The Bushranger Shoot


The Bushranger Shoot is a three-gun match held annually by the Spencer Gulf Shooting Club, Port Augusta, South Australia over the June - Queen’s Birthday - long weekend.

Overall scores for the Shoot are calculated using the match percentages from each of the categories of Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun.

In addition to overall awards, there are awards for divisions, grades and tags.

1.0Match - General

1.1Except where the special requirements of the Shoot differ, the current edition of the IPSC Rules shall apply for procedure and conduct of the Match.

1.2Where the circumstances of the Shoot require it, the Match Committee may rule on practice, procedure and conduct of the match.

1.3The decision of the Match Committee is final in all matters including:

(1)Practice, procedure and conduct of the match,

(2)Un-sportsman like behaviour or misconduct of any person attending the Shoot.

1.4All firearms must comply with purpose of use for South Australia.

1.5Competitors will use one firearm for each of the categories of Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun. In the event of a broken or disabled firearm, a replacement firearm must be approved by the Match Committee who will be guided by the need to maintain equity in the type of firearm and power factor.

1.6For the categories of Rifle and Shotgun a competitor is not permitted to sight on a target prior to the commencement of the stage.

2.0Grading and Tags

2.1Generally IPSC handgun grades are used for the Bushranger Shoot.

2.2At the discretion of the Match Committee, a competitor ( with or without an IPSC grade ) may be assigned a grade for the Shoot.

2.3Tags ( Lady, Rookie, Junior Bushranger etc ) are nominated by the Match Committee.

2.4The Junior Bushranger tag is regarded as a parent/child tag and is assigned at the discretion of the Match Committee.

Junior Bushranger competitors must be under the age of 16 years and accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The Match Committee must approve Junior Bushranger competitors and their firearms.

3.Handgun category – Divisions

3.1Divisions to be decided by the Match Committee.

3.2Handgun specifications according to the IPSC Rules.

4.0Rifle category – Divisions


Safe and purpose of use in South Australia.


Magazine capacity of not more than five rounds.

Magazine may be blocked to a capacity of five rounds ( see Match Committee for approval ).

Rifles having a detachable magazine are permitted to use one ( 1 ) magazine.

Chargers or stripper clips are not permitted.

No muzzle brakes or barrel porting permitted.


Any general issue military rifle.

No modifications permitted eg range sights.

No optical sights ( telescopic sights ) are permitted even if of military issue pattern.

Multiple magazines, stripper clips, chargers permitted.

4.4Power factor



5.0Shotgun category – Divisions


Safe and purpose of use in South Australia.


Any break-open single or double barrel gun.

Other gun types at discretion of Match Committee.

Speed-loaders/speed-strips permitted.

5.3Gauge/bore and power factor

Any gauge shotgun is permitted.

Plates/poppers will be calibrated with Winchester Bushman 34 grams No 2 shot 12 gauge.

Plates/poppers must be felled to score.