20th July, 2010
To the Town Mayor and Councillors, Llanidloes Town Council, you are summoned to attend a monthly meeting of LLANIDLOES TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Llanidloes on Monday 26th July, at 7.00 p.m.
Prior to the Council meeting at 6.30 p.m. Sgt Jonathan Rees, Community Police Sergeant will meet with us to discuss relevant issues.
The business to be transacted is as set out below,
Sonia Pritchard
1. Prayers
2. To accept apologies for absence
3. To accept personal and pecuniary interests in items of business
4. Minutes Council Meeting held on 28.06.10
Town Hall/Finance Panel Meeting held on 12.07.10
Environment/Planning Panel Meeting held on 12.07.10
Health and Safety Panel meeting held on 19.07.10
5. To discuss Planning applications and reports on Planning decisions
6. To receive Montgomeryshire Area Scout Council Annual Report 2009-2010
7. To receive information from PCC regarding a)Local Development Plan delivery Agreement and b) Affordable Housing form Local Needs (Letter attached)
8. To receive ‘Review of the Electoral Arrangements for the County of Powys Draft Proposals ‘ from the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales
9. To receive Internal Ombudsman report and accounts for 2009/10
10. To receive a letter from resident regarding Natwest Bank
11. To receive information from PCC regarding Licensing Act 2003
12. To receive information from One Voice Wales regarding national Training Programme
13. To receive information from PCC regarding Public Path Diversion Order 2010
14. To receive Annual Report 2009/10 from Ombudsman
15. To receive a letter from Mr Mark Hodges regarding lease of office at Town Hall
16. To receive consultation paper Re Local Authority Bylaws
17. To receive update on Skatepark (Cllr Rees)
18. To receive update on Schools Modernisation Programme (Cllr Mrs A.M. Jones)
19. To receive an invitation to Hospital Fete on Saturday 4th September, 2010 commencing at 2pm
20. To confirm accounts for JUNE 2010
Chq No
104153 Wages & P. Cash (03.06.10) 922.28
104154 Sarpa 7.00
104155 Burial Board 7,000.00
104156 P.C. q 202.87
104157 Inland Revenue 1,144.03
104158 Llani Ltd 100.00
104159 Wages (10.06.10) 890.43
104160 Community Centre 5,500.00
104161 Wages & P. Cash(17.06.10) 924.45
104162 Wages & P. Cash(24.06.10) 941.87
TOTAL £ 17,632.93
21. Date of next meeting – 27th September, 2010
Pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:-
22. To discuss issues regarding Staff hours