The Cafeteria Ladyfrom the Black Lagoon
Mike Thaler
Book Description:
- While reading this word comparison, appetites will be whet for more Black Lagoon story books. Kids love them!
Academic Objective:
- ELA2R2 – The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression.
e.Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level text.
Process Objective:
- Cognitive/Thinking: Implication: Students will be able to determine an unspecified relationship between two things, one expressed and the other suggested.
Readability Level: 2.8
Vocabulary:cafeteria, organic ingredients, moussaka, goulash.
Introduction: Before reading, ask the children what their cafeteria lady’s name is. Ask what is a cafeteria?Describe some of the food they eat at the cafeteria.
During Reading: Ask following questions:
- p.6 – Read the menu. Ask have they ever seen that on the menu at school?
- p 17 –What were the meatballs good for in this picture?
- p 26 –What did you think Wand Belch would look like?
- End – Can you name some of the foods Wanda really served?Can you think of some other healthy foods to eat at lunch? Are they organic?
Follow-Up Activities:
1. MENUS:Fold construction paper into three sections making a tri-fold. On the front cover, name your restaurant and decorate.Open it up.On the left side list three appetizers considered to be healthy for you.The middle section should include at least three meals with a healthy balance. And the last flap on the inside should include deserts (of the healthy kind of course).
2. CAMPS:There will be two “camps”. Each student will be sent to one or the other. Each camp will have slips of scenarios with original wording by the author, Mike Thaler.Each camp will re-write the story using the scenarios given to them and adding their own ideas to the situations given.
- GROUP ONE: Using construction paper and magazines, cut and paste healthy food
- GROUP TWO: Using construction paper and magazines, cut a paste junk food
- Tape these two collages to the board and have the students identify and write names of food on the board.Transfer their findings to the food group pyramid.
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