The Cambridge Latin Course Connection CLC2

North American Cambridge Classics Project

Resource Center Catalog IMPORTANT UPDATE

P.O. Box 31547, Charlotte, NC 28231

800-250-6869 (U.S. only) FAX 704-527-7955 e-mail:

Federal I.D. #54-1851535

2001 / 2002

Prices for this catalog are valid until April 1, 2002

Ancillary Materials for Teachers

The following resources contain full translations of the Latin readings contained in the Unit I - IV texts.


Units 1 - 4 English - Latin Dictionary by John McVey


Ancillary Materials for Students

G & G 1 - 4

Games and Gimmicks for the Cambridge Classroom


LL - 1

A Look at Latin by Marie Cleary

A series of introductory activities for elementary students based on the first stages of Unit 1


PIC 1 - 3

Pictogram Units 1 - 3 by Pat Bell

This workbook shows teachers how to guide students through a variety of stories with the creative use of simple line drawings.



Picture Cards, Unit 1 - Card Stock, Single Set by Joseph Davenport



Picture Cards, Unit 1 - Card Stock, Classroom Set of 5

Picture cards were developed to facilitate the practice of good listening and speaking skills to reinforce and support student's reading comprehension. A pack contains 36 line drawings, printed on 8"x 11" cardstock, which have on the reverse a full page resource sheet with suggested Latin and English questions, possible responses, new question words glossed and a list of appropriate cultural topics to facilitate classroom discussion. In addition, there is a detailed teacher's manual with suggestions for classroom use.



Picture Transparencies, Unit 1 - Overhead Transparencies

This item is the same as Picture Cards except the pack offers 36 line drawings printed on overhead transparencies. The teacher's manual and the question resource sheets for each line drawing are bound into one booklet.



Certamen Cantabrignense by Richard Popeck

This book contains certamen style questions and answers based on the Cambridge Latin Course. Covering the entire four units, the book is subdivided into sections: Unit 1 - 354 questions,

Unit II - 272 questions, Unit III - 466 questions and Unit IV - 193 questions.



Stages 1-20, Writing Your Own Latin Sentneces by Alice Yoder

The exercises in this workbook challenge the students to create Latin sentences by choosing from structured vocabulary lists and following a set pattern for word order. For those students who need to manipulate the material in order to fully understand a concept, writing their own sentences offers a good counterbalance to the reading component of each stage.



Exercises for Computer-Based Reading, Unit 1 by Stephen Low

This is a student workbook to use in conjuction with Unit 1 computer module from Transparent Language. It has comprehension questions and grammar activities for each Latin narrative intersperesed with additional pictures, mpas and cultural information.


The following Treasure Boxes offer large, useful collections of tests, worksheets, & ideas from many CLC teachers.

You are welcome to photocopy any of the pages for use in your classroom.

TB 1 - 1

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 1 ed. by Pat Bell


TB 1 - 2

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 1,Volume 2 ed. by pat



TB 2 - 1

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 2 ed. by Pat Bell


TB 2 - 2

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 2, Volume 2 ed. by Pat



TB 3 - 1

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 3 ed. by Pat Bell


TB 4 - 1

Treasure Box of Selected Handouts Unit 4 ed. by Pat Bell


The following offer questions for the students to answer based on the cultural reading at the end of each stage.


Worksheets to Accompany CLC Culture Sections Stages 1 - 48

by Stephanie Pope - print version



Worksheets to Accompany CLC Culture Sections Stages 1 - 48

by Stephanie Pope - computer disk version


When ordering, please specify Mac or IBM - Windows

The following offer a variety of activities and resources to build English vocabulary skills based on the Latin words in each stage.

DW - 1 2PV

New and Improved - Retyped and Answers Included

Derivative Worksheets Units 1 and 2 by Stan Farrow, Richard Popeck et al. - print version


DW - 1 2CD

Derivative Worksheets Units 1 and 2 by Stan Farrow, Richard Popeck et al. - computer disk


DW - 3 4PV

New and Improved - Retyped and Answers Included

Derivative Worksheets Units 3 and 4 by Stan Farrow, Richard Popeck et al. - print version


DW - 3 4CD

Derivative Worksheets Units 3 and 4 by Stan Farrow, Richard Popeck et al. - computer disk


DC - 1 -40

Stages 1 - 40 Derivative Checklist by Ed & Mary Catherine Phinney

The Phinney's reproduce the lists for Stages 1 - 40 of English, French, and Spanish

derivatives from the 2nd Edition Teacher's Manuals.


