


The Bumper Sticker Assignment (30 pts)

As you can see, the walls in our classroom are bare—I would like our room décor to be a reflection of you and your learning. Of course, this is your sophomore year, many of you will turn sixteen and learn to drive (dun, dun, dun!) so this activity is especially important. Please read the directions below on how to create a bumper sticker personalized for you.



Sometimes the materials we have, the “things” we surround ourselves with, are symbols of who we are or values we hold. For example, if in your pockets you have a set of house keys, what could they represent? Security? Ownership? Social standing? The American dream? Think of other things you may carry in your pockets…what do they represent?

THE STICKER (10 pts)—

  • Using half an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper (folded lengthwise), design a bumper sticker.
  • Stipulations:
  • The words must be short, direct, and a reflection of Y-O-U
  • You may use a quote, find an interest, state a hobby, make a goal, or just be goofy.
  • IT MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE—consult handbook
  • It must be typed, printed, and readable (we want people to be able to read it from afar)
  • It must have decoration and color
  • Attach it to your poster


  • Now that we have the bumper sticker, we just need a car to put it on…your dream car. You will write three paragraphs (see below), decorate and paste them on a poster, and add some color. The poster will be roughly one LEAGAL sized piece of paper. This MUST be typed!
  • Paragraph 1: Your Dream Car
  • In your paragraph identify your dream car. Describe its appearance and personality. Then explain how this choice is a reflection of you or your values. For example, if a person were to choose a Smart Car perhaps he/she is interested in the environment, or is small in stature (and proud of it!), or thinks of themselves as an intellectual.
  • Paragraph 2: Explanation of Bumper Sticker
  • In your paragraph describe your bumper sticker. Why did you choose the words or pictures? How is it a reflection of you? Who would identify with you? What would you hope others would think about you by displaying it?
  • Paragraph 3: One Special Item
  • In your paragraph identify one item you would NEED to have in your car. Describe the item—in all its glorious perfection. Then discuss why it is important to you—how is it a symbol of your values?