Board Goals for 2004-2005
Goals Revised and Passed at the Board Meeting on 9/9/04
Board Goals / Performance Expectations
1. Increase Membership by 80 members by June 30, 2005
1. Appoint a Membership Committee Chair by the end of October, 2004, and develop a fully functioning membership committee
1. Maintain the Membership Luncheon Series
2. Attend student orientations and provide information about NASW
3. Attend area job fairs/recruitment fairs and distribute information about NASW
4. Contact all suspended or inactive members to encourage membership renewal
5. Sponsor an annual membership event
0. Establish a comprehensive public relations plan to address chapter programs and activities as well as the public image of the profession.
1. Appoint a public relations chair and/or committee.
2. Write articles for the website
3. Explore development of a “Who We Are” section for the website.
4. Develop list of local media outlets that accept bulletin board announcements.
5. Update a Metro Washington DC Chapter brochure
6. Utilize to the extent possible the NASW Image Campaign materials
7. Explore possibility of a social worker video for website.
0. Develop a Legislation/Social Justice Committee
1. Organize at least one membership forum on current issuesaffecting social workers and the communities in which theywork.
2. Select an issue that addresses current trends and the role of the social worker.
3. Invite outside speakers and public officials who can impact the issue and collaborate to create change.
4. Track the issues that social workers bring to the table (e.g. school violence, gang violence, affordable housing,adolescent car jackings and shootings, immigrantchildren/adolescents, aging issues such as caretaking andmental health, trauma ) in order to:
§ Identify membership concerns
§ Allow for development of chapter press statements
§ Make recommendations to the Board regarding chapter positions on local issues
§ Highlight national issues from the DC perspective. / Office support for the Membership Committee
1. Reserve a place for luncheon series
2. Publicize meetings in newsletter and on website with information provided by the committee
3. Contact university liaisons and find out dates for job fairs and post dates on website
4. Prepare membership reports for committee
Office support the public relations plan
1. Post pages/articles onto the website
2. Send out PSAs to media mailing list
3. Develop a two-year plan for fundraising that meets the professional development and educational needs of social workers.
a. Sponsor a biennial professional conference
i. Develop program theme, logo, and content.
ii. Issue call for papers/presentations
iii. Contact speakers to arrange for workshops or other presentations
iv. Follow up to ensure that credential information, biographical and program information is submitted for the Conference Program in a timely manner
v. Develop fundraising strategies that will included, but not limited to selling advertisements for the conference program, bringing in exhibitors for the conference, developing a funding raiser activity for the conference, etc.
vi. Write articles to promote the conference for chapter newsletter.
vii. Market the conference through personal contacts, emails, and circulation of conference brochure.
b. Develop a fully functioning Program Committee
i. Develop at least 4 Continuing Education Programs in conference years and at least 8 Continuing Education Programs in non-conference years.
ii. Determine issues relevant to members (e.g. ethics and professional responsibility),
iii. Identify and contact speakers
iv. Obtain program and biographical information to use to market programs
v. Summarize evaluations and report to the Board the outcome of the program.
vi. Develop plans for an Annual Meeting.
c. Maintain a CE approval and certificate program
i. Ensure funds are available to hire a staff person to maintain the CE approval and certificate program / Office support for the biennial professional conference
1. Participate in conference planning meetings
2. Send email meeting notices, agendas and minutes
3. Prepare the conference program with information supplied by committee members
4. Ensure that conference information is included in all newsletters
5. Secure site location and negotiate the contract
6. Arrange for meals and breaks
7. Arrange for space at the conference – workshops, exhibits, etc.
8. Authorize all audio visual equipment used
9. Post conference information on the website
10. Handle registration
11. Handle CEU applications
12. Handle sales of exhibitors and advertising
Office support for the Program Committee
1. Publicize programs in newsletter and on website with information provided by the committee
2. Reserve facilities and equipment
3. Handle registration
4. Handle CEU applications
Manage and Support the CE Approval and Certificate Program
1. Hire and supervise a part-time Continuing Education staff person
2. Approve and process continuing education applications and certificates as needed and subject to review and further discussion.
4. Create a public policy agenda
i. Develop a Legislation/Social Justice Committee
ii. Organize at least one membership forum on current issues affecting social workersand the communities in which they work
iii. Track the issues that social workers bring to the table.
iv. Develop a DC Metro Chapter agenda
v. Develop recommendations for follow up action following forum.
vi. Participate in the Howard University School of Social Work Advocacy group for DC
vii. Develop recommendation about chapter partnerships with other advocacy groups around issues such as:
§ Advocacy for children
§ Repercussions of war and violence
§ Housing/homelessness
§ Seniors
§ Workforce development
§ Consumer determination/direction
§ Family involvement/partnerships
§ Collaborate with the Maryland Coalition
§ Recruit a member who is interested and able to link up with the Maryland Coalition / Office support for
Post articles in the newsletter and on the website
5. Promote Continuing Development of an Effective Chapter Structure
a. Develop a plan for an effective committee structure
i. Refer to Committee Handbook
ii. Refer to Denise Rathman’s Committee Analysis of March 2003
b. Review bylaws and determine if amendments are needed.
c. Review current appointments and complete appointments of standing committees as specified in the bylaws.
d. Develop plan for functional committee structure
e. Charge the committee with the mission, purpose and expected outcomes.
f. Review Awards Committee
§ Revise criteria
§ Revise categories
§ Review nominations and select awardees
§ Purchase plaques
§ Plan and present awards ceremony
g. Submit end of year articles on committee achievements. / Support the Development of an Effective Chapter Structure
1. Report to the President on the status of current committees
2. Assist in identifying potential members for appointment to committees.
3. Be available to orient committee chairs.
4. Provide staff support for the Executive Committee, Membership Committee, the Conference Planning Committee, the Nominations and Leadership Identification Committee, and the Committee on Inquiry.
5. Improve the collection of Receivables in the office
6. Develop options for revenues through the website and email mailings