The following offer resources for working with the Latin vocabulary words within each stage.


New and Improved - Retyped and Answers Included

Quizzes for the Stages: REVISED ED

Checklist Vocabulary in Contextual Sentences Units 1 and 2 by Elaine Batting and Richard




New and Improved - Retyped and Answers Included

Quizzes for the Staes: REVISED ED

Checklist Vocabulary in Contextual Sentences Units 3 and 4 by Elaine Batting and Richard




Stages 1 - 20 Vocabulary Checklists: REVISED ED

Contains full vocabulary entries (principal parts, genitives, etc.) beginning with Stage 1,

intended for intermediate students. (NACCP)



Stages 1 - 20 Vocabulary Checklists Computer disk version



Vocabulary Review Games by Beth Lindsey, Mary McBride and Richard Popeck

Challenge your students to review words for each stage by solving vocabulary puzzle

cubes, matching Latin and English to contsruct puzzle circles or developing quick reflexes with a rousing game of Muscae (Flyswatter). The time consuming work of developing the games has been done for you!


If you are looking for stories for further practice in reading or for sight translations on tests, the following offer collections of original Latin stories (some with comprehension questions) for each stage beginning with Stage 3; vocabulary and grammar match that of the corresponding stage.

FA - 1 - 2

Fabulae Ancillantes Units 1 and 2 by Stan Farrow


FA - 3

Fabulae Ancillantes Unit 3 by Stan Farrow


The following offer an extensive list of Latin questions for each translation per stage.


Story-by-Story Latin Comprehension Questions Units 1 & 2

compiled by San Antonio Cambridge Latin Teachers



Story-by-Story Latin Comprehension Questions Units 3

compiled by San Antonio Cambridge Latin Teachers


The following offer resource information for teachers and students to use for classroom research.


About Egypt and Alexandria by Elaine Batting



All About Papyrus by Elaine Batting



Roman Glass: Reflections on Everyday Life by Stuart Fleming

This lavishly illustrated, full color throughout, book places glass in its proper social

setting within the Roman household. Through a series of vignettes, the author tells

the story of the development of the glass industry in the Roman Empire and the role

of glass in the daily routines of the ancient Romans.



Roman Gardens and their Plants by Claire Ryley

In this book, the author paints a broad picture of what is known of Roman horticulture in the Western Empire. Not only does Ryley expound the principles that were followed by the Romans in designing their gardens for produce and pleasure, but she also describes more than 100 of the plants they are known to have cultivated.



Fishbourne Roman Palace Poster

Large, 33"x 23", full color replica of King Cogidubnus' palace for display in the classroom.



Cupid Riding a Dolphin Poster

On the front of the Unit II text, there is the mosaic medallion of Cupid. This

poster, 23"x16.5", places the medallion in its mosaic context from Fishbourne

Roman Palace.


Independent Study Manuals


Cambridge Latin Course Independent Learning Manual Unit 1

From the Cambridge School Classics Project



Cambridge Latin Course Independent Learning Manual Unit 2

From the Cambridge School Classics Project


Perfect for Home Schoolers or Home Bound Students!!!!

Designed for students learning Latin on their own, classes containing students at different levels, students catching up to the class after an extended absence, or classes where students learn individually or in small groups, but it is a handy supplement for any CLC teacher, especially in planning classes. It is written as a continuous text, but each page is presented as a coherent whole and may serve as a worksheet. Photocopies of the book and the answer book may be made by teachers and students for use within their own school >

Latin Examinations


1999-2000 Cambridge Latin Exam (Unit IV only) NEW!

