Annual Meeting

Sunday 17 September 2017

IBIS Styles Hotel, Birmingham

The Annual Meeting this year will present a series of discussions on all aspects of behavioural optometry practice, from starting out through to advanced VT techniques.

The day has been designed to be of use to all our members and will be led by BABO members. During the morning John Stevenson and Emma Drewery will talk about how they came to be involved and how they felt behavioural optometry was the natural progression to their practice. Following this Lesley Arkin and Sophie Rose will discuss how to introduce VT to your practice, bothwith and without a therapist.

During the afternoon, Caroline Hurst will talk through 'Developing your model of vision' and expanding your behavioural Optometry thinking.

Owen Leigh and John Stevenson will run a workshop on 'Loading VT for different populations'. This last session will be interactive.

The BABO AGM will take place at Noon.

You can book your place at or by returning the attached form with your payment. Cheque / bacs payments received without a completed form will not be registered.

Date:Sunday 17 September 9am for 9.30 start – 5pm

Venue:IBIS Styles Hotel, Birmingham, Bickenhill Lane, Birmingham, B40 1PJ

Course fees:£85 members, £99 non members, £65 therapists

BABO points will be available.

Accommodation can be booked directly with the hotel on 0121 780 5900

To book your place please visit or complete the attached form and send with a cheque or make bacs payment to:BABO Administrator, 1 Bergamot Drive, Meir Park,

Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7FD or email If paying via regonline there is no need to return the form.

Please note that your place on the coursecannotbe registered until the form is received unless booking via regonline.

Cancellation Refund Policy: Cancellation prior to four weeks before the event, the fee less a 10% processing fee will be refunded. If cancelled between 2 and 4 weeksbefore the event - 50% refund less a 10% processing fee; less than two weeks before the event, no refund will be given.

Booking Form

Annual Meeting 2017

Please bookuse one form per person

(Please print details clearly)


Home Address:......


………………………………………Home Telephone Number ......

Practice Name and Address: ………………………………………………......


…………………………………………Practice Telephone Number ......

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Please circle if you are happy to share your email address with other delegates from

this course Yes / No

GOC Number ……………… Profession (if non optometrist)......

Please tick how you are paying:

( )Cheque enclosed for £......

Please make cheque payable to British Association of Behavioural Optometrists

( ) Paying by BACS

BABO bank details: Sort code 60-20-34, Account No. 41092678.

Please quote Annual Meeting plus your surname as the reference

Your place on the coursecannotbe registered until the form is received.

This form must be returned to the administrator (a scanned version by email is acceptable)

Special dietary requirements ......

Cancellation Refund Policy: Cancellation prior to four weeks before the event, the fee less a 10% processing fee will be refunded. If cancelled between 2 and 4 weeks before the event - 50% refund less a 10% processing fee; less than two weeks before the event, no refund will be given.

I I wish to book a place on the above course and have made payment as indicated above. I have read and

accept the cancellation refund policy.

Signed ______Date ______