Behaviour Policy
Agreed by staff / Date
July 2000
Assessed by Gov Body / 2000
Implemented / Sep 2000
Reviewed / Jan 2010
Review / Jan 2012


1.  Mission Statement

2.  Ethos and Philosophy

3. The Brow School Charter

3.  The Brow School Rules

4.  Assertive Discipline – general guidelines

5.  Assertive Discipline – rules, rewards and


7. Serious Misdemeanours – Headteacher


8. Exclusions – H.B.C. guidelines for

Headteachers and Governing Bodies

Guidance consulted:

DfEE Circular 10/99 ~ “Social Inclusion: Pupil Support”. 1999

H.B.C. ~ Guidance to Halton Schools on Writing and Reviewing a

Whole School Behaviour Policy. 2000



The core purpose of the Brow Community Primary School is to provide all our children, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, ability or disability, with a safe, supportive, positive and effective learning environment which is based very firmly on the principles of trust, care, patience, sharing and respect.

We aim to develop the academic, social, spiritual, moral and physical education of our children by the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, in which emphasis is placed on achieving the highest standards of attainment and rates of progress, especially in English, Mathematics, I.C.T. and Science, and displaying exemplary standards of behaviour and courtesy.

In giving every child an equality of opportunity and respect, and in valuing every child as a unique individual, we aim to foster a positive approach to learning which promotes the qualities of motivation, initiative, independence, organisation and endeavour.

We believe the pupils, parents and the school must work in partnership if such aims are to be successfully and consistently achieved ~ and that such partnerships must be extended to the wider community to encompass and embrace all those individuals and organisations who are supportive of or interested in our school.


The dolphin has been chosen as the emblem of

The Brow school because it is the creature which

embodies those qualities which are central to our ethos

The dolphin is ~

kind .... trustworthy....caring

The dolphin is ~

gentle .... protective .... friendly

The dolphin is ~

intelligent ....energetic

The dolphin is ~

happy .... playful .... sociable

The dolphin is unique

And so are we

The duty of care as set out in the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Legislation (1999) required teachers to maintain good order amongst pupils and to safeguard their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere. Linked to this duty of care is a duty to act in “loco parentis”, which is in the manner of caring and reasonable parents.
Ethos and Philosophy

Good behaviour, respect and self-discipline in schools are essential to successful teaching and learning and to successful existence and participation in the school community and to society in general. Without an orderly atmosphere effective teaching and learning cannot take place. If children are permitted to misbehave at school, or to absent themselves from it, they prejudice their own educational and life chances. Worse, they disrupt the education of the children around them. Schools play a vital role in promoting the spiritual, cultural, mental, moral and physical development of young people. Therefore, our approach must focus on and emphasise the pupil behaviour we expect ~ and minimise unacceptable behaviours.

The ethos of The Brow is underpinned very firmly by our motto: -

“Trust by Caring, Patience and Sharing”.

and this policy is intended to reflect those values, which are considered to be both very important and completely indispensable. Such values are: -

trust caring patience sharing endeavour

honesty/kindness compassion generosity friendliness

fairness/respect self discipline self-respect courtesy and manners

All members of staff and any other adults visiting the building are expected to be exemplars of these values, behaving at all times in a manner which demonstrates a clear commitment to them; and to positive, respectful behaviour as children learn by example as well as by rule.

Our ethos underpins a clearly defined and progressive Assertive Discipline Strategy, as values and ideals need to be supported and promoted by both policy and practice, they do not simply happen. Policy must be very clearly supported by consistent and transparently fair practice by all members of the school staff.

Children need to realise that as they grow up they take on duties and responsibilities both within the school and also the wider community. They must be assisted to grow up with a clear and acceptable view of what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. They must appreciate and respect the views and needs of others ~ and they must learn to accept responsibility for their own actions ~ that if they have chosen to take a particular course of action it will result in pre-determined rewards or consequences being selected and implemented. In essence, children must become self-disciplined for that is by far the most effective form of behaviour management. This understanding will be supported and developed by circle time work in P.S.H.E. lessons.

