The Board of Education seeks parents and guardians of currently classified English Learner (EL) students, as well as members of the community to serve on the Bilingual Community Council (BCC).

The BCC’s mission is to advise the Board of Education and the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) on the planning and operation of EL services in our district. BCC members are unpaid volunteers and serve for a two-year term.

The BCC works to:

l  Advise the Board of Education and SFUSD regarding the development and review of the Lau Action Plan.

l  Present recommendations to the Board of Education to support academic achievement by EL students and to monitor their progress.

l  Prepare reports, recommendations and statements regarding the activities of the BCC and the implementation of EL services.


Eligibility: To be eligible for the BCC, you must be the parent or guardian of a currently identified or recently reclassified EL student enrolled in an SFUSD public school; a current or former educator of EL students; a current or recently reclassified EL high school student; or a parent, guardian, educator or community member working with or connected to EL families and students

Membership Requirements: Members of the BCC are expected to attend BCC meetings once a month during the school year, and to help represent the BCC at a School Board meeting twice a year.

BCC members are also expected to help organize and conduct annual school site visits, and occasional subcommittee meetings to prepare for these visits.

Interpretation and meals will be provided at all meetings, and childcare will be provided as needed.

If you’re interested in serving on the Bilingual Community Council, please complete an application and submit your application to the BCC by US mail, email, or by fax.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

You can send your application to:

Bilingual Community Council

c/o Christina Wong

555 Franklin Street, Room 301-A

San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone (415) 241-6121

Fax (415) 241-6012




Your name:

School(s) your children attend in the current school year:

Is your child an English Learner or reclassified English Learner? o Yes o No

Professional or Community Affiliations:


Zip code:

Daytime telephone:

Evening telephone:


Best way to reach you?


In order to ensure the BCC includes people with previous volunteer experience, please indicate any school or community volunteer work you have done. Have you ever:

o Been a member of an English Learner Advisory Council? At which school?

o Been a member of a School Site Council? At which school?

o Volunteered at a school? At which school?

o Been on an SFUSD advisory committee? Which one?

o Been a community volunteer? For which organizations?

In order to ensure the BCC reflects the SFUSD student population, please answer the following questions. Answering these questions is optional. Your answers will be confidential.


Your race or ethnicity

Languages you speak and understand:

Does your child qualify for free or reduced-price meals at school? o Yes o No

Does your child receive Special Education services? o Yes o No
Family characteristics – check all that apply:

o  You are a single parent

o  You are a guardian or foster parent

o  You are the student’s grandparent or other relative

o  Other:


Thank you for your interest in joining the BCC!

Please tell us more about yourself by answering the following questions.

Please attach an additional page if necessary.

Why would you like to serve on the BCC?

What experience do you have in a professional or personal capacity, serving the needs of EL students

and families?

What other experience or skills do you have that you would like to contribute to the BCC?

Thank you for your interest in joining the BCC!