

If you know of anyone who is not receiving their copy or if you have any difficulties reading your newsletter by email, please let us know.

CNS Membership Dues

For those members who still have not yet done so, please remember to send in, or bring to one of our meetings, your membership renewal payment for the 2005/2006 year as this fiscal year will soon be over.



The undersigned hereby appoints ______as proxy with power to attend and vote for the Undersigned at the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Canadian Nordic Society on the 18th of May, 2006, for the business to be transacted at the meeting.

Name: ______Date: ______

Signature / Authorization: ______

Canadian Nordic Society Membership Application/Renewal Form

If you are already a member, please pass this on to a friend!

Family Membership - $30, Individual Membership - $20. Student Membership - $15.

As a Member you:

·  will receive the Society’s Newsletter

·  are invited to participate in all CNS events

·  are encouraged to become actively involved in the life of the Society

·  receive discounts on tickets to CNS events

Canadian Nordic Society Board Members B 2005-2006

Mr. Per Olav Talgøy - President Ms. Kristina Wade - Treasurer

Mr. Henning Koberg - First Vice-President Ms. Christine Trankalis - Recording Secretary

Ms. Stella Ellis - Second Vice-President Ms. Tuula Bigras - Councillor

Mr. Jordan Sauer - General Secretary Mr. Bernard Deadman - Councillor

If you have any questions about your membership, please contact one of the Board Members. Membership dues can be given to any Board member or you can mail your payment to:

Canadian Nordic Society

240 Sparks Street

P.O. Box 55023

Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1