Acceptable ~ good behaviour, high standards of work, courtesy and manners,

commitment to our ethos, improvement in all, some or one of those


Unacceptable ~ poor behaviour, discourtesy, verbal or physical aggression,

disrespect, swearing, insolence, disobedience, vandalism, bullying

or deteriorating standards in all or any of those areas.

This policy was subsequently reviewed in December 2000, at the request of Link Adviser

Mr K. Massey, in the light of guidance which became available from Halton L.E.A. and although some minor adjustments to wording were made, the essential, spirit, ethos, values, standards and procedures remain totally unaltered because :

(i)  we live our ethos

(ii)  our policy already reflected the recommendations included in the Halton L.E.A. guidance

We believe discipline is most effective when teachers are constructive and positive – as pupils are likely to behave and learn better when they feel responsible for their own learning, their self esteem is enhanced and they are capable of success. However, in the instances where such a staff response is not appropriate, firm, exemplary sanctions may be used, as it is important to make it very clear that inappropriate behaviour is unacceptable and will be punished. Where the imposition of sanctions are necessary

Ø  they should be appropriate to the offence

Ø  they must not be humiliating or degrading or physically painful

Ø  they must be specific to the individuals concerned

Ø  they must NOT take the form of detention after school

Ø  the viability and desirability of using on I.B.P. should be considered and the matter referred to the Headteacher and SENCO


Parents and carers have a very important role in fostering good behaviour. Children need parental encouragement and support to participate fully and positively in their school work and in the wider life of the school in general. For our policy to be effective, parents need to co-operate with the school in matters of discipline and re-inforce the school’s efforts at home. Such co-operation is more likely to be forthcoming if the school communicates pupils’ success and improvement to parents in a concise and positive manner, be that manner verbal or written.


Our way is to ~

ALWAYS be polite, courteous and kind.

NEVER be rude, hurtful, nasty or use bad language.

ALWAYS keep your temper.

NEVER hurt anybody.

ALWAYS speak quietly.

NEVER shout.

ALWAYS be helpful, supportive, and patient.

NEVER act stupidly, dangerously or impatiently.

ALWAYS be caring to others - share yourselves, your

time and your things.

NEVER purposely damage or break anything or

ignore someone in need of company.

ALWAYS be honest and trustworthy - tell the truth and

accept responsibility.

NEVER lie, take anything that isn't yours or let

someone down.

ALWAYS try hard, have a go in all activities - to the

best of your ability.

NEVER be lazy, apathetic or give up.

ALWAYS let other people express their own thoughts,

opinions and ideas.

NEVER think you are always correct or right or of

more importance.

ALWAYS let other people select their own friends and

choose how to spend their free time.

NEVER be bossy, dominant or tell people what they

should do.




The school rules have been established for reasons of:-

i. courtesy and respect. ii. safety iii. hygiene

i. Courtesy and Respect

- all adults to be addressed by their title e.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss

and surname, or by the title "Sir" or "Miss".

- other people's property and possessions may only be touched

with the prior permission of their owner.

- no wilful damage to any property.

- the terms " please", "thank you" and "excuse me" must be used

as a matter of course on every appropriate occasion; ~ doors

must be held open whenever necessary.

- no foul or abusive language to be used.

ii. Safety.

- walk inside the building at all times.

- no aggressive, intimidating, threatening or robust physical

contact at any time, anywhere.

- no knives, penknives, sharp implements, toy guns, matches any

other dangerous implements to be brought into school.

- foam balls only allowed in the playground.

- safe and appropriate clothing must be worn for all P.E. activities.

- with the exception of stud earring(s) all jewellery must be

removed for all P.E activities.

- inside normal school hours, a child may only leave school with

the permission of the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher.

iii. Hygiene.

- hands must be washed after using the toilet and immediately

before the dinner break.

- all dinner food must be eaten inside the dining hall.

- no chewing gum.

- hands to be washed after picking up personal litter.

- no spitting

- litter must be placed in litter bins.

- feet must be wiped on entering school.



Behaviour ~ Policy


We aim for high standards of behaviour at The Brow Community Primary School so that all children: -

v  are educated in a calm, consistent and caring learning environment.

v  feel happy, safe and secure.

v  show respect for other people and their possessions.


We hope to achieve our aims through the following strategies: -

v  good examples of behaviour from all staff, governors and parents.

v  simple rules which are clearly observable.

v  a positive approach to discipline where praise and rewards are emphasised.

v  behaviour plans based on rules, sanctions and rewards.

v  support from parents who are clearly informed of the school’s behaviour policy.

v  fairness and consistency in all matters of behaviour.

v  all school policies carried out consistently by staff.

v  possible problem times have any potential or actual contributory factors reduced or eliminated.

v  the development of a sense of care, patience and respect for one another, school buildings and the community.

v  the promotion and nurturing of an enthusiastic approach to work, to each other and to the ethos of the school.

The Practice


1.  Follow directions and instructions.

2.  No speaking while the teacher is talking to the class.

3.  Always walk in school.

4.  Always speak in quiet voices.

5.  Raise your arm if you wish to speak in lessons and then wait to be asked by the teacher.

6.  Do not leave the room without the teacher’s permission.

7.  Be respectful to everybody and everybody’s property at all times.


Individual Class

1. Praise and a smile! 1. Praise and a smile!

2. Stickers. 2. Stickers/dolphins.

3.  Certificates. 3. Extra Playtime

4.  Applaud and display good work. 4. Other rewards ~ raisins/sweets/video

5.  Positive appreciative comments on work. 5. Headteacher ~ praise/stickers/sweets ~ and

6.  Show work to Head teacher and receive Show work to other members of staff.

Stickers and/or sweets ~ and a smile. 6. Inform parents ~ by letter!

7.  Special responsibilities.

8.  Inform parents – verbally or by letter.


Within Lessons Break/lunchtime/after school

1.  Sanction pyramid. 1. Verbal warning.

2.  Signed lesson 2. Second verbal warning.

sheet for x2 day’s teacher

+ Deputy Head teacher.

3.  Signed lesson 3. Time Out on bench 2 – 5 minutes.

Sheet for x5 days plus letter to parents

Teacher + Head teacher.

Invitation to parents to attend school 4. Time Out with AL – unlimited.

to agree a resolution to the unacceptable

behaviour of their child, including .

discussions of consideration of the

possible use of exclusion as a sanction.

NB. Proven bullying will result in this

consequence being effected immediately.

Serious Misdemeanours

The Head teacher reserves the right to respond to any extreme or very serious pupil misbehaviour by the immediate use of which ever of the following consequences is deemed most appropriate:-

i)  fixed term exclusion – dinner period only.

ii)  fixed term exclusion.

iii)  permanent exclusion.

Other Agencies

Whenever a child’s behaviour at school gives serious cause for concern, parents will be invited into school and requested to support fully the school’s efforts to effect an immediate and sustained improvement. This may lead to the need to involve other agencies or support services in order to assist pupil’s development.


Bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances as it is totally contrary to the ethos of this school. Alleged instances will be carefully investigated and, if substantiated, taken seriously and acted upon promptly. Proven bullying will result in serious consequences for the perpetrator(s). The Head teacher MUST be informed of all alleged or actual instances of bullying.

In addition, both racial and sexual harassment are considered totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Links with other policies:- Home School Contract; Special Education Needs;

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs; Attendance;

Link Governor: - to be decided

Policy Review

The Leadership Team will monitor the effectiveness of the Pupil Behaviour Policy through direct observation, personal experience, discussion with other members of staff, review of fixed term and permanent exclusions and consideration of any parental concerns.

Such monitoring will occur at least once annually.