$ 3.00


1998-1999 Cambridge Latin Exam (Unit IV only)

$ 3.00


1997-1998 Cambridge Latin Exam (Unit IV only)

$ 3.00


1996-1997 Cambridge Latin Exam (NACCP)

Four (Units I - IV) end of book examinations

$ 6.50


1995-1995 Cambridge Latin Exam (NACCP)

Four (Units I - IV) end of book examinations

$ 6.50


1994-1995 Cambridge Latin Exam (NACCP)

Four (Units I - IV) end of book examinations

$ 6.50


1993-1994 Cambridge Latin Exam (NACCP)

Four (Units I - IV) end of book examinations

$ 6.50


1992-1993 Cambridge Latin Exam (NACCP)

Four (Units I - IV) end of book examinations

$ 6.50


Cambridge Latin Exam: Extra Certificates (NACCP_

Please consult our guidelines within each examination set

for the awarding of certificates and specify number needed.


Pedagogical Materials


Scope and Sequence Booklet: Cambridge Latin Course

Contains the history and aims of the Cambridge Latin Course (by Ed Phinney),

tables charting the progression of the narrative points (Bill Gleason), and tables

charting grammatical points and sentence patterns (Pat Bell).



Correlation between the Texas Essential Elements for Latin

and the Cambridge Latin Course (Phinney, Pope, & Bell)

The Texas standards are excellent; in showing how the CLC meets them, Ed

Phinney, Stephanie Pope, and Pat Bell offer new insights into effective Latin

teaching. From Cambridge University Press.


Computer Software


Five CLC Exercise Disks by Stan Farrow

Extension exercises for all 4 units of the CLC (NACCP) created by a Master Latin Teacher




This program is loaded with a sentence library which is correlated to the Cambridge Latin Course. Students can copy and paste appropriate sentences into a paragraph and adapt them to new situations. Task lists are designed for each stage to give students specific exercises to undertake in sentence transformation and comprehension. Answers are provided in another location for self-correction. Three separate packages cover most of the Cambridge series. Available only for Windows and by site license.

CS - MG AD79

Magister Stages 1 - 16: site license


CS - GR AD79

Grammaticus Stages 17 - 28: site license


CS - RH AD79

Rhetor Stages 29 - 40: site license


LATIN VOCABULARY DRILLS (Centaur Systems, Ltd.) Version 2.0 (1998)

A drill and practice microcomputer program especially designed for the Latin vocabulary contained in the CLC Units 1-2: (1) English-to-Latin drills or the reverse; (2) up to four principal parts and four English meanings for each Latin word, with automatic acceptance of common variations; (3) optional scoring; (4) hints given as English derivatives and model sentences. Editor option (with password access) allows customization of lists/answers, with up to 64 lists of 16 words each possible per disk ( an unlimited number of data disks can be created). Scores can be recorded, and the program is networkable. Both Mac and Windows versions are provided on the installation CD. User manual included. Distributed with site license (unlimited copies for on-site use by license) or a home license for home use only.

LVD # 1- 2S

CLC Units 1 - 2: school site license


LVD # 1- 2H

CLC Units 1 - 2: home license only


LVD # 1- 2US

CLC Units 1 - 2: upgrade of school site license for version 1.0 to 2.0


LVD # 1- 2UH

CLC Units 1 - 2: upgrade of home site license for version 1.0 to 2.0


LVD # 3- 4S

CLC Units 3 - 4: school site license


LVD # 3- 4US

CLC Units 3 - 4: upgrade of school site license for version 1.0 to 2.0


LVD # 3- 4H

CLC Units 3 - 4: home license only


LVD # 3- 4UH

CLC Units 3 - 4: upgrade of home site license for version 1.0 to 2.0


When ordering, please specify Mac or IBM - Windows

LATIN FLASH DRILL (Centaur Systems, Ltd.) Version 3.0 (1999)

A full color drill-and-practice program which provides paradigm chart drills on forms for the major parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs (indicative and subjunctive, regular and irregular). Unlearned forms can be skipped without penalty. Full forms must be filled in , not just endings. In this version, model vocabulary words are taken only from the CLC texts, with chapter numbers noted. There is also an introductory section on grammar that should help to decipher the terminology involved in understanding a new language. Scores can be recorded, and the program is networkable. Both Mac and Windows versions are provided on the installation CD. User manual included. Distributed with site license (unlimited copies for on-site use by license) or a home license for home use only.


CLC School site license



CLC Upgrade site license from versions 1.0/2.0



CLC Home license only



CLC Upgrade site license from versions 1.0/2.0


LATINA (Centaur Systems, Ltd.)