The Boca Ciega High School
Guitar Syllabus 2017-2018
Mr. Rivera
Room 3-008

“Let me explain something about guitar playing. Everyone's got their own character, and that's the thing that's amazed me about guitar playing since the day I first picked it up. Everyone's approach to what can come out of six strings is different from another person, but it's all valid.”

- Jimmy Page

Course Objective

The purpose of this course is to enable students to participate in and study many aspects of guitar playing. The course will cover proper playing technique, music theory, varying styles and genres, and much more. Students will be asked to regularly perform in both solo and ensemble settings in front of their peers.

Instrument Rental

The cost for renting a school guitar for the year is $35. This fee is for the upkeep of the instruments throughout the year and is required if you are not bringing in your own guitar from home. If you are on free or reduced lunch, please see Mr. Rivera.

Care of the Instruments

We are fortunate to have quality instruments at our school. It is imperative that they are treated with the utmost care. The guitars need to be properly stored, carried, and cared for with respect. Abuse of any equipment will NOT be tolerated.

Grading Criteria:

Skill proficiencies/recitals – 50%

Throughout the course, students will be tested on their playing skills. These will be individualized proficiencies. Students will also be required to play in recitals within the scheduled class time.

Written Testing – 25%

There will be written assessments on the information learned throughout the class time.

Time Usage/Practice Habits – 25%

Time spent in class is imperative to the skill building necessary to become a better player. In order to succeed, students are expected to be on task and playing during practice times throughout the class.


The exception to this is water in a closed container with a lid. The consequence for having food, drink or gum in the room is a detention.

Tardy Policy

The Boca Ciega High School tardy policy will be enforced.

Electronic Policy

Personal electronic devices are NOT allowed at any time during class. They must all be put away in backpacks and bags. If a phone is seen or heard during class, the phone will be taken by Mr. Rivera. For the first offense, it will be kept until the end of the class period. For the second offense, it will be kept until the end of the school day where the student will serve detention in order to have their phone returned. On the third offense, a referral will be issued.

Contacting the Teacher

If you wish to contact Mr. Rivera, you may send him an email at . If you wish to speak to him by phone, please send an email with your phone number and he will call you as soon as possible.


Each disciplinary situation will vary depending on the degree of the infraction(s). However, with general behavioral issues, including (but not limited to) lack of participation, excessive talking, disrespect to the teacher or others, etc., the following will apply:

First offense – a conference will be held between the student and Mr. Rivera

Second offense – a phone call home

Third offense – referral