FSA/VAM capacity building – M&E tools

Training Workshop Report: Proposed Template

ENCAP project

  1. Contextual information

What are the main food security issues specific to the country, and what learning gaps have been identified which the workshop intended to address?

  1. Target Audience, Learner Profiles and Learning Objectives
  • List the stated workshop objectives and expected learner profiles. [1]
  • What criteria were used to select participants for the workshop? Did use of the criteria result in homogeneous participants’ skills, knowledge and abilities? If not, why not? Recommend ways of improving the criteria and their application.
  • Include a detailed list of participants, including full names, titles, duty stations and contact details. Can be included in annex if preferred.
  1. Workshop content and methodology (relate to participants’ evaluation findings)
  • Refer to the evaluation tools used to assess the workshop results and report on their main findings:

 Did participants like the learning event? Was the material relevant to their work? Did this learning event result in knowledge transfer?

 Were the objectives and content of the workshop appropriate for the target audience? Were the agenda topics relevant? Provide examples. Describe the links among the learning objectives, the workshop content and the emergency context and assessment activities of the country.

  • For each workshop session, state the objective, describe the exercise(s) and case studies used, and evaluate the relevance, appropriateness and clarity.
  • What were the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional approach used for the workshop? Was the approach appropriate for the participants? How could it be improved for each group? Would you recommend a similar approach for future learning events in this country? If not, why not?
  • Recommend areas that co-facilitators should focus on to strengthen their facilitation techniques. What additional training would have been useful for you and the co- facilitators (e.g. ToT)?
  • Was a pre-workshop activity included in this learning event? Why? What impact did the pre-workshop  or its lack  have on the learning event?


Updated: 15.10. 2009

FSA/VAM capacity building – M&E tools

  1. Learning Event Outcomes
  • Provide the overall learning objectives for the workshop and summarize the topics covered.
  • Were the learning objectives met? What were the expectations of participants and senior and technical staff at the country office? Were these consistent with the workshop objectives? If not, explain. Here, insert results of the knowledge assessment test and include a brief qualitative and quantitative analysis of comments from workshopevaluation forms.
  • What follow-up actions have been identified to ensure practical application of skills gained and continued learning, in light of assessment /FSMS plans? Specify who in the CO/RB/HQ will be responsible to follow-up on them and how staff themselves intend to apply their new skills.Recommend ways of promoting learners’ post-workshop application of assessment skills in the workplace.
  • Describe plans to monitor and evaluatethe application of skills by training participants and provide estimated timeline.
  1. Additional comments

To be communicated to ENCAP team:

  • Slides, exercises, participant workbooks and other training materials should be forwarded to all workshop stakeholders and organised in an easy-to-access manner.
  • Report on expenditures
  • Sample evaluation forms (blank)


Updated: 15.10. 2009

[1] For more information, refer to facilitators’ Toolkit, Chapter 2 on learner profiles and learning objectives.