About the Summit
As part of its year-long National Forum on Libraries and Teens project, YALSA will host a Teens & Libraries Summit Jan. 23-24, 2013, in Seattle. The Summit will feature two days of speakers, panels and small group discussion to examine the current state of library services for and with young adults, and to explore how library services may need to evolve to meet the needs of 21st century adolescents. At the conclusion of the year-long Forum, YALSA will produce a white paper which will provide direction on how library services for and with teens needs to adapt and potentially change to better meet the needs of 21st century teens.
About the Stipend
Funds provided by IMLS will be used to cover the cost of travel and related expenses for 15 applicants who wish to participate in the Summit. Key stakeholders from the areas of libraries, education, technology, adolescent development and the for-profit and nonprofit sectors are encouraged to apply. The 15 accepted applicants will join with approximately 35 other stakeholders at the face-to-face Summit.
Application Guidelines
- Each applicant must submit an official application form and a resume electronically to .
- All documents must be named the last name of the applicant, underscore, name of document. For example, YourLastName_application.doc. YourLastName_resume.doc
- Word documents or PDFs will be accepted.
- Applications must be submitted as an attachment to YALSA at .
- Applications are due no later than Nov. 1, 2012. Selections will be made by November 15, 2012.
Considerations for Selection
- Candidate's demonstrated commitment to teens and libraries
- Candidate’s experience in teen library services, libraries, education, or other areas of import to determining the future of teens and libraries.
- Candidate’s potential contribution to the discussions at the Summit
Submission of Application: Please email applications and a resume to with the subject line: Summit Stipend Application. All documents should be named the last name of the applicant, underscore, name of document. For example, YourLastName_application.doc. YourLastName_resume.doc
Announcement of Recipients: the week of Nov. 19, 2012.
Questions: Questions can be directed to Beth Yoke at or 1.800.545.2433 x4391
YALSA Libraries & Teens Summit Stipend Application
Full Name:
Preferred Mailing Address:
Preferred Phone Number:
Preferred Email Address:
- If you were to receive the stipend, have you been assured by your employer that you can attend the Summit Jan. 23 – 24, 2013 in Seattle?
Yes ______No ______Not currently employed ______
- In 250 words or less, please describe your philosophy for library services for and with young adults.
- In 250 words or less please describe a vision and/or questions you think are important to address related to the future of library services to teens.
5. In 250 words or less, please describe what it is that you can contribute to the Summit as we envision the future of teen library services:
6. Statement of Understanding
I understand that funds will be awarded only for travel expenses and in order to receive my full award, I must provide original receipts to the YALSA Office. If selected, I further understand that if I win the stipend and for some reason cannot attend the summit that I must notify the YALSA Office by Dec. 15, 2012 and will forfeit the award.
Signed ______Date ______
(Type